Robin is Name, Falcon is mental, Raven is soul By Rose de Halcón (part 2)

Robin is Name, Falcon is Mental, Raven is Soul

(Scholarship Essay)
by Rose de Halcón

            My name is Rose de Halcón. I am condensing my previous scholarship application that is ten pages. I am a wisdom keeper. I have much to give. My Turkish old soul is dedicated, determined and devoted to helping humanity transform. The Babylon patriarchal dark age is ending. We are transitioning into an interstellar civilization, interstellar not for advance technology but for advancement in self-mastery and collective harmony.

          I use yoga and meditation to help people connect with the teachings of white buffalo woman. White buffalo woman gave the sacred pipe to Native American people and taught the seven ceremonies, connected to the seven directions and the seven dimensions. She showed us two paths for humankind that of the ego (manipulated matrix) and the greater mind (original creatrix). One path leads to destruction and the other transformation. I am supporting Earth in recalibrating itself by helping people to upgrade their human design through teachings of the indigenous.

          I have a prolific archive of kundalini yoga and meditation videos on my Youtube channel. I am relentless in my graceful grit. I have been a student at Rama Institute for Applied Yogic Science and Technology for five years. Guru Jagat has trained me to be fearless, creatively ambitious, expansive and collaborative. I also attend Three Jewels NYC for Buddhist training as a second-year student. Three Jewels train me to be compassionate, open-minded, caring and aware. I am creating a sacred container for renaissance to develop within people through mystic arts.

          I want to be a renaissance builder like Nikola Tesla, Alan Watts, Robert Bly, Neil Degrass Tyson, Mr. Rogers, Dr. Seuss, C.S. Lewis, Lee Anne Peters, Michelle Gordon, Brit Marling, Tej, Harmanjot, Harjiwan, Shaman Derek and Guru Jagat. During great challenges in my life, these extraordinary thinkers have given me a perspective that was helpful. Recently, my thyroid collapsed, which triggered pre-diabetes. My thyroid crisis occurred after I had a massive tumor removed from my ovary, which nearly damaged my ability to procreate. My tumor occurred after my sexual trauma, which caused a major physiological, emotional and personal crisis.

I have been through many challenges in my life that I have overcome. I have had a stalker, who I have been in and out of court with since I was twenty-one. I am now twenty-seven. This man had the finances to travel across the USA to hunt me down. I had police outside my door and neighbors. Also, I had a neighbor who was mentally insane and tried to open my apartment door on several occasions. He also would scream through the walls and leave his disposal on all night to agitate me. I am resilient because the Great Spirit has trained me to be. I want to help people turn their pain into purpose, pain into personal power. My expanders taught me how to be fearless and deathless. Now, I want to teach others how to overcome great challenges.

          I work very hard for expansion. I try my very best, despite financial struggles-for example, being my own attorney at twenty-five to face the judge because I couldn’t afford one. I always find a way to breakthrough because my struggles have made me resilient to difficulties. My father died when I was six. He was a bus driver. The bus seat detached from ground, fell over and he broke his back and didn’t survive surgery. My mother and I have been on a visionary quest together. We are Gypsy souls like Juliet of Herbs. We moved to Nashville shortly after my high school graduation. Later, we moved to Los Angeles then Miami, and we recently moved here. We accomplished these endeavors purely on will and intuition. I am willful because it’s the only way. I gain education mostly through scholarship. I earned scholarship for my fifth-dimension essay on Steven Hawkins perspective to study in Spain. I would like to pursue being a yoga certified teacher and I am determined to finish my BA at University for Native American studies.

          I discovered community yoga in search of friendship. I used to volunteer at Poverty and the Arts, teaching Kundalini Yoga to homeless people to help them heal, grow and excel. I also volunteer at Therapeutic horseback riding, caring for horses and also children with disabilities who connect with horses for therapy purposes. I admire non-profit organizations that allow all people to receive help and not just for the wealthy. Being native American, I am aware of a kind of poverty that breeds suicidal thoughts. Having your land stolen, your culture erased and told you don’t belong and left to live with unthinkable traumas from the past. I feel community yoga is key to transforming our past, which is full of Babylon patriarchal dark age experiences, into renaissance.

          I hope my unique expression may grant me a scholarship to be able to further develop my leadership and teaching gift. I strive to be a professor in mystic arts. I am committed to learning and helping other people learn how to develop their own personal renaissance for collective creative radiance.