poems to the renaissance 2023

     Love is the expansion of the heart. The soul emerges with the body like abstract art. We learn to forgive like the ever-flowing river, cleansing the anger stored in our liver. Its disco moves awaken the inner muse. We look at the dazzling stars and moon and become fireflies in middle of June. Our ego is destroyed in the warm and nurturing cocoon like a glorious and uncomfortable monsoon. We burst through with wings of lavender and blue. We fly like a hawk and are bird songs as we walk. The excellence of our vibe is knowing the renaissance of our tribe. We cry together as we sow our brokenness whole like a chorus singing altogether forever and ever. We share our laughter and silliness at the hearth where we learn how to be in harmony with the Earth. Friends till the end help all to ascend and mend. Full of wonder like listening to thunder. We ride like lightning and strike like creativity so enlightening. We plant our seeds in the rich soil of our passionate dreams and stride side by side like the most victorious team. Fear comes with its ugly disease but we are healers like herds scenting the breeze. I give you my all because I’m not afraid to fall. I come to Earth like a meteorite with the radiance of pyrite. The world can be so unfair that is why my heart I wear for all to stop and stare. It is my greatest discernment and gives me mind attunement. I synchronize my rhythm with the life force generating from my heart for its strength takes me very far like a shooting star, a shooting star. We belong supporting each other’s soul’s song like an echo of the gong of our lifetimes on Earth like a school and love is the perfect tool. We will learn many things both happy and sad. Life is totally rad, magical and tragical. Without love nothing makes sense. Everything is tense. I cannot know the schools of Earth and how to be an artist to my birth without knowing the language of the universe. Let’s transurf existence like composers go the distance to make the most awe-striking work of art. You are my sweetheart in bitter tea, helping me to process the ego and darkness damaging me so that I can be totally free like a shooting star. Beautiful we are when we learn how to weave our scars into melodies on the guitar. Fear is leaving and we are finally deeply breathing, breathing in the muse to our disco moves. Life is challenging and yet worthwhile school for the third eye raven, white elk bathing and jaguar tree haven. Inside your heart is a key to unlocking the brilliance to your symphony. Wow, wee it plays lovely like an elephant’s trumpet, stomping and humming, turning dirt into soil and fears into sensitive ears that hear mama say I love you in timeless years echoing what is true and always here, here for you, wings of lavender and blue.

            There is feeling surging through bodies peeling back layers falling into the water sack like brightness of a star in total lack. The ego cracks returning the soul back on track like clearing plaque for radiance to unpack its creative glory within the movement of Shiva and Shaki’s story. Lovers embrace expand the human race, wiring the brain to ingenious grace like a golden space where suffering we erase, remember we belong in a world of displace breathing is deep, wild and steep so we leap into an invisible jeep that takes us on journeys quantum leaps. The beloved sings in the vibrating wings like cello strings cascading peace like mountain springs, bodies swing like windchimes cling. The soul ends and begins like regenerating skins, cleansing sins, the intertwining kindred twins become majestic like mermaid fins listening to whale songs looking at stars playing violins. Organism peaks as the spine’s movement gongs like meditating Sikhs. Chakras condense and then explode like the North Node, karma of past unloads as heartbreak erodes flowering our portals with ecstatic codes given to the magic of chi, prana remembering the fullness of soul’s glow. Tears flow, we learn to let go, melting snow, we awaken lifetimes ago, rooting deeper below, we kiss the Earth, bodies pressed low for soul growth to transform the heat into a deep retreat where wonders are discovered and kept discreet. The moan pounding bone like somatic shake or reading stone or Chinese medicine grown in the garden sown by wisdom keepers that hold the true thrown. Reiki energy strikes electrifying cosmic forms, hairs on bodies spike. Oh, yikes the intensity hikes to the height of timeless night turning bodies into the finest art and healing modalities into symphonies bringing renaissance into hertz of celestial hearts playing as creators to visionary birth, sprouting through the flesh’s turf for us to be amazed by how dangerous and yet liberating it is to untie, destress, deep rest, rolling skies, motion enchantress, kiss of death mattress, home of star cross lovers, reading poems of the beloved, scars and tares, breathing heals and repairs, intimacy like kindling, the spark into a fire to energize the higher, genius the soul is to the mind, supernatural and sublime, crafting movement into a chi gong of soul’s song, lust rides every thrust to adjust Da Vinci body to creative embody bodies like waves dolphins surf with strong nerve making windows and doors to the cages to the yearning to be in nature birds. I want to be free. I want to break free. I am the bird in the cage that is why we smudge sage.

