
Indigo and blue are how I see you like the grapes of Segovia, Spain with a pregnant night sky like constellations moving on train. Away we go to foreign lands to make pearls out of our hands. Your wonder is childlike and changing, always changing, rearranging, painting and engaging in the work of heart with a diehard spark ready to start, end and restart. Your mind is a nest for the Raven and you never dry out like a raisin. You are migration, transfiguration like a portrayal of Majorca, Spain; oh such a majestic illustration of Forest, sea, cliff, Moroccan vibe, the best medicine to prescribe like an Egyptian scribe telling truths and no lies. You reside in the Renaissance where presence is searching for the maverick essence that makes human culture like an evergreen sculpture cascading melodic thunder like the Island of Crete playing the lyre to the truest bluest sea. If you are a vulture. You take the rotten in the mind and turn it into something useful, efficient and Sublime. You align your rhythm to a more creative paradigm where dark ages mend, ascend and the bird is free of the cage. I turn your page and find more exuberance to your temperance like a deer but you are mostly a tiger with a weaving of expansive dreams like the spider. I marvel at your steady curiosity with a wild velocity like when you play the guitar. There is luminosity to your deserving reciprocity. You don’t doubt yourself. You encourage yourself. You ride the emotions and turmoil of life like a surfer, the perfect observer. Sometimes there are crashes but you never give up and stop attending earth school classes. You have much love to give like Niagara Falls never stops giving. Your creative broadcast extends further than your body. You are a timeless skin brought into bone with an arriving soul. You’re the greatest classic in your empathic electromagnetic kindling that gets everyone whistling to tunes from an awe-striking summer moon with the insects jamming in their own musical choir and we just sit by a fire and listen while we admire.


Your Renaissance brings greater soul to the unknown. I am mind blown by your innovation capturing simplicity in dignity. Your lionheart saves the tin man from bleak twilight where rain and grey are missing sensible feeling. Your feelings ride tidal waves and yet your mind glides like a falcon. You have endearing passion with an environmental lullaby transforming dread into a rose of the brightest red. You are the engineer for constellations downloading their expansive intentions down to Earth for us to potentiate ourselves further into the artistry of overcoming things. I imagine your poetry to have sage stains from your deep observation of a tender and dark rain. Your nighttime owl sits by your bed like the most loyal friend bringing peace to your gentle head. Let your fire inspire because we do admire your shire where land and human hands turn energy of atoms and particles into enlightening, electrifying literature. Your mystery is like Da Vinci, deep and unseen but full of discoveries given freely like meditative breathing. Unlocking your Spark is looking into the dark and finding vibrations of ecstatic expressions and choosing your adventure like a producer bringing vibrations into greater sensations unveiling divine affection advancing our creative intention, bigger, bolder, further, clever like wings of feathers to a raven healing the nation with its wisdom of the brazen turning raisin back into grapes and grapes into inspiration for the most nourishing mixtape.


You don’t know me and I suppose I’m a bee, making honey, laughing like it’s funny to get stung by those who reject me but maybe it is to protect me. I adore your firey core, powerhouse stomping, rambunctious and starstruck charming in your lionheart but where is your love. Your big smile unveils dangerous wonders, expansive and pounding like thunder. Wild man, you reach down to Earth and pull out of soil diamond in your hand. Crushed by the weight of the mountain, you become the mountain and turn your coal into diamond. Master Osiris, your kiss is older than Gobekli Tepe. Where is your Nefertiti? Is she hidden under thousands of years of sand or seeming to blain to glint amongst the modern talk. Oh, I’m sure you sought love and ask yourself, why? A heart as big as yours with an ego desperate for love’s resurrection, your Horus vision needs divine feminine mission. But, where is she in an imposter world trying to be what doesn’t come naturally and therefore isn’t right to be. Longing, building, expanding, dreaming, the vision is missing the kindling to a greater fire. You must be afraid to love or love so deeply it terrifies you. You’re an ancient magician with instructions on how to be a Renaissance. Cages and traps try to net the Raven you are but love’s protection is the greatest divine intervention. What is your mind’s rose affection? Do past lives stream through your thoughts in the dark? You take on the dark but there is a light within you. Polarity is our alchemy. Duality is what makes living funky, sad at times but character building for our soul’s space on Earth to become a wiser and more creative place. I used to think your darkness needed purging but it’s what makes you colorful and vibrant, dynamic and bright like Pleiades with shadows from planets upon the suns. Your sun is also a Star and your heart is the source to your blazing hearth where all receive the nourishment of your wonder, bigger and bolder than most because you dare to be fearless in your breathtaking ambition to bring wilder creative intention to a planet excited to receive new Renaissance. Love awaits you. Never let the shadow world deceive you. Doubt can never befriend you. Your ego needs a wise heart too. Fear is an illusion, which I’m sure you heard love is the only religion and it’s maverick fierce living is a soul’s conclusion and manifestation’s perfect execution in the collusion when the soul like lightning and then thunder moves and shacks the land electrifying the air transforming atoms and particles into evergreen. Dazzling light like a crystal cave, so dark with sunlight bursting through and bouncing around revealing how mysterious and awe strikingly beautiful the unknown can be when fear doesn’t spoil its perfectly imperfect destiny. The heart is electromagnetic and empathic, the key to energy coming into finer melodies. What does your heart chakra speak when you begin to dance like a teenager at the town fair winning a teddy bear for the kindred spirit he knows like a shooting star, comes and goes and stays like falling meteorite with energy from another dimension of human essence. 


