Poetry for the Renaissance

            The Struggle is Real and that’s Why the Mind is Exuberant

Shenandoah valley when the sunrise turns indigo green hills into marigold where stars are bright and the Milky Way flies across turning darkness

She is an exuberant dreamer

A month after high school graduation she moved to Nashville, TN to pursue country songwriting/singing

5 years later she moved to LA, CA to keep the dream alive

2 years later she moved to Miami, FL still chasing the dream

The dream began at 13 when she wrote her first story about a dolphin and a girl who could become a mermaid at night and would forget in the morning

At 16 she began traveling to Nashville, TN during spring break and summer break to study songwriting, attending workshops and collaborating with other artists

She released her first self made live album of all original country songs she recorded in the quietest room in her mother’s apartment, the closet

Age 19, she started her spiritual business and earned enough money to travel to Spain for study abroad

At 20 she began community college for creative writing and institute for applied yogic science and technology

Being at mystical school as a full time scholar for over 6 years teaches her a kind of wonder academia isn’t able to access being structured by Romans and Greeks who didn’t honor the matriarch’s wisdom causing an imbalance in intelligence

“Is it the color of my skin, why country music won’t invite me in?”

“Am I simply not good or is the music industry only for girls with rich fathers?”

Resilience like the bison in the blizzard

She does not easily give up

But gets worn down

Age 20, stalker, going in and out of court in different states for years with no money for a lawyer so she became her lawyer

Age 22, sexual trauma, first boyfriend drunk and high violates her body

Age 26, discovery of a massive ovarian tumor, probably from sexual trauma

Tumor is removed and ovary is saved because a doctor had the patience, determination and kindness to spend extra hours working on her body

Age 27, thyroid collapse, the doctor mentions pre-diabetes and the heart drops into the gut like a seal being shallowed by a killer whale

“Why is this so hard to manifest my dreams into reality?”

“When will I make a living,” Sade keeps her excited and focused

Collaborations and more collaborations and still no reciprocity

Generosity and kindness becomes her therapy

20 YouTube channels, 8 instagrams, 35 blogs and countless spiritual businesses where all creative content is given for free

She thinks if I can’t be in the fullness of my creative destiny at least I can help others

Writings over years are page 1,000 then 2,000

Like J. k. Rowling with 1,000 original songs challenged completed in less then a year

The journey is exalting and the beauty is intensely radiant

She never decided to numb out the way some do and give into worldly imitations

She is a firebird, phoenix

She is a ophiuchus, a zodiac sign to a new paradigm

She is the healer raising the vibrational higher like when airplanes became rockets

She never lets dyslexia discourage the dreamer

She is a medicine woman

It’s in her Cherokee, African American and Spaniard blood to be a Phoenix

She knows voyages towards greatness and destruction and victories for warriors

She knows the North Star

She knows the Trail of Tears

She knows the Spaniard conquering indigenous people

The polarity isn’t her enemy

It is her teacher and she loves to learn

Her most magical collection of numbers are 11:11 because it signifies that the divine has her back

There she flies above the crows, untouched by the crows who cannot fly altitudes she can

Her individuality sought to change the ancestral pattern, epigenetic cycle, neurological habit and generational model

By seeing if it’s possible to transforming dreams of a child into realities of existence

For consciousness to marvel at human excellence shaping creeks of energy into rivers of glorious openings

There she goes

A soulful intelligence potentiating her human existence further into brilliance like a Renaissance


Play with the Funky


When the seriousness of self criticism starts to play with the mystery a joyous moment of compassion, connection and creativity emerges like a deer alone by the river mending its wounds and then is sighted in the meadow mysterious healed

There are some mysterious we will never know

We could spend a thousand lifetimes trying to know to end up just wanting to play

Improvisation is the adults way of relearning the childlike mind before boxes, labels and shelves began to organize, categorize and group

