Poetry for the Renaissance

 What Pod of Orcas Know

By Rosa Ivy

We have many soulmates

We travel to earth like a pod of orcas

Except we’re separated

We try to find each other

But we forget our authentic self

Conditioned into the worldly self

Our ego overrides our inner voice

We find many people, have many relationships

To teach us who we are and who we aren’t

It’s the creative spark of our inner child

That reveals the vision for our quest

And our Renaissance partners

Waiting for us to begin our personal Renaissance

Then we begin to develop the inner voice

And begin to evolve not towards ego but towards a destiny path that seems so mysterious, uncomfortable and risky and yet it’s the most exciting and exalting thing

The mundane starts to blossom and every relationship starts to unveil its reflection

No longer are we confused or unconscious of our projections onto relationships and our epigenetic patterns, parental influence, habits and behaviors ingrained by choice and worldly force

We become responsible for the thoughts that filter the world and the expansion of our awareness

There is no playing it small, incoherent and numb

There is only endless pursuits of human excellence and the inner voice guiding our sails

Ego doesn’t know how to navigate the infinite

It only knows the finite and what conditions we must serve in order to survive the human experience

It’s the rebel for Art that dedicates the life to perfecting the perception and innovating majestic discernment

When our aura illuminates the old soul in a new body, this body here and now

That’s when we realize special connections are many and like a pod of orcas

We are most brilliant when we have like minded humans to enhance our soul

It’s the relationship with the inner child that figures out who is fated to be in our lives based on circumstance, conditioned beliefs, worldly persona and who is destined

The destined mates are beyond the form we take in this life

They are the remembrance of our authentic self and the wild child waiting to retrain the mind into a rebel of Art and student of soul

Creative People and Where to Find Them

by Rosa Ivy

The dream is to fully come into our creative destiny, to remember our mind isn’t a product of our world and that our consciousness is so vast, complete and whole and yet here in the world we feel separated, disconnected from a indigenous essence that knows how to listen to wonders in subtle spaces

I think of Jim Carey laughing wildly to the mundane

I think of Nina Simone playing the piano without thinking of notes just streaming expressions without mental digest

I marvel at Mr. Rogers and the good neighborhood song that made me feel like I had a father comforting me

I am awe stuck by Nikola Tesla and his wilderness of imagination

It’s like finding a secret space no one knows about and it’s full of wilder flowers and berries and trees with fruit

Like walking around shore of Torrance, LA and finding orange trees, melon trees untouched and left to do whatever they want to do

Dr. Seuss was my childhood ambition

I wanted to be theatrical and surreal like the Lorax communicating with animals

I searched for ways to converse with all that is living around me and there is a lot living in the subtle spaces only sensitivity can access

So many people, so many wonders

I play Alan Watts lectures in my brain like I’m ready to see reality through the eyes of a child

We are not conditioned

When we hold no beliefs

When we aren’t stubborn or stoic

When we’re dynamic like a theologist learning the world without judging it’s different parts

Just taking it in and finding the essence, the connection

It’s like an orchestra constantly searching for connection in the vast array of instruments that seem odd and even weird to be together like a harp and a trumpet

They don’t seem like companions, so different to each other and yet given the right perspective bring a spectrum of sound so gorgeous and special

There are so many things out there waiting to be creatively enlivened

But it’s not conditioned minds that sense it

It’s the sensible intuition that exists in the world and outside

Outside, nature, something like consciousness, a mystery like true love

Brings a connection that allows the world to refine its collective frequency like the forest tuning itself to be rhythmically more of the 5th element, like an elephant and a octopus

Existing in the same planet

Wow there is a gorgeous creative reality waiting to be remembered

If only we listen to the Lorax, a mythical creature that isn’t real

Or is he?