    The ego dominates the heart when judgment indoctrinates. Breathing becomes tight, vision loses its grand creative sight, and nothing feels quite right. Trauma consumes the heart, breaking it down by the pressure of anxiety, worry and doubt, blocking the river flow in an ongoing drought, turning intuitive feelings into anger all throughout. Body becomes rocky and choppy with sharp brain waves, collapsing wisdom caves putting dreams into rotting graves. The breakthrough comes from resting in prayer to connect with beloved seer offering fearless direction. You need strong intention to retrieve your soul to defeat fears’ inception. Only the heart’s dimension can have the strength to escape darkness’ depression. There is ascension and reinvention when pure feeling of true prayer moves through the body like a remedy to a virus of man-made denature.

            Women have 16 times more energy than men stored inside their Magdalene yin Zen. Maker of life, her breasts contain the Milky Way inside her nest like visionary quests. She is wonder like falcon thunder, a reverent hunter. Life force course is a wind horse galloping free with the essence of source. Queen Bee knows we thou thee of the intelligence of a tree, take a knee, you can’t help but agree, she is the key, a royal decree that unlocks the mastery of three, creating waves to the sea. Bountiful orchard, she brings order to chaos like catastrophic crisis. She is Isis with the midas iris, activating thymus with pirus of Osiris. Wisdom of sage is priceless, righteous to advise us like medicine to clear away our arthritis. Priestess has a thesis, a command to rebirth the land turning sand into pearls draping around our steady hands. Her fetus is a work of heart, an enchantress vibrational and frequency fine art. Hurt and harmed by selfish men, she learns to forgive again and again. Hibernating in the den like wolves often. Her soul breaks under the lies disguised as man-made perfect skies. She does not forsake. She reshapes, turning mistakes into pure crystal lakes. Women and men bathe together in respect as they reflect on the incorrect and neglect, disconnect to recollect their innocence of nature. She is a call to release the denature with fierce labor in waters pure like glacier for mental afflictions to be given new convictions. Her knowledge is that of oracle Egyptians with prescriptions like poems, philosophies and symphonies lasting forever inscriptions. Men subscribe to her thrive, sacred geometry of the hive because only she knows how to transcribe the benedictions of something seeming science fiction but has a divine mission with bio-photon emission unveiling ambitions to the medium, engineer and architect to the liberating of human conditions. Men have become her contraction caging her with restrictions, soaking her in addictions but her jurisdiction remains the highest position. She knows the language of the universe in the yogic science and technology of the soul’s biology. Men are in apology for judging her astrology and theology. Her neurology and archaeology are an ancient Vedic sociology of That that taught the wonders of Ma’tt. Now, women begin to remember the grace and sacred space of embers of a deep prayer with the tribe purifying the ego for creativity to go with the flow of creatrix breaking through the mind games of the matrix. Bird in a cage, she is smudging sage. There is so much rage for the man who damaged her lotus, removing love’s focus with his ignorance disguised as glory to God dissonance. She suffers with no self worth or self esteem but her fire moves up the chimney like cleansing herbal steam. Into the air, her prayers are fair and rich with soul care. You ask why she is so brave? She did not become grave when the dark ages stole her sages. She is resilient humankind, saving the mind from hatred disguised as judgment. Her precious moment, here and now is a movement of renaissance, guiding men back to heart. Despite how hard men have been on her, she didn’t take it that far by hurting the ones who hurt her. You ask why women must work harder than men? Because we are the engine that moves humankind to the sublime timeline. Maiden, mother, enchantress and crone, a mystery so unknown yet shown in the artistry of lover’s alchemy, saving people from ego entrapping. Her discernment is forgiving and freeing because she never gives up on the soul’s harmony with a body designed to creative beauty embody. Teacher, thinker, feeler, renaissance leader and fearless beloved greeter stronger than any man-made construct to an illusionary world she breaks down with her Gaia medicinal sound, a rose crown, rehabilitation, restoration, reformation, divine intervention gold crown. She forgives and always will give her joys and passions like an enlightening fashion moving men to listen to nature’s lullabies and remember women are vessels to holding starlight found in those timeless, energetic skies captures in the honey child eyes of men and women working together as a team, where ego follows soul and world of both glow beauty of Mother Earth’s flow.