A child doesn’t know black friend vs white friend until long enough witnessing of parents conforms the identity making it worldly instead of funky, groovy and fantastical

It’s outstanding to be worldly but without play there isn’t connection just consumption of ideas, beliefs and cultures that don’t impact the heart gorgeously

The greatest Renaissance is an act of playing with the universe

“Hmmm…let’s call that distant planet Saturn and we’re call this ocean the Atlantic as a reminder of Atlantis”

Heaviness of this world doesn’t lift off until there is a certain amount of pressure like rocket fire to a massive ship

Cold plunge is a release of deep body trauma

A different kind of pressure applied to a continuous pressure that be trauma melts it down and reshapes it

I imagine the process to be raku that applies great heat and great cooling to glint, gleam, twinkle and glow pottery

Or the Chinese practice of putting liquid gold into cracks in ceramic cups that solidify as a kind of reminder that beauty lies in the cracks and breaks of our lives

We can turn something fragmented and disjointed into something uniquely funky

Human is an art studio with infinite materials, techniques and practices

All we must do is show up and follow what inspires us

Teachers come and go on our journey of revolving like the sun and moon

Inspiration is a spirit trail we do not see but sense

It guides us towards new levels of self love and gives us new materials, techniques and practices to perfect the human expression

Criticism is a breakthrough and when it is a destroyer of human potential then it isn’t true to human progress

Play keeps the mind truthful to the dignified universe

Like checks and balances, play ensures human is funky, fantastical and fearless with honesty of the now

There is an art studio, a blues room waiting for you to play with

What’s stopping you?

Is it your obsession with control?

Is it your constant negative attitude?

Is it your lack of self love?

Is it your fear of the unknown?

You will fall

You will rise

Your a baby eagle learning how to fly

It’s your play that keeps you grateful you have another chance after chance to see if your wings are strong enough to jump off a tree of great heights

When human like the deer takes themselves to the river of consciousness to heal

One returns to the studio, the blues room with confidence towards the great mystery


How to Love Yourself


There is a fearless person with a creative vision for personal Renaissance waiting inside the depths of our being

First comes a feeling, then comes a knowing and afterwards a drive

Many times the initial feeling is cloaked in doubt and uncertainty

The journey is rigorous and the cycles of birth and death are wildly unpredictable and out of comfort

Versions of ourselves based on familiarity is challenged by our creative vision

We must embark upon a visionary quest to retrieve something that is special to us, an essence, a joy, a capturing of that feeling that brings us into the know

We know there is more, more energy, more creativity, more love, more abundance because we are infinitely wanting to be ourselves in the immensity of personal freedom and love

Nature calls to us in the silence where bird songs and rustling leaves can be heard profoundly

When we begin to process the stuff that ain’t us nature becomes our practice

When we start to embody what is us nature is our mirror

There is frustration, anger and judgment we work through in the labor of creating our first crop

We want perfection

We want predictability

We want safety above all things

What we get is growth in the rise and fall of hummingbird flower

Magnetism, beauty and radiance unravels us in the subtle light that begins to crack open our heart and inspire our mind

There is fierce, bold and graceful actions in uncovering reality for what it is and not the distortion coming from our unconscious unresolved

Responsibility for our thoughts and projections works into intentions for manifestation and progress

Positive affirmation and mirror exercises gifts us tools for dealing with the difficulties of patterns, cycles, memories and behaviors that drain our energy and confuse our creative vision

Strength training and character development are Saturn teachers that bring so much excitement, purpose and focus

We begin to see the diamond inside the mountain of our circumstances and environments

Lessons, tests and assignments are given to refine our sublime and help us remember our nature and perverse what is true, love and freedom

It’s our creative vision that heals us to the most

It’s the creative spark that gives us brilliant perspectives

It’s our willingness to eliminate the excess, junk and miscellaneous for open space that allows us creative fearlessness

One step at a time we build our unique temple for us to exist in and share with others