We just can’t sense it because we’re not trees

And Lorax says trees talk to each other

That’s a language to know

Man with a Guitar

By Rosa Ivy

Consciousness is a mystery and gentle thing

It’s like climbing Himalayan mountains and listening to total silence where the universe rings

Creative soul is pure wonder

Human tries to remember it’s dance like marveling at rain with thunder

Playful and strong, bees bring us oxygen

And nobody knows until icy cold shows our breath as we travel through metropolitan

Airy, fairy breath we breathe is like kites without strings gliding like hawk wings

We dive the deep like a Raven

Searching for our haven, a gentle place where cosmic space opens a grace like watching elk pass the road and cars stop, pause, do nothing but allow nature to come and go

Genius in the gamma waves of our minds

Know a different human kind, a exuberant and practical sublime

Our mind is a product of our world

And we are driven to be more than the average curve

We are herd of Buffalo

We do not tip toe

We are roots going deep enough to survive the tough like archer with bow

Winter turns to summer, spring becomes fall

We love the fall into Mother Earth like sky diving from celestial regions beyond

We are relearning our soul’s song

We are reparenting our disconnect, dysfunction back to the sacred belong

I belong, you belong

It’s in our nature like a Robin sings to plants in the morning to help them grow

We are snow that purifies the land of density making things light

Oh I love to look at stars deep in the night

When all is asleep and tucked in tight

We come from that magnificent light

So big so bright and the friction is divine intersection where we get to decide what we’ll be

Creative soul knows no end just more to learn and discover

The art form changes as the heart exchanges

It’s love with all things to receive new things to progress the wings into grander resonance

Like a male peacock shows it’s colorful elements

A man on a guitar is nothing without consciousness to teach him alchemy

There is a symphony of human mastery

Reaching for greater exuberance

The composer is the shaman

Communicating with radiance to unlock mystery of enchantment

Wonder hidden in plain sight only Raven eyes can capture for a little while

Genuine love

By Rosa Ivy

Love is a fearless act of unveiling light within the shadows of our mind

It’s a meditation upon fear like looking directly into eyes of wolf that grants us passage through to the other side

Only the nature spirit can unlock the mystery and magic of kindred connection

And only those willing to uncondition their movements remember the inner child’s voice of reason

There is a spiritual being having a physical experience that is recollected in the shaman’s wonder

A shaman is a Renaissance human who follows the intuitive feeling like sensing light when you are totally blind

You feel the warmth

You know there is something in the subtle existence

Many never know that subtle existence

But it is the driving force for everything

Many cannot find a universe in a rain drop

Many cannot fully transform like the Phoenix because the heat of change is unbearable 

Many claim a love that is conditional because it’s too radical to live beyond worldly comforts

It’s too overwhelming to unveil light in the shadows and meditate upon fear

It’s too intense to call out distorted realities and subconscious nonsense and get to the essence

It’s too painful to see self in another and take responsibility for your projection

It’s much easier pretending, fantasying and assuming love without really known one’s own kindred spirit beyond the matrix of our mind needing something to fill the lack 

Compassion is knowing your worth, standing for your worth and never submitting to a world that does not fully embrace your worth

Your lover embraces your worth with a strong nervous system, radical honesty that is evolutionary and liberation and deep movements of deep breathing and playful play that restructures the heart from a raisin into a grape orchard

Song about Him

By Rosa Ivy

Your memory passing by and I don’t even look

I used to lay beside your image inside my head now you’re disappearing like sun behind cloud

I like the pounding rain if drowns out the sound of my heart crashing like waves

I return back to stars at night when I walk distances far

I miss your dreamy talks and your sensible touch

I search for your car in downtown hoping you might notice my glowing skin

I grew my hair long and dyed it red to enliven my destiny

Memories shift and turn like supernovas

Unexpected ending is a friendly poem reminding me of timeless classics

I try not to think too hard about the problem

And laugh at the enchantment

I’m not afraid to give and play without fear of loss or disappointment 

I laugh until I cry at the silly things that turned sun behind cloud into rainbows peeking through