            Soul embrace is an electrifying space full of wonder and so much grace. Friendship unfolds like wolves’ howl and eyes open wide for the owls. Enchanting maverick heart awakening is a creative beaconing like sensing rain coming and a thrilling train arriving, departing. Magic is summoning inside rays of sunbathing in ocean, perfect motion, coasting with devotion to the beloved emotion turning commotion into artistry of joys explosion. Falling in love is easeful, peaceful and warm like watching ballerinas perform. Body and mind transform and lovelier reform to be a perfect storm that gives us courage to let go of burdensome and begin to evergreen flow with the mysteries of unknown. Childlike and carefree, wilderness of silliness is untamed. Kindred spirit is claimed when we aim for self love. We found each other’s sweet and gentle kisses, intertwining us with riches of giggles and bird songs, stretching our hearts long like a melodic gong. I rest my head inside your heart and listen to your timeless soul. Your aura glows next to mine, making me feel whole and out of control with creative goals we pursue together forever. Feeling refreshed and youthful with a California view, golden blue. I glue to you. I am the animal finally free of the trapping zoo and renew my fiery passions. We’re a renaissance crew, crew love, me and you, so fun and goofy, laughing while dancing, crying while embracing, singing while yelling. We’re channeling greater versions of ourselves together forever like ice baths enlivening our path. You’re a wrath like wild birds dance and wild roses sing in France. You got me in your soul’s trance. We will advance, ascend, mend and transcend the world of woah and grow our orchard like magical bean stock, high and deep enough to rock the world off the cliff, free falling steep. We have healing sleep. We sow and reap like caretakers to the gardens of herbs that become our morning tea, imagination lovely like orcas in the sea and honey of bees. Wow wee, I love you. We are hand-made jewelry of pearls, we twirl like mandalas, tangkas and yantras. You’re black wavy curls and my eccentric funky whirl. We are for sure the most magical orchids wilder than the jungle in our jazzy snuggle.

            John Mayer moves your heart with his funky grooves more magical than Whoville and the elfin whos. Soulful and sublime, he is a different humankind. He’s a kindred spirit in his flowering mind. His stringing guitar is a melody from a remote star only dreamers dare to journey that far to expand the wonders of the heart. He’s edgy and mysterious like a quick kiss in the rain before you step onto the bus to begin your workday and he’d say, “You’re my honey, sage, my blue bird freeing me of my self-imposed cage.” His soul's songs are echoes from his past lives as a medicine man, artistry so strong. People are captured in the gentle swaying gong of his sense of “I belong. You belong. We belong” on Earth. His thoughts marvel at the hearth where he reinvents his birth like learning how to better surf. Creative genius with a tesla coil from Venus. His spritely and spirited creatrix makes a more beautiful matrix. Heart and mind of a professor, his wonderland is deep for archaeology of the yogic technology. In a world of mental illness from disconnect from nature and arrhythmic denature, there is harmony with the universe inside his lyrical verse. Simple and quaint, he is a true soul mate to a most mystical and jazzy fate. His aura is a sanctuary, full of fairy magic mystery like the most awe-striking and thrilling history. There is honesty in his honey dark eyes like white skies unveiling long days of snow that support a most spectacular spring of let go and grow. Electric zest is a journey to southwest where visionary quest bathes in California sea of golden, totally carefree like a Hawaiian decree and marine biology degree. There is a thesis on how to return captive orcas back to the ocean where they are free of worldly ties like smog skies clogging the high imagination in brilliant eyes. Searching for his muse but Hollywood is stiff and he wanders in need of blues to color his views lavender and indigo. He knows this flow from years ago when teenage love was kind and slow yet exalting like smelling a red rose. Fresh and sweet like an orange tree, he waits for his bear bug to jolt his ego in a thunderous thud like kids playing in mud. Yearning for the beloved, he loves himself enough to wait while maintaining peaceful state to attract the right mate. Soul companions of a different kind that enlightens the mind like a goldrush without the fuse and dangerous cuts. A love private and secret like white buffalo hidden in plain sight only starlight sees, buried in the Milky Way sea of thee, making lavender tea pollinated by bees. Poetic soul is so unique and rare. It takes a special care to bring two people together who are hearts of peacock feathers. If he was an herb or tree, he’d be the redwood enduring the wildfires and deep with thick roots. If he was an animal or insect, he’s he the wolf loving his friends with tenderness and strength, loyal to the wild lands. His love is a crystal cave of amethyst, rose quartz and tiger eye, secure like a tiger that lays high in a tree for a little while.