Follow intuition, take a leap of faith, listen to your heart, open your mind, expand your potential, dream big…the beloved touched his soul and his unruly ego numbed the sensation of his own heart to fit into a world not worth fitting into. It only keeps you restless, reckless, fearful, stubborn, insecure and always unsure. She was wild roses growing in lavishing green reaching towards the river where children play and friends explore their passionate imagination and high spirit for life. She offered him a rose, bright red and very strong. Her endless and unconditional love was true but she was a diamond in the rough and he was looking for gold in a world that only had false gold and plastic roses pretending to be roses. He could not see her essence because his mind was untrue to his heart and his unruly ego detached his soul from the body. He chose the devil and the devil promised many pleasures and successes. He is victorious but he does not know the freedom of a heart and soul expansively ambitious and truthful to the mission of the beloved. He is incomplete, unsure, always unsure until he goes back to what is true, follow your intuition, take a leap of faith, listen to your heart, open your mind, expand your potential, dream big and don’t settle for just fitting into the world. Be a Renaissance, only the beloved truly knows how to grow because true victory is a mission complete in the souls and hearts that transforms the mind into pure wonder of a wild rose in lavishing green reaching towards the river.


She made a career out of child support

She was a foxy sly escort

Looking for men who got wealth in the sport

Seduce them then take them to court

I’d rather turn blankets into forts

Take dreams and build a safe place, healing resort

I like to play

Hawaii sunshine rays

During Shenandoah green in rain day

I imagine Chesapeake Bay, Lorax would say


It’s better to run with the wolves then hide

Run with the wolves

I mark this land like elk hooves

Monsters are real but don’t give them your energy

Remember you’re in the 5D humanity documentary


Babylon turns man against woman for the thrill

Now women are trying to kill off the ill by climbing the golden hill

Hoping one day there be will to fulfill the healing with reawakened medicine skill

Man holds ego to his chest like it’s a golden crest

He’s starting to realize love makes him his best

But first he must pass difficult tests

We struggle not to be depressed

So we walk visionary quest

To reassess, digest & invest

In a woman’s ancient wonder under her breasts

A heart so fiery it’s like phenix to repair broken society

City of cement oh no

I want jungle flow where nighttime glows

I am sooo bored with televised eyes

Sticking to my phone like a poltergeist oh no

I’ll never see the moon because I’m stuck to the video game blues that ain’t no muse


It’s sad that I don’t have self control


Take me to jazz of grandpa pizazz

I need to learn to grow my own food too

I’ll take a journey to Peru to learn something about ancient crew

Who you? Alien no I swim in Mediterranean to remember Atlantis

But mostly everybody on tik tok

This is just a fantasy I bought


Tik tok

Sinking into the box

Where everyone’s a fox that goes boo

Who you?

I don’t have a who because I lost my clues

First, I fell in love with your kiss

It was swish like this

Lips on lips, abyss, my bliss

With you, your kiss I can’t resist

Tell me what you feel all the time

Kindred lovers swim through waters of Sublime

Endless, breathless, defenseless

I’ll be your shield, roses everywhere in your open field, we are healed

Touching your chest, you’re a beast, my high priest, wisdom inside your temper increased