Lightning strikes me out of sleep

I climb out the window just to feel the rain leave

It’s late and I can’t help but think of when we’d walk streets with no where to go

Neighborhoods and parties were the greatest adventure

Now you leave ecstasy once captured in mundane and forget your melody

My dear friend I wanted you to stay playful forever

I wanted you to jump on cars sounding the alarm and charging away faster than rain

I hoped you’d stay hopeful and carefree like when you kissed my lips so nervous and so gentle

I imagined you in New York laughing while dancing to disco music

I see you there and I know you’ll make it to the other side

Classrooms and bookcases, standing on lunch tables pounding our chest

We weren’t jocks but loved the thrill

Car racing I heard police and you turned off your lights

Moonlite Carolina, the ocean seemed like a rabbit hole into worlds unknown

Watching sunset turn treetops into marigold, I held your hand and then let it go as if trying to remind myself nothing is eternal and yet why does the sun seem eternal

I wait for the water to still and the sun to turn trees into gold before I dive in letting go of all my clothes

I don’t want the heaviness so I declutter everything

I step lightly and yet strong enough to feel my roots going down

I shift like a ballet and dream of recitals

It’s stars or the ocean that decides what must go

I don’t fight against the tide I just give in and let be the shift of everything

I’ll be a warrior and a rose to show you my sunrise and nighttime

I thought I’d wait for you forever but I want change like the grass wants snow

The same can’t be forever because evergreen doesn’t work unless there is release

Holding so tight the chest is stuck and breaks

I’d rather be mountain turning into sand maybe then I’ll make a Pearl just for me

I’ll be your beauty in the transition of melody

I feel so free in this silence once filled up with you

Now there is an ocean calling to me

I cleanse my blood and release you like a feather

My memories thrash until they collide

You were a great lesson and now I get to rest

Nighttime is rollercoaster and I love the thrill

All these experiences are like killer whales diving all together

I assumed you were many things

I used to want all those things but now it’s just silence in this release

I burn my mental letters in the fire before I make marsh mellows

I wanted you to grow but I can’t force you to be what I assume

Assumptions are reckless and my fantasies don’t make sense

You are not the Lion heart to me maybe you’ll be for someone else someday maybe

So much attack from your exes like a check list that you never paid attention to

Baggage is like a house so untidy

I can’t move when the weight is so heavy

I tried to clean your heart but you resist the ocean

I lay flat on my back and float listening to dolphins

I cannot be your muse when I’m just something to use like a rose cut from the ground l

I could wait a lifetime for you to remember me but that would be a waste

I want my time to be brand new so I can breathe in and breathe out without holding back

I suppose I’m not the one and I tried to control this ocean keeping us apart but that’s a fool

I’m not upset or restless I know pain has purpose and I found my inner power

You can run far from me and I won’t chase you

I let Star cross lovers burn and fade

I see a lover inside a dream and he’s not you

I can’t sense you anymore

I know I deserve love and you’re irrational to love, wanting and pushing, calling and deleting

I’ll be your fading rose

You’re eyes don’t give me passion because there is numbness and tightness and I thought I could be your ballet

I’m too adventurous and you like the repeat

I’ve never known romantic love and I remembered your lifetime

Everything must change and I’ll be your ending

There are those who drown us and those who pull us out

There are those who cut us down and those who help us out

Finding the right one is knowing the kind of medicine you need

We are darkness and light

Shadow and the sun

Monsters only hurt when you give it your power

Don’t give it your power

I am in a cave staring at the wall

There are shadows from puppet masters

I cannot see them but I know they are there

Until I realize I am not what I think

I am the fire

There are those who break us and those who make us whole again

There are those who take out the light and those who turn it on

Finding shelter is knowing where to go

We are alone in death

We are alone in north

But we always have a team

We are ravens

We are darkness and light

Shadow and the sun

Monsters only hurt when you give it your power

Don’t give it your power

I am in a cave staring at the wall

There are shadows from puppet masters

I cannot see them but I know they are there

Until I realize I am not what I think

I am the fire

You are a beautiful woman

You weren’t ready to embrace the mystery

Needing to control everything

Your heart is covered in stone but it still beats

Breaking stone is breaking glass

All must fall a part to come back together forever

She’s your Nefertiti, old soul meeting

Through stars and constellations you find each other over and over

You’ve got a stubborn head, tough, makes you brace but sometimes you’re too fixed to see a different perspective

