The System

 The problem isn’t democrat or republican. The issue is our values. Have we grown tired, burdensome and weak from our need to have more-more entertainment, more products, more social medica, more options to explore. There are more opportunities, quantity in full, potential to expand, chance to be more of ourselves than ever before. The concept of more disciplines determination, resilience, patience, generosity, grace and commitment and yet being more or having more doesn’t imply we have a valuable substance. It is the quality of more that allows us to act from the greatness, greatness that isn’t attention but intention and the proper nourishment that allows us to grow in the respect of nature. Has more brought us closer to nature’s harmony and glorious wisdom? The planet is incredibly diverse, dynamic and multifaceted. We hold onto our separation because its easier to stay there than to meditate with an open heart.

We suffer because our delusions. We normalize unnecessary conflict for the only way because we don’t know another way. We burrow our pain far out of touch to live normal in a practical yet undiscovered repetition of what was not realizing our pain is trying to evolve us beyond what was that is that we habitualize. The paradigm is collapsing. The crisis persists challenging us to discover deeper parts of ourselves. The system is resisting because without us knowing we are rebelling from it and have for some time. Yet, we haven’t fully invented a new way. Many sense it, live it but most are confused by it because it requires concept of separation to be significantly different than what it has been trained to be. We have been trained to exist within the known territories of a paradigm established too far back to know anything else before it. Conditioned to be controlled state of mind we never know what lies beyond. Consciousness dwells in a mind disconnected.

Conflicts will break us down, destroy what we hold onto, forcing us to turn our friction into ingenuity. Only then does revolution become not just a temporary time of peace while the system rages underneath our sense of stability but unreached depth brings the same that was before in a different form. Have we learned our lesson? Are we repeating the same but in different pattern, unrecognizable to us yet very familiar? How do you pull out a thousand year old tree from its roots? We simply do not. It requires too much effort. It’s easier to cut it down at the trunk .What if the problem isn’t the surface but the foundation? The surface of our lives appears typical. We do things, have things, give things and have a life. What lies underneath, beneath is the karma that decides every breath, action, behavior, thought, emotion, reaction, communication, environment and life experience. Without knowing and understanding “the movement of the mind and what follows" we are like a tree that does not know or understand that it’s a part of an ecosystem, a forest larger than itself. The karma of our making is deep, too deep yet can be reached when it isn’t more that drives us but depth.

There is no compassion in the shallowness, only desperate attempts to get what we think we need without getting what we truly need. Distractions keep anger destructive and the mind detached. We think our way into triggers, projections and assumptions based on belief systems while being numb to a mind beyond our conditioned state of existence.

Being mixed blood, I am forced to perceive beyond the “me” constructed by everything around me. My mind goes many places, meeting many kinds of people, discovering many cultures because the Earth is my origin and not a particular geographic location. I am Spain, North America, Africa, Germany, Ireland, France, the Middle East. I am diversity and duality that is separate, polarized and many times in tension. Yet, I do not stop at tension because I believe creativity is within tension brought into meditation. Maybe, it’s the lack of meditative accomplishments by many that create problems with false sense of solutions or temporary fixes while the root cause rages underneath.

The trauma bothers our meditation because it belittles and discourages like a tortures doubt draining our energy, wasting our time. Falseness becomes truth in the culture that doesn’t value its own mind. Power becomes damaging when the society doesn’t have valuable mind. What is the problem then? Democrats? Republicans? Rich people? Poor people? Typical people? Atypical people. Or, is all that a distraction trying to get us out of the meditation.

The system in which governs the mind is dysfunctional because it doesn’t support meditative accomplishments and without meditative accomplishments problem resolved is simply burrowing it back into the same system that creates the same kinds of things but in a different form.