I am falling

Nothing else to do but give into you


You give me breath back

As I ride your spine into dazzling black

When stars hum and I ain’t numb

I feel your sweat drenching my spirit like a spirit bath

You laugh, your beastly wrath

Singing in your heart, never too far even when a part

We got the intertwine, no fear, plenty of tears

Because we heal


Loving, kissing, heating up


Spark fly

As we lay eye to eye

Intense, Scorpio and the enchantress

Lifetimes of magic

We are a classic

I’ll be your Nefertiti

And you’ll beastly

Lemuria, euphoria

Faerie, prairie

I’m white Buffalo

And you’re still beastly

Feasting on my love gently, sweetly

Honey and the bee

I want to be a feminine

But sometimes I got to be a man

To survive

I want to thrive

Like a honey hive

I am alone on this throne

World so big and sometimes unfair

I am rare

I do care like a prayer

I am wishing, hoping, praying that we all will be our best selves

Like magical elves

We got something special, one of a kind

A different humankind, so fine and yet we walk a tight line

Fear and fearful

That’s why I shed those tears

So I’m never ever too fearful and become dreadful


I want to thrive

Like a honey hive

So I drive

Through Smokey mountains

Like drinking from pure crystal water fountains

I need to revive

I strive for the high five

Friends till the end

Supporting each other, everyone is my brother


Too much pain we go insane

Reaching for light, drowning in the night

To wake up with a headache

Because life is the maverick

We go to school to get some tools

So we’re not fools

Running around, hurting people hurt people

Give me a lesson, divine intention

Because I need some teaching, impeaching those negative thoughts trying to take out the deep feeling

I go to the night, drown to touch the bottom so I know what it’s like to be in total dark and shine like a Star

My daddy was a horseman with the Marines dull dog with the cigar hat. He told me stories about Shenandoah like a warm fire we gathered around and sat. Daddy said “you aint just black. We are Cherokee, Spanish and that’s an eye-opening fact.” I sang country and it felt funny because my skin is deep honey, brown like bark when it’s sunny. I stand out like a big shooting star birth mark. It must be out landish to talk about my land before the white man. I turn mountain into sand and make pearls in my hands. I’m a turquoise, rosewater, drumming jingle dance. 


I’m mixed blood, a different kind of country. I love this land and forgive the foolish man for steal our land. Cherokee medicine woman is who I am. I turn sand into pearls and drape necklaces around my tribes’ girls to teach them how precious and loved they are. Mixed blood all the way is a country of breakthrough I’d say.


My mama is a gentle wind to Dr. Suess Oh, the places we’ve been. Visionary quest, we are like Juliet of Herbs, wild buffalo herd. We’re daughters to the revolution, taking our stand like a renaissance to great evolution. Find me by a tree, listening to bees, building their hives before I take a moon lite dip into waters where I hear cries in raining skies. A world letting go of its suffering so we can finally be as one like my Cherokee elders speaks in the most sincere hug.


I’m mixed blood, a different kind of country. I love this land and forgive the foolish man for steal our land. Cherokee medicine woman is who I am. I turn sand into pearls and drape necklaces around my tribes’ girls to teach them how precious and loved they are. Mixed blood all the way is a country of breakthrough I’d say.

She was a comet, fiery and treacherous. Her mama was distastefully adventurous, a Maury show she’d watch all day long. We’d dance to her mama’s constant, daily drinking parties on school nights mostly to derogatory songs with secondhand smoke from secret bongs. We never drank, 13 years old climbing down 3 story bouncy on a rope made of bed sheets as a prank. Of course, sheets snap and we go coplat on itchy grass. Lele was my princess on horseback riding like biker dudes chasing adrenaline moods. Older men were always seduced by our untamed innocence, skinny dipping, orange juice sipping then running when apartment complex manager goes chasing.


13, thinking love is unconditional, life should be a carnival, testing limits like death visits with a maverick heart on exhibit. Why so reckless? Life is precious like a gorgeous headdress. That’s why I pray, Jesus help me find my way. 13, hurting turning to searching for forgiveness like the most angelic kiss on the cheek. We are a soul antique, perfect vintage, rare and so unique.


Years of random walking around, doing nothing become freshman year wanting to do something. Drugs became her thrill. School dances became my cool, content, chill. My first love, a wild child I had to let go to soar. 19, her mama dies of liver failure. Remembering her mama passed out on kitchen chair. We carried her to shower, turned on cold water to wake her so afraid she was dead. Too much drinking over a decade to deal with pain from her twin brother dying made her mama a sharp blade to her own portrayed beauty lost to dark shades blocking sunny aid inside a yummy rose blooming day.


13, thinking love is unconditional, life should be a carnival, testing limits like death visits with a maverick heart on exhibit. Why so reckless? Life is precious like a gorgeous headdress. That’s why I pray, Jesus help me find my way. 13, hurting turning to searching for forgiveness like the most angelic kiss on the cheek. We are a soul antique, perfect vintage, rare and so unique.

He was a racist, acting like an A list with his Camaro collection. Young boy in grown man body was an infection he thought was perfection. My skin too dark, my mama too light. Cruel assumptions based on mind corruption.


His daddy, grand daddy, great granddaddy all thought the same thought, jammed in the brain from foul play too long ago to remember. Fixed. Unmovable, crude and rude. He won’t change until he sees himself as a black man.