It’s a prayer, a haven, a refuge, a sanctuary, a school and playground, an art studio, a blues room, a library, an herbal garden we made our of our creative niches and free falling arrivals at the place we call spectacular mundane

Wisdom of the sage is as simple as breathing with chakras spiraling, whirling, aligning, amplifying, expanding in the twirl of our laughter showcasing our exuberant resilience


“You manifest not what you want but what you believe,” Alicia Keys


How to believe in yourself when it appears no one believes in you

Dreamers are challenged by worldly habits

Visionaries must embrace the difficulties of personal Renaissance by welcoming the practice of virtue

There are solitary long periods to discover what is real to your soul and what is transferred to you from someone else

“You are in the world but not of the world” relaxes all thoughts by reassuring them that everything in the world exists because someone brought it into existence therefore it can be changed

Everything in the world wants to be vital, close to nature and in harmony with a generous flow

When someone is intimately connected to Gaia there is rich nourishment continuously pouring through a persons’ embodiment

Dreamers and visionaries are weavers weaving human beings back into Gaia by offering exciting adventures of human progress in the ecstatic artistry

There is thrill, enchantment, wonder and inner strength that comes from a dreamer and visionary

At first people won’t understand the wild unknown journey a creative must take to evolve themselves beyond parental, society and worldly conditions, cycles, beliefs and patterns for the soul to blossom free and wildly unique to its cosmic seed

There are like minded people like a pod a belugas destined to find each other for growth, expansion, healing and love

In order to find our soul team, we must find our soul in the authentic living of our creative Destiny in glorious pursuits of personal excellence

There is amplification of our creative destiny surrounded by a team of vibrationally in synch companions driven to turn pain into purpose

All the distorted realities, negative junk in the mind, self hate and low energy must be processed and eliminated in the fire of the phoenix

Not everyone is a phoenix and yet everyone has the potential

The phoenix is what we become when challenges have been met with great self love, confidence and positive momentum towards being devoted to our soulful craftsmanship

“Never allow the world to turn you against your playful heart. All you are is what’s left in your heart,” Jim Carrey


Taking risks is all the human knows

We are exceptional at evolving our risk taking and challenging our limitation

Our imagination is supreme and our drive for excellence is paramount

The spiritual being having a physical experience chose Earth to share its authentic living but the tricky part is once we pass through the grid of the world we have amnesia and forget our authentic true nature

We take on our parents, grandparents, society and ideology mind matrix and that many times overrides our innate mind creatrix that comes with us wherever we go life to life

It’s our evolutionary blueprint and spectacular mandala we made out of a thousand lives and a thousand unique expressions

The goal is to get back to that version of ourselves and the tool is creativity

We follow the Renaissance because we know there are people with gifts and talents awakening that can help ignite our own spark of creativity reinvention, reformation, repair and renewal to our bird once in a cage and now is free but doesn’t know how to be wild in a harmonious way because the mind only knows the comforts, safety and fear disguised as practicality inside the cage

It’s the risk we take like a bird leaping into the sky that gives us purpose and a sense of mission

Watching a Raven soar, wings open, diving down then opening wings back up in a jet 180 rotation is an evolutionary progress

Everything in the wild watches, listens and tests their potential to discover new wonders to the animal expression

We are in constant Renaissance with the cosmos

We just forget and think we’re just here to follow foot steps laid out

We are point in human history that decides to reprogram authentic living back into the matrix

The greatest challenge, wildest ride, empirical character development and exuberant bird call to the wild things waiting silently just to hear our sound be carried throughout the forest by treetops taking us in


A Special Kind of Youth


There is a special kind of youth untouched by the struggles of human condition when the mind is soft and the senses are vivid

Survivor mode comes like a distant storm at sea slowly reaching the shore completely changing the outer landscape

The inner landscape tries to hold onto a special kind of youth where authentic bonding is soul talking but the damage from the sudden thrust into human conditions shocks the system and swallows up a special kind of youth

