Rosy is a Root - Chapter 5

       I’ve had this thought for a while. It’s been with me since I can remember. It bothers me sometimes because it fills me with doubt. I never knew it was the same thought of my mother, grandmother and great grandmother.

            A thought can be carried for many generations and sometimes it’s a good, sometimes it's not. I suppose we must decide what to do with the thoughts that transfer to us from our mother and her mother and her mother. A new generation isn’t new. The times change but what we are stays the same just expresses itself slightly differently.

            My mother grew up with the thought of always being broke. I carry that thought. I can’t help it. I try to stop it and meditate to reprogram it. I feel the struggle all around me and I wonder if I have the strength to revolutionize the thought. Revolution has never been easy. For some reason, they are all filled with danger, adversity and a kind of pain that forces you to fight for freedom.

            My mind is strong. I work hard but sometimes I feel my body is weak. Is it possible to let go of something that has been held onto for so many generations. It is in my genetic blueprint to be this way and think this thought. I am rebelling. Why does it feel like a part of me doesn’t want to change?

            I had money growing up, not a lot but enough to feel comfortable and safe. I couldn’t afford college past two years, so I became extremely creatively driven. I always knew if I was to break this generational thought it would require a large creative impact. I’ve been training my mind like a warrior all this time like I’m preparing for things-a quantum leap. I know whatever it is that I am attempting needs stamina, perseverance, confidence and endurance. I don’t know what it is about my genetics or DNA structure I’m trying to repattern. All I sense is a need to change something about the generational momentum for the better.

            My yogic science and technology teacher once told me that it only takes one generation to uplevel fourteen generations before them. If it is true, we are evolving into a paradigm that functions at the speed of consciousness, then the past generational blueprint would need to change. The old paradigm, which we’ve known for the last 5,500 years or so has functioned at the speed of light. The speed of light is exceptionally more restrictive than speed of consciousness. Speed of consciousness allows spiritual and physical to existence together without separation. Speed of light allows spiritual and physical to be aware of each other but the laws of speed of light paradigm prohibit them from fully uniting because duality prevails.

I wonder if the ancient mystics of Turkey 13,000 years ago functioned at speed of consciousness because something seems very odd about our ancient past. We believe in the evolution story provided in academic science books but what if this isn’t our first time at this point in our growth where we have advance technology of the mind and world. Maybe, we have been here before. Maybe, we have failed or didn’t succeed in our mission and that’s why we must repeat the lesson or cycle through the same to get another chance.

I practice the mystic intelligence of abundance, prosperity and generational wealth like a constant routine that consumes most of my thought habits. I feel fear still in me, wrestling with my financial freedom. The thought is very tough like a vine and deep like roots to a thousand-year-old tree. I want to break free like a dolphin in captivity that has been their whole life. The dolphin knows nothing about the ocean. All it knows is that the way it lives and thinks is not natural. The dolphin will die before it ever knows the ocean and procreate other dolphins that will never know the ocean. Am I never to know what is beyond my thought?

The world tells you who you are before you have a chance to imagine what it would be like to be uniquely you. The world steals you away from rest and forces you to work for the world and not yourself. Unable to know what really wants to happen in life for you, you’re creating something that isn’t what you truly need or want but what fits the world’s ideas of you.

The ancestral traumas are buried deep. We cannot see them. They make the structure for our sense of worth and esteem. Changing them is vigorous effort because something very deep needs a very deep rest and meditation to connect. It goes beyond physical memory or what we think. It is a karma (movement of mind and what follows) that holds us together. You break that down everything falls apart. I suppose that’s why so much of our life becomes a wreck when we decide to change the karma of our ancestral impact on our lives.

We are all fighting for our freedom from the Babylon Patriarchal Dark Age that has lured us into a Matrix built on pretending to be wisdom keeper but really are using the knowledge to damage the wisdom for weakness to disable people’s intuition, making everyone separate from each other and the universe.

The Matrix we’ve known for a long time is collapsing because too many people are figuring out the thoughts that they carry they can let them go. They don’t have to be the genetic makeup of their ancestral karma. They can change their human design. The Creatrix lies underneath the surface of the mind. It is the source of inspiration behind the Babylon Patriarchal Dark Age and governs universal laws of time, space and energy. It cannot be distorted or manipulated. The Matrix is an establishment built on top of the Creatrix as a plagiarized copy. Man wanted to be God so he created his own version of the Creatrix but without the people knowing that they are equally apart of God as they are. The ideas of those being closer to God and further from God emerged and the suffering began to ruin people’s minds.

God became a man who had power and the people saw only power governing the human experience. People chose the Matrix over the Creatrix out of desperation to survive in the changing manmade world. The Creatrix was only known by those sages who remembered what happened before the fall. So many people forgot the ways of the Creatrix and chose the plagiarized copy over the original. Centuries of conditioning the mind to not trust the heart and see it as illogical and nonsensical caused people to be easily mislead by those who they gave their power to for acceptance, livelihood and a sense of power. Those who did not play the game learned to disguise themselves to preserve their wisdom of the Creatrix.

The fall was too great. The Earth thrusted humankind into thousands of years where the mind and heart would be slit a part. Man would yearn for woman. Woman would yearn for man. The wisdom of how to come back together would be lost and duality would drop humanity back into sleep where dreams are messages no one knows how to read anymore. No more could read the language of the universe anymore. The mind without heart learned how to be thriving separating but there was always a missing perspective to the mastery over mystery. Man wanted to control the mystery by pretending to master its artistry but had no heart to respect it.

Going back to the heart is processing thousands of years of thoughts within fourteen generations going as far back as anyone could possibly imagine. The root thought is the Babylon Patriarchal Dark Age because that was when separation between the heart and mind turned the mind against the heart and the heart blocked from the mind. Thoughts became unreachable, inaccessible and unavailable to people. All we know is that there is something about our thoughts that doesn’t align with our spirit but no one knows how to bring the thought back to the heart for the heart to repair the broken connections.

Thinking becomes useless without heart intelligence. Thoughts without vision or perspectives move with no purpose or direction. Opening the mind is only available when there is respect for the intuitive intelligence of the heart. Every thought is a recycled thought and that original thoughts only come from heart-based living.

I found heart-based living in transforming the thought carried for generations when I started to see the Earth as a school. I found my thesis and began to experiment with my behaviors, habits, constructs, routine like a yogic scientist trying to find great energy beyond simply the mind. Greater energy generated by the heart and mind in an alignment so rare to find but once known opens a spirit trail to wisdom long before the Matrix and its way of thinking. I saw the thought and all the generations carrying it and realized the repair isn’t just me it’s the me inside we inside thee and this broken relationship with consciousness. The damage is what forms the thought. Something in me has been damaged and maybe that’s why so many people feel damaged. It’s the connection lost to a hive mind that isn’t working for wisdom but power that we will never know inside a dream we cannot read.