Rosy is a Root - Chapter 7

    A visionary quest is going into nature alone with pure intention to receive council from the Great Spirit. It’s a beastly journey of overcoming negativity to find our innocence. Once returned to our heart, Pacha Mama will speak with us.

I’ve traveled to many places in North America searching for breakthrough. I am a fire child, rebellious and passionate. To some, I am a deer and others I am a snow leopard. I am the falcon.

My mother and I attended a workshop to create handheld rattles. We were the only ones who attended. There was a long table with damp elk skin cut in circles, sticks for handles and blue corn, yellow corn for the contents inside. We sowed elk skin circle to another elk skin circle then put a hair dryer to the rounding container for long minutes before we air dried. Once the round top to the rattle was hard enough, we placed blue corn, yellow corn into the tiny hole. I placed little stones I gathered from Sedona, Arizona as well as tiny seeds, tiny pinecones and other precious things I found in nature like little shells and pebbles. Then, we glued the round top to the stick holder.

The great elder taught me Native American vocalizing. I’ve always done it since I was a child. I never knew it was a part of the Native American culture. I suppose I am searching for a culture that is missing, consumed by globalization that prefers people be unaware of heart-based culture. Logic is fitting in into the group think.

The sounds of Native American vocalizing take me back but I don’t want to go back. I must keep walking forward. The past is damaged. People die of heart break. The heart needs what it hasn’t gotten for a while. That’s why we praise Jesus because he reminds us of heart-based culture seemly lost to us but there, hidden in plain sight.

I did a reiki session once. The man placed his hands an inch above my body, starting from my feet moving up towards my head. I felt warmth, deep relaxation and divinely serene. Afterwards, he told me that he felt something in my root chakra, a trauma of a past life I still carry today in this life. I knew what he was talking about but I could not remember what it was that made me feel so unsafe.

I went to the galactic expo and I had a angelic woman create an intuitive message for me. It was two misty-looking fairies flying towards each other with a luminous orange sparkling background. The galactic expo was filled with rows of booths. Everyone was sharing their craftsmanship and creative spark from handmade ceramic bowls, handmade jewelry, handmade essential oils, paintings, handmade clothing, books on ancient aliens, self care, journey of self discovery, Lemuria, Atlantis, mind training, Jesus, Buddha, Guru Ram Das, giant crystals, small crystals, psychics, mediums, yoga instructors, meditation teachers. It was a wonderland of creative intelligence, people following the spirit calling into an extraordinary heart-based living.

 I felt belonging and support, love and friendship. The galactic expo brought me back to when I attended Pow Wow for the first time. There were people sharing their talents, gifts, skills, trade, produce, knowledge, songs, dances and creative offerings. I saw Jingle dance for the first time and felt strength watching women carrying themselves with self respect, dignity and honor.

Jingle dance tells the story of a tribe of the Great Lakes region. The people were getting sick and dying. The medicine keepers tried everything to help people survive. Nothing was working. Then, a person received a message from the Great Spirit about a dance. This person shared the dance with the tribe and out of desperation to overcome the plague people began to Jingle dance. Somehow the people got better and the dance overcame death. My great elder told me once that when a person receives a spirit song, they receive it complete. One night my great elder while practicing a Lakota song, received the strength of the song and never forgot the Lakota song. Sitting by the fire, singing the Lakota song, it came into his heart and became a part of him. Even when the great elder thinks he has forgotten the Lakota song, he cannot forget it. It’s in his dreams and deepest thoughts. It belongs to him and he belongs to it. He received greater amounts of his soul that night sitting by the fire.

I try to remember my past lives. I don’t know why I want to know. They say it’s better not to know. I suppose there is a part of me that needs release. Something is stored in my body, my flesh that carried over from a past life. Maybe, that’s why I’m not afraid of death or darkness. As a child, seeing dead people was comfortable. I knew about witches, warlocks, those who manipulate energies to get what they want. I was meant to find the occult. Somethings are destined. We have to relive, relearn, rediscover in order to make a new choice that helps us make whole the energy that is unloved, shamed, disempowered within us.

I know we are starbeings when I go further back into my akashic record. Native American people are descendants of Mu civilization. Mu civilization was in the pacific, connected to Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, parts of Asia, Hawaiian Islands, Eastern islands, Peru, California across the Americas to the Atlantic Ocean. Mu civilization established a culture, the same as the Native American people with principles, ethics, values and virtues that support a kind of wisdom that leads you into the heart of the universe. There is karma, dharma and stories of lessons learned that enrich the people. Mu had nature-based technology, yogic science and technology as well as harmony with Mother Earth and the universe.

Of course, all things don’t last. Mu civilization was the first real interstellar success that maintained its balance, harmony and essence. Many advanced civilizations have come and go I the course of two hundred thousand years of creative intelligence in the form of worldly beings. There are so many stories the Hopi elders know of starbeings of many different origins coming to Earth to experience this place. Why do so many starbeings come to Earth? What is so special about Earth?

            Earth is duality, polarity to the finest. It is incredibly diverse because it holds the totality of energy, the good, the bad, a vast spectrum with a range of perspectives and intelligence. There is a strong life force here and I imagine starbings coming to Earth to do what most people like doing-creating works of art and learning how to be excellent. Earth is the perfect school for learning consciousness in the fullness of its infinite ways of understanding itself. Something so brilliant can also become so stupefied. The rejecting of diversity brings suffering. Shaming, criticizing, discouragement, belittlement for the purpose of gaining power over something is stupid. It stupefies, making people less well-rounded, balanced and stable within their duality, polarity and expansiveness.

            Sometimes I imagine the life of Mary Magdalene. Though, most people believe her life to be unimportant and scandalous because the Roman Church recognized her as a prostitute for thousands of years and only recent the Vatican announced that her reputation of being a prostitute was wrong, untrue, lies. I wonder what her Gospel communicates. I wonder a lot about the wisdom removed out of power and control. Mary Magdalene was searching for something she couldn’t find in her world. She took a risk. She followed her intuition. She paid attention to her spirit calling. Though the journey was dangerous and unfair she did something many dare not do. She let her heart train her mind. She had discernment to not let the mind be taken over by power struggles. She allowed her heart to speak, sing, dance and inspire the mind to rediscover harmony with the Earth and universe. She found love for herself and confidence to create a reality where the spiritual being can thrive in a physical temporary existence. So many lies. It’s disheartening. That’s why we pray that our heart is strong enough to survive heart break. We dance. We sing. We laugh. We gather in celebration, ceremony and simple moments to train ourselves well in intuition, discernment so that we’re never separate from ourselves again.

End of Rosy's Journal from 2022