Opening is flowing. Releasing tense is breathing with intention. Flowering is allowing. Purging negativity is imagining with creativity. Healing is feeling. Purifying wound is enlightening with sunset afternoons. Growing is soaring. Repairing shaky hand is walking on clear quartz crystal sand. Beginning is ending. Expanding the brain is meditating in El Campo de Rosa in Spain. Breaking is reforming. Forgiving betrayal is making love yourself portrayal. Energizing is learning. Educating ego is listening to heart’s rhythmic flow. Recovering is rehabilitating. Removing doubt is clearing low self-worth out. Improving is giving. Becoming authentic is being the maverick. Excelling is enlivening. Advancing mind is awakening inner sublime. Flying is electrifying. Progressing soul is transforming coal. Crystalizing is alchemizing. Empowering suffering is rediscovering like buffering. Living is risking. Reparenting habit is birthing like a rabbit. Moving is dancing. Intending power is nurturing the flower. Letting is changing. Transforming esteem is finding a team. Revitalizing is processing. Building worth is walking true course. Surviving is thriving. Going to excitement is searching for contentment. Saving is loving. Exalting victor is humanizing restrictor. Freeing is jazzing. Opening the flower is knowing your power. Who wears the crown? Not the clown disguised as royal but is disloyal to love. You were the crown in your electromagnetic heart’s frequency’s sound. Do you hear it? Let it? Be it? Find it? Return to it?

            Growl, groan, moan, ache, back break, howl, shiver, shack, rattle, rage, explode, toss and turn, sweating, heating, screaming, pouting, sulking, fussing, crying, numbing, over-thinking, racing, pacing, chasing while running, ignoring, denying, avoiding, distracting, destroying, purging, vomiting, throwing, thrusting, complaining, blaming, hating, shaming, judging, stiffening, tightening, collapsing, draining, depleting, boiling, bursting, jittery, jumpy, muddy, messy, shrinking, contracting, belittling, discouraging, disconnecting, descending, degrading, victimizing, disrespecting, wanky, angry, forsaking, tanking, sinking, dwelling, rotting, dying. When the ego slides down the slippery slope. Only self love can have a strong enough effect on the mind gone haywire and protect its innocence with imperfectly perfect creative projects to help rebuild a self respect capable of self hate deflect and uniqueness reject deflect, mental afflictions’ poisons inject deflect in a inspect, recollect, redirect, interconnect, positive thoughts select, cleansing reflect. Recovering from ego’s life wrecked. Ego recedes while heart proceeds to develop the mind in harming with wild emotions like gentle, rigorous tides of perfect storms to stabilize the heart warm to a hearth kindling the Earth, putting nutrients and vitamins back into dirt, making soil for seeds of imagination to coil like roots burrow down to know strength of something universe renown and fun-loving and playful like Charlie Brown making world of men safe and sound.