There are those of us who excavate the most precious and ancient treasures, a special kind of youth

There are others of us who give into worldly conditions because it seems more convenient, less complicated and yet the body and mind is beaten down trying to climb up a waterfall to reach a castle in the sky

When really it’s the rapids swallowing us up that resuscitates our heart

The body never ages when a special kind of youth keeps nurturing the inner landscape of the mind like a gardener taking care of his land growing new species of plants and evolving his/her understanding of herbs, flowers, animals and insects

The adult rigidity assumes “if I conquer worldly conditions and control the mystery, I’ll never have to endure the challenge of mystery again”

He/she can’t climb the waterfall so he/she blocks the river that creates the waterfall

At first, it’s great to live in a castle in the sky consuming nature and replacing childlike wonders with empirical obtainments until the rigidity of superficiality underestimates and even belittles simplicity of heart

That’s when the castle in the sky lacks proper nourishment, a kind of special youth to keep the harmony and connectivity consistent to the universe of spiritual beings having physical experiences

Lost in a castle of obtainments there is no obtainments that truly matter because nature has been excluded for the exclusivity of the castle in the sky

In the earth shattering mid life crisis the castle breaks and falls a part for what lies underneath to unveil its mystery

There is dirt slowly turning back into soil and seeds blowing in the wind awaiting the arrival of a special kind of youth to plant them and grow back the waterfall which gives strategy to the human condition and how to endure the polarity of man without needing to cage oneself for a pretend sense of safety

Safety comes from the inner landscape and the inner gardener who is determined to grow crop in the most troublesome environments like terraforming a planet seen to just be a pile of rock, devoid of life

Earth found a way to survive and thrive with a special kind of youth perfectly preserved in the mending of scars


A Bird Calls out to the Wild


There are some of us who know the untold secret that kindred connections are very much real and worth finding

The chase has always been to satisfy the ego, at first

Then, there is a feeling of more

The soul cannot be fully satisfied in the mind

It needs the wonders of a mysterious heart to inspire the Destiny

The soul mate is only discovered in the mating with our own soul in the jazz of learning how to find a special kind of youth in the mundane

Lessons of growth come to evolve our intelligence so that we can not just fit into the world but fit into our unique human design, which isn’t human

It’s part human and mostly something else

Searching for our puzzle pieces in romantic connections, friendships and strong bonds we start to remember a human design so indifferent from the human conditions structuring our humanness for us and yet feels like home

Sometimes in order to find home we must leave home in quest of more before we truly understand home in a mating with our soul in the land that calls to us, in the people who show us a special kind of youth and the conscious choice to act from the Renaissance and not from the worldly trance we fall into when quality is compromised for vanity and vanity lacks consciousness

We’re all pondering on how far we’re willing to go on this journey of creative progress

As high as we go is as low we must go like a tree and the bees being able to see ultra violet show us how to train our senses to turn carbon in the exhale into oxygen in the inhale

Lover’s connection is a course of alchemy and soul mating being the greatest understanding of how people rewrite a story, reimagine a reality and rework themselves better in the refinement of revitalization

Until, the mating of soul happens the mind isn’t fully in synch with the timeless jazz and uses partners to remember how to play the piano of infinite potential

Then, in the timeless sound like a perfected bird call does it’s like-vibration recognize not our physical form but our soul’s signature marking the body with a special kind of timeless glow only bees can see but we can feel


Who is John Mayer?