Your soul needs wide open

She triggers you like an NDE

You’re able to breathe more deeply when she’s near

The world’s got a cage and you’ve found a way to break free but sometimes you act like you’re still a bird in a cage

She must be safe

Smudging away pain helping you to be braver

She’s your Nefertiti, old soul meeting

Through stars and constellations you find each other over and over

It’s always been about titties and ass

Never soul love that lasts like stars do

Sex is good, raw but it never satisfies

He never feels lovelier

Oh how it was lovely to meet you

Your soul shines in my eyes

You’re my kindred mate

A very important date

I cannot be late

Sex when in love is bliss like watching northern lights dance in your eyes

It’s always been about the fast life, clubs, bars, drunk at 3 am scrolling through boody pics

He got bored in all the saturation having too many options can feel like a curse

So many perfects bodies that never last

He never found perfect love to his soul

What made you change your mind about love

What made you decide to want love

You found your muse now what are you going to do

Give it your all

That’s the right thing to do

Until he opened his heart

She must be from another galaxy

Because she’s different in the best way like seeing wild flowers grow through cracks in cement

What made you change your mind about love

What made you decide to want love

You found your muse now what are you going to do

Give it your all

That’s the right thing to do

Clean it up

Clean out house to bring in pure love

A seed won’t grow in dirt

It needs soil

What made you change your mind about love

What made you decide to want love

You found your muse now what are you going to do

Give it your all

That’s the right thing to do

Burn it, the past

Let it become ash

Repair your heart

Give it pep talk

Give yourself sunshine, rain and fresh air

Tender, love and care

You got love Jones in your bones

What made you change your mind about love

What made you decide to want love

You found your muse now what are you going to do

Give it your all

That’s the right thing to do

A boy becomes a man when he meets a woman to his soul

Sexual healing is the best kind of fun

He can’t believe he settled for woah

Now he knows honesty, integrity and compassion is how you find your destiny

What made you change your mind about love

What made you decide to want love

You found your muse now what are you going to do

Give it your all

That’s the right thing to do

You didn’t want me then why do you want me now

I suppose your little games you’ve taken too far

I wanted to give you all my love

You’re living in your head

You wear down love until it’s brittle

You don’t give to love until you’re desperate enough

You expect the love you want to hang around while you resist any kind of change that forces you to do inner work

You’re a runner and I’m your doormat

The rain always comes

My feet are muddy

You’re a runner

You have all the coins you need to escape your problems but you never do

You didn’t want to talk to me now I’m all you need to talk to

I suppose toxic imposters gets boring after a little while

I could be your loyal dog but you don’t nurture me

You only want my care when you’re spiritually drained because you don’t do the inner work

You’re a runner and I’m your doormat

The rain always comes

My feet are muddy

You’re a runner

You have all the coins you need to escape your problems but you never do

It’s easier said than done

I could wait all day in the sun

Expression of love must not be that important to you until you’ve lost your muse

You’re a runner and I’m your doormat

The rain always comes

My feet are muddy

You’re a runner

You have all the coins you need to escape your problems but you never do

I don’t know why I’m going back to you

Most memories fade but yours lingers

I know your father doesn’t like me

Because my skin ain’t white

Was it true

You were going to break up with me because your father was going to stop help you build cars

I am such a problem

Because no matter what I do my eyes will never be blue

You used to take me to Gabe’s parents land

Drinking parties and game of rhyme

When I told Gabe’s young brother rhyme with Pleiades everyone stopped and stared like I was a mythical thing