I never fret, daddy taught me to be my best and that everything is a test. We fail. We pass. We fail. We pass. My first boyfriend, I thought he loved me but he had a bad seed inside him from his father’s father’s father. That seed wasn’t a rose but a weed, stifling his uniqueness and replacing it with regurgitation. I was his breakthrough, first mixed girl to revive his seven generations. An explosion, divine motion like honey in bitter tea was draining out the poison. He was going through tough emotions with mental corrosion like a dust bowl from ego spoiled soul. Cleansing, bathing in milk and honey was my love but the tug of the past was too ingrained in his brain. I loved him all the way. I was just his test, a Cherokee black girl to reset his generations from racist to R & B playlist.


His daddy, grand daddy, great granddaddy all thought the same thought, jammed in the brain from foul play too long ago to remember. Fixed. Unmovable, crude and rude. He won’t change until he sees himself as a black man.

Always trying to do your best but it never seems enough so you pray. You pray for more than ends meet but a real experience of human excellence. You have so much persistence but you’re worn down by resilience. Life is unbalanced working all the time and never getting sweetness like reciprocity to your heart’s talent.


You are a noble hustler trying to make your dreams come true like looking for purple when all there is blue. I too feel like a Dr. Suess Who, unique and in tune with a different view. You’ll make it through. You are a hidden jewel like fresh, enchanting morning dew. Life can be difficult and unfair. You may not be aware but that which is rare is beautiful like a prayer and a natural millionaire.


She’s always being creative, finding new ways to show people she cares. She knows her purpose but no one will help her. She can’t do it alone but she is forced to. Challenging herself makes her brighter. Sometimes a good fighter needs rest. Happiness ain't money but the world is money and to feel safe and healthy, everyone needs a little money, especially for talents worth a whole lot.


You are a noble hustler trying to make your dreams come true like looking for purple when all there is blue. I too feel like a Dr.Suess Who, unique and in tune with a different view. You’ll make it through. You are a hidden jewel like fresh, enchanting morning dew. Life can be difficult and unfair. You may not be aware but that which is rare is beautiful like a prayer and a natural millionaire.

She is wilder than wild roses like party stereos. She’s a fiery light against deep dark when trees disguise themselves as monsters play theater, stories to the spark. Sticks and stones, may break her hones but she where’s the throne and she aint no clone. She’s in the zone, glittery messages on her phone. She aint a punk but a spunky monk drunk on moonlight disco funk.


She’s a wild thing but no one knows because she’s a gentle string gliding like robin wings. Oh, she shines like summer sunset rings like Hatshepsut, King of the Nile, abundance to bring. Bling bling, mandala swings like hummingbirds sing in the drink of sweet something.


She is mountainous height, a warm yet chilly grand canyon tonight when stars so bright dance like lover’s roll and collide under sheets of white. Maverick soul, wild roses out of control like diamond made of coal, She’s the white rabbit hole going down, down where madhater chimes crystal bowls. Reinventing, a chameleon, looking for new colors in the sunrise, mastering cellos, dancing to galloping horses. She’s got the creative courses and their sources. No same/same, she’s a different flame with the solar power and beast untamed. She’s got lion’s main, a catwoman of Egyptian claim. No shame in her game being a goddess. Lyra is her name.


She’s a wild thing but no one knows because she’s a gentle string gliding like robin wings. Oh, she shines like summer sunset rings like Hatshepsut, King of the Nile, abundance to bring. Bling bling, mandala swings like hummingbirds sing in the drink of sweet something.

He left her all alone for cheap hoes. False diamond and gold, bodies sold. She is a rose but he likes to play with woes. She offered him sweet love but he wanted retched, foul and nasty flesh to give him something fresh when really it’s a gross mesh, thresh. Wow, what a mess disguised as progress. There aint no success when someone cheats at chess.


Looking for her love now that he needs spiritual growth. She got the Nefertiti oath, a mystical and artist code. Why, why, where you so shallow in your shadow, smoking tobacco losing the gift of soprano. Come on, be a man, stand for heart but you’re a stranger to your own parts. Let love come in and finally begin like a butterfly flies like a violin.


Letting go is the new flow like 10 degrees below. Cold water awakens the magic show so she can get to the true glow. Messenger coming with letters of soul because everywhere and everyone wasn’t enough for a man needing one thing, precise, a woman with spice so nice it turns ice into a warmth of spring with creativity at the brightest price. She was the key, he sees like sting, shock, burn, ache of incredible anger after the fall. He finally agrees as he takes a knee to his heart. Love is what he needs to truly be outstanding to the highest degree is his royal decree.


Looking for her love now that he needs spiritual growth. She got the Nefertiti oath, a mystical and artist code. Why, why, where you so shallow in your shadow, smoking tobacco losing the gift of soprano. Come on, be a man, stand for heart but you’re a stranger to your own parts. Let love come in and finally begin like a butterfly flies like a violin.