    Coming out of ego and returning to the universal flow are a total let go. A paradigm shift into a new dimension where intention joins reinvention to a newfound attention. The devil can have a hold on the soul old that is why we must be bold focus on the lotus. Soon we will begin to notice as we meditate further, seeds of heart grow in the soil of our mind nesting in Gaia’s love for humankind. The matrix needs the creatrix just like the go needs love’s evergreen flow to survive and thrive. The ego is no leader. The heart is the grand seer and overflowing giver designed to craft the ego into its finest mastery. Without heart, ego has no alchemy but callous force and tyrannical control that is fragmented and not whole, missing the bigger goal and settling for disconnect disguised as a good investment. The mind becomes complacent and the heart is dormant. It is uncomfortable to live from the old soul in a world of brutal control and rabbit holes waiting for us to fall into a mad hatter’s dreamless dark where dreamers die inside unthinkable lies that knot the mind in a giant tie. Only wonder, curiosity and creativity of the heart can tie-die the stiff and anal loose and light enough to fly with a renaissance like the falcon soaring high. Hierarchal caste systems are no match to the creative wisdom of the heart so smart and yet so separate, a part. It’s like an engine missing from a car. Only the heart gives us endless restarts to the infinite expression of our human art.

            He was given a choice, follow the heart and love yourself or fit into the world. He chose to fit into the world. surrounded by people who are imposters, he fosters. They are monsters disguised as doctors. His body has become a martyr and now his soul has wanders hoping to return back to the beloved track but he listens to foes disguised as friends till the end with their own secret attack hidden in the black where he is stabbed in the back. His heart cracks and breaks because a love so sweet, sweeter than cake he ignored for rotten steak and now he aches in a pit of snakes because he was given a journey to the pure crystal lake he did not take. He made a big mistake turning away from his self-love, true love, twin flame. He needs to reframe because prosperity is out of focus without beloved’s lotus. His twin came as a healer to help him become a better thinker, take out the poisons and toxic disguised as victory of Teotihuacan. He failed the test when he chose lust over love’s quest to fit into a nest of alcohol and pests. Soul is oppressed by his numbing protest. His ego refuses to obey the request of his heart to digest negativity, fakeness and go southwest to retrieve his soul’s zest and clean up Sodom and Gomorrah mess. He needs peace but the devil doesn’t sleep. He has become a sheep without a shepherd’s man to keep him sane. He needs to take a leap and sweep out the devil’s play like smog clogging clear days and free fall steep to purify karma deep to reap his soul’s desires and not just his ego’s ties to wise when really it’s just lies. He pushed his love away for hoes and lows building Sodom and Gomorrah that destroys itself yet again, once more. The warriors and healers pray for him because he needs a lot of strength to get back to his is higher self. Stuck in Plato’s cave everything is grave and a slave to a system of cheap money and it's all funny until God taketh away from a slave pretending to be brave. To break free is to misbehave and he paves himself a new way. Climbing out of shadows and illusions. He wants to go but the devil doesn’t know. The devil placed his heart in a cage. The warriors and healers smudge sage to help him take back his own mind and cleanse in a bath of the sublime to remember his sacred humankind. His body is a temple and his mind is pure crystal springs flowing through mountains turning coal into diamond and sand into pearls. He doesn’t have peace he needs until he decides to do right. His self love will bring true love with Pacha Mama. Lead from the heart and not just the ego. His ego is unruly, unruly to his heart, slowly destroying the body like Sodom and Gomorrah. Go to the indigenous fire of elders and great warriors and lets the doulas and midwives help you retrieve your essence. First you must become like Durga and detox negativity holding you down and keeping you away from your body’s temple. The underworld is a place. The sky world is a place. They co-exist like a school teaching humans’ polarity of dark to light. There is balance. We aren’t light. We aren’t dark, we are a sunset and sunrise where dark and light collide in duality we must transform into our destiny’s favor. Let it be and focus on being free but a bird in a cage cannot see the door is open. Bird simply needs to relearn how to fly after years of being held down. There are pure wonders waiting to come in when he’s ready to learn the language of the universe.