Was it true

You were going to break up with me because your father was going to stop help you build cars

I am such a problem

Because no matter what I do my eyes will never be blue

If I told you I want a second chance would that seem strange

After everything we’ve been through

After the Final Cut that nearly damaged me beyond repair

I want us to be friends

I want to heal the land we walked upon

I know we were young

You were 20

I was 22

I was finding my way

You were trying to break free

You were desperate for love, real feelings

We were intertwined and thy scared me

I had father issues

You had several of your own

Your life was out of balance and you couldn’t handle a fire like me

How do you feel now

You’re 26

I am 28

Does my fire spark passion in you even now

I was dreamy

You were flying too fast

I was creative writing

You were needing to fit in

I was studying my future

You were chasing your ambitions

I am an exotic car from Spain

You are a black mustang

How do you feel now

You’re 26

I am 28

Does my fire spark passion in you even now

I love your country vibe

I love your need for thrill

I love your sensual touch

I love your empathic heart

I love your wild nerves and need to grow

How do you feel now

You’re 26

I am 28

Does my fire spark passion in you even now

Do you think about me sometimes when you’re alone late at night when it’s quiet

Do you remember how I liked to take walks through your neighborhood in dark woods

Was love enough for you

Was my presence satisfying

Was our relationship good

I’ll never know because you cut me off

I cut you off

We’re shattered glass to a vase that once had flowers

Colorful flowers

Shattered glass and I pick up the pieces

I did everything for you

I cleaned your house so you’d sleep better

I made a home for your bird so she could look out the window and get some fresh air and sunshine

My love changed you

Showed you something magical

I told you I am a medicine woman

The native chant lives in my blood

How are you

Have you found someone that excites you

I wanted you to give to me

I don’t think you know how to give

Was love enough for you

Was my presence satisfying

Was our relationship good

I’ll never know because you cut me off

I cut you off

We’re shattered glass to a vase that once had flowers

Colorful flowers

Shattered glass and I pick up the pieces

I want to talk to you but I don’t know if you want to talk to me

There is something on my heart that drive me to you

I see you’re doing fine

I see you’re growing up

I see your black mustang suits you well

Tie something white around your side mirror

If I see it when you’re driving, driving I’ll know you want to talk

Maybe you miss me but if you don’t that’s okay too

Just keeping driving, driving suits you well

I was your first girlfriend

You didn’t know how to be a boyfriend

The first day I met you I kissed your cheek before I watched you drive off into darkness