Sensible like a forest creating new spaces for new trees

Playful like dolphins riding waves

There is a search for creative excellence and individuality that is ever changing through reinventions, insightful perceptions and exalting intentions

Misunderstood like Renaissance pioneers and yet respected for heartfelt gestures of spiritual growth in a world that sometimes takes one very far from the heart

An alchemist turning a guitar into song birds, vibrations as soothing sensations

Bluesy like a black man from a past life transforming suffering into finer Destiny

Hawk pendant around his neck for the medicine man who knows Earth closely and can speak brilliance into existence

Spiritual Being observing human relationship and wondering why people hide their light

Loving himself deeper for there cannot be a true love connection without being whole within your own journey

Visionary quests take him to places and spaces of human progress where laughter is silly and talks are serious, sincere yet fun like Robin Williams

Wanting to fall in love like “When Harry Met Sally”

Where attraction is spontaneous, when talking never stops and the journey seems wild, challenging enough to get you to see what you’re truly worthy of

Friendship is a kind of friction that ignites a fire for wilder adventures that take away comfort zones and build inner stability

Having a romantic companion isn’t transnational, conditional and belief system based

There is reciprocity from expanding individuality through creative fulfillment that bonds with the other in multi-dimensional ways that evolves the mind, emotions and soul into a finer alchemy of color and rhythm

Wanting to explore the many versions of himself in the timeless novel of his grand piano

There are thoughts shared in the sacred tepee of man and woman learning from each other how to be in harmony with the universe

Purifying together in the lodge of sweating skin in hopes of learning difficult lessons that take the strength of Bisons in the storm to resolve

Maverick evoking expression is like a Prince concert where stream of consciousness has no end and no beginning

It just wants to honor devotion the human body has naturally to the bigger than life old soul

Innovation keeps the mind healthy by evolving its assumptions, distorted realities into meditation

Awareness comes in the non linear and returns to linear with a feeling of something universal inside duality

Many people want something outside themselves to be a part of themselves to feel better about themselves

Completion is pursuing yourself totally

Until all the fragments, disconnections, traumas and distortions repair, restore the powerhouse manifestor with a visionary intention to contribute to the human renaissance in essence, in structure, in habit, in attitude, in virtue, in progress, in discovery, in adventure, in education, in dedication, in reality surfing


What is a Renaissance Partner


Creative Destiny is the goal

Evolutionary necessity puts us into positions of alchemy for the genetic equations to be improved and refined

Nature summons us into an indigenous ceremony with our soul to retrieve the gifts that deepen our breath

Always innovating and caretaking, we are constant consciousness looking inward at the inner landscape perfecting the improvisation of human expression

Kindred connection is a like vibration mirroring to us a fearless play and healer’s journey

The beloved holds space for us to understand our authentic rhythm and encourages personal Renaissance in the wilderness of an art studio built by the universe just for our human progress, experimentation and self inquiry

Creative excellence is a individuality so in synch with interdependence, a maverick majestic meeting of minds unlocks

Soul mating is soothing, relaxing and comforting

The warrior heart of bright red blooms into brilliant green transforming our fears and traumas into Phoenix of fire blue

When we find our Renaissance partner there is melodic thunder and striking lightning as the imagination and practicality emerge into a reality of legacy and lineage colliding into a labor for the orchard

Self love and intimacy of self join the kindred lover in an abstract play and fearless intention to grow sincerity in the waters of our shifting emotions for passion to be childlike wisdom and elder enthusiasm

A Renaissance partner is an art teacher and science student on a quest for sincere friendship with Mother Earth and breathtaking moments of breakthrough

There is laughter, silliness, goofy pleasure and fantastical mundane in the closeness of moving hearts when the head isn’t stopping the ecstatic progression

Compositions of fun loving adventures fulfill the radiant reality pushing pains and suffering into diamond awareness of how special the other is and how the past is a school

Rough, tough and tumbling, we learn to be blues to the sorrows and jazz to the reinvention

In all the endings, failings and disappointment, the inner landscape still remains open to reality composing

Evolving the understanding of self, love and sincere partnership is the greatest purpose and spectacular magnetism that brings us, if we’re patient enough, a lover of Renaissance to support our authentic being and to satisfy the desire to experience the most sincere and authentic kind of creative, brilliant and soul nourishing love with another and have the success of our artistic reality bring us closer to our gorgeous refined embodiment