College Writing 2023

University Essay by Rosa

I want to be a lighthouse. I want to be the person that stops people from crashing into the night. I will be the full moon on a trail with no light. I will be the person in Plato’s cave that turns around and face the puppet masters creating shadows on the wall I’ve been staring at for centuries. I will take a torch a find a way out of Plato’s cave not just for myself but for all the people still in Plato’s cave worrying if they’ll ever feel the sun. I will be the marine biologist that rehabilitates a captive orca, born to entertain. I will beat the odds. When everyone says an orca born in captivity will never be able to join the wild. I will say to those people, “I will be the evolutionary necessity. I will be the reimagined potential."

I am transferring to University of… because I want to connect with my Cherokee heritage. I have been on a journey of remembering my indigenous essence and I want to help people get back into harmony with their body, mind and Earth through Native American sacred teachings. I have participated in many Native American cultural experiences and have learned a lot thus far. I plan to attend Native American studies with Spanish and English literature classes to become the best teacher to a generation needing renaissance. I want to make Alan Watts, Nikola Tesla, Carl Sagan, Steven Hawkins, Dr. Suess and Mr. Rogers proud of my creative offering to humankind. I hope my mestiza, Native American, Spanish and African American as well as German European perspective can bring evolutionary brilliance to the university.

Like Plato's Cave, I am finding my way through limitations and restrictions by trusting my inner knowing that humans are capable of greatness given the creative courage to find a way forward. My five years of training at Rama Institute for Applied Yogic Science and Technology under Guru Jagat has given me strength, determination and immense grace towards helping humankind find conflict resolution and evolve further into total excellence. I am thankful to have been a full scholar at Rama Institute for Applied Yogic Science and Technology because that ancient school of thought similar to the fathers of university, Greek philosophers like Socrates, has offered me expansive and creative perspective on humankind and Earth. I believe a glorious new civilization, interstellar yet Earth spiritual the Native American elders say, is coming and we are being tested to see if we’ll make the mistakes of our past or evolve beyond them and reinvent, rebirth, reprogram, rewrite, repattern, rehabilitate, revolutionize, remember, reform, repair, recover, rewire, redeem, restructure, renaissance ourselves into a future that understands consciousness the way Upanishads and Buddhists do. The world is a product of the mind. The mind is trapped to a world when the mind forgets and does not practice human excellence. The mind is a victim to interference, distortions and obstructions from forces wanting to take advantage of those without connective consciousness. There are so many great empires dynastic Egyptians, Persians, Romans, going to the medieval age of kings but there has also been so much tampering with human’s discernment for control.

I want to help heal this land of pains from the Trail of Tears many forget. I used to wonder why Jews and blacks always understood each other. I didn’t grow up Jew but my mother has spent over twenty years working with successful Jews. I now understand. Jews and Blacks just like Native American people have been the target for removal by a system that is now collapsing and transforming by the will of the people and not government. Without healing the past, we never learn our future. Without visionary guides to lead our future, we never learn from our past. Native American sacred teachings are needed now more than ever because humankind is ready to have a greater dream, bigger than Romans and Egyptians. Humans are wanting to awaken consciousness. The next frontier might be going to Mars, terraforming Mars, colonizing Mars, but I see the greatest accomplishment is remembering how awesome it is to be on an Earth with humpback whales, tigers, giraffes, rhinos, kala bears, humming birds, robins, jaguars, wild horses, sea horses, giant jelly fish, eagles, elk, deer, rabbits, daddy long legs, beavers, hawks, raccoons, elephants, moose, reindeer, wolves, lions, buffalo, ant eaters, pigs, cows, goats that climb trees, rams. There is so much wonder and yet our past full of interference telling us to be black is to be less, to be women is to be low intelligence, to be white is to be racist, to be Jews is to be hidden, to be a teacher is to be poor. All ways of dividing the people through religion, nationality and ideology are breaking down because We the People have a Dream and our dream is in the dream catcher crafted by our ancestors. Without the strains of connectivity, we cannot know our cohesion and cannot master the mandala of radiant exuberance. We think we’re out of Plato’s cave but then we realize not everyone is out. Therefore, we go back into Plato’s cave to make sure everyone is out of the mass psychosis that once kept humankind like a bird in a cage or an orca in captivity, thinking we’re free because we’re feed, given water and some space but then when an orca is rehabilitated in the wild, an orca realizes its true potential is the wild.

Part 2

Being a part of the human renaissance brings me joy. Being a part of Rama Institute for Applied Yogic Science and Technology under Guru Jagat taught me wonders of Planet Earth. Guru Jagat trained me to be strong in my nervus system, resilient like a tree growing in the shadow and compassionate like deer towards the lion. Alan Watts, Nikola Tesla, Carl Sagan, Steven Hawkins, Dr. Suess, Mr. Rogers, CS Lewis, Eager Cayce, Jim Carrey, Brit Marling, Michael Gordon, Lee Ann Peters, Samuel Sagan are extraordinary people who amplify my natural radiance and high intelligence. I want to be a lighthouse. I want to be the person that stops people from crashing into the night. I will be the bison that walks forward in a blizzard. I will be the full moon on a trail with no light. I will be the person in Plato’s cave that turns around and face the puppet masters creating shadows on the wall I’ve been staring at for centuries. I will take a torch a find a way out of Plato’s cave not just for myself but for all the people still in Plato’s cave worrying if they’ll ever feel the sun. I will be the marine biologist that rehabilitates a captive orca, born to entertain. I will beat the odds. When everyone says an orca born in captivity will never be able to join the wild. I will say to those people, “There is a way and I will find that way because I believe humans are capable of greatness.” I will be that orca swimming in her pod fully recovered from a life of captivity totally wild and totally free and I’ll be elder that tells stories of renaissance on all the people who decided to remember that the mind is full of wonder. It only takes your willingness to rehabilitate, reparent, repattern, resolve, redesign, reimagine your mandala, a merkaba all around and within like a nebula, like a star, like a garden of herbs, like a cell vibrating the cosmos to heal the other cells needing help from a dysfunction, disharmony. I will be that cell that repairs all the other cells. I will be that thought that resets the brain and realigns the potential closer to the divine.