I wanted you but you were restless, reckless

Now I know driving frees your soul

You felt caged before

Your mind was elsewhere

I wonder if you remember me taking you to the art show

Tie something white around your side mirror

If I see it when you’re driving, driving I’ll know you want to talk

Maybe you miss me but if you don’t that’s okay too

Just keeping driving, driving suits you well

I can’t remember the last time I was kissed

I am alone running the track late at night

I try not to think about you but lately you’re all I want to know

I told myself it’s better to forget you

Heartbreak forced me to move hundreds of miles away

So I don’t have to face you

I held so tightly to my pain

Thinking you used me just for sex

Now I get to rest because I know it was love

I run in the middle of the night to feel my heartbeat racing like a mustang

Back then you had your yellow Camaro and I was your alien

I sighed because I got half of your time and I thought I was your best friend

I wasn’t

I wanted to be

I held so tightly to my pain

Thinking you used me just for sex

Now I get to rest because I know it was love

You left me to hang out with Gabe like I was just someone to impress the boys

Breaking up with you all the time, I didn’t know what else to do

I wasn’t ready for sex

I wasn’t ready

I held so tightly to my pain

Thinking you used me just for sex

Now I get to rest because I know it was love

I blamed you for my heartbreak

It wasn’t you

It wasn’t me

We were too young

Drunk, April 16th, I thought we would be good friends but you forced it to end

You said you throw away girls and that made me feel like hoer in your bed

All my rain makes the river overflow

That’s when everything is out of control and I like it

It gives me ease

I think we are soulmates that met prematurely

You have big goal

I know it so because I am an Aries just like you

We collided not wasting time free falling without fear

Until something in you gave up on me

All my rain makes the river overflow

That’s when everything is out of control and I like it

It gives me ease

I understand your need for drifting

Fast cars are a danger that makes you not fear the wild unknown

All my rain makes the river overflow

That’s when everything is out of control and I like it

It gives me ease

When it rains I think of you and hope you’re doing well

I hope you healed and found peace

You excitement me even now

Chance to Learn Something Brilliant

By Rosa Ivy

The opening heart is a wild creative expression like a bird in the cage being set free

The bird doesn’t know the wild closely

It observes the possibility, the wonder, the capability but is forced to stay in the comforts of the cage

It’s used to the safety and codependency

The bird commercialized, breed to be a worldly beauty to soothe and excite the human need for a glimpse into the wild unknown

We think we know our potential

We strive to perfect our human excellence

But without the opening of heart the wild child never gets to soar beyond the comforts of our safety and codependency

Dependent on the world for direction, gratification and guidance

We atrophy our intuition, our natural ability to evolve

It’s easier as the bird in the cage

An opening heart is a free thinker

In a world that has spent much time overriding the heart with ego

It seems better to go with the momentum and settle for fear disguised as practicality

Then to adventure the great mystery and develop our intuitive to full capacity

Our creative expression doesn’t quite evolve greatly without the wild child evolving past the ego

Ego never allows the wild child to fully explore its imagination and intuition

The opening heart wants to learn the manifesting art of Renaissance and how things evolve into stronger, more radiant and mighty innovations to the grand symphony of cosmic karma birthing Gaia’s perception and understanding of itself

And we are the bird perched on the window ceil looking into the window at the bird in a cage fluttering our wings to remind the bird what birds were designed for

We have a brilliant human design

And only the opening of heart can potentiate

The Great Mystery

By Rosa Ivy

The mind wants extraordinary talks

And long walks with nature to process the great mystery

Potential is glorious ambition, to unlock and unblock wilder expressions is why there are blueberries, blackberries and strawberries in a continuation of evolutionary progress towards new color and dynamic wonder

Destiny is an authentic transmission coming directly from the soul

Fate is the world and all the conditions, limitations and restrictions that appear to dominate our mind

It’s easy to flow in the momentum of fate because epigenetically we are wired to act and behave in certain ways

And yet

Potential beneath the surface of our fate nudges us to take certain risks for evolution of self, past self that of our ancestors and future self that of blackberries inventing strawberries

Renaissance is uncomfortable like when the discovery of other planets in this solar system

People become nervous, unstable and doubtful because they lack trust in the process of progress

Everything starts from a intuitive knowing even the black hole theory by Steven Hawkins was just a curious ponder that became a pursuit of greater potential

Potential is grand and small

Like looking at a bee and learning that bees support oxygen

Such a tiny creature with such a purposeful mission

Creative potential is a hollow bone taking in the universal showers like soil takes in rain

My Cherokee elder would pray to be hollow bone during every sweat lodge to remind himself to let the inspiration flow and to not judge just observe

The mind is curious like a child and should remain curious about potential

Discernment comes from warrior training on the heart

When the heart breaks, is crushed and betrayed the heart learns how to repair, regenerate and recover

It’s the process in progress we become masterful at discernment

Never allow worldly conditions, limitations and restrictions discourage intuitive feeling

For there would be no knowledge about the bees supporting oxygen without a intuitive feeling brought into potential to fulfill


by Rose Ivy

Death is a portal

When it opens there is transference of energy moving creative movement into a supernova

Everything that was breaks and turns to particles for nebulas

In those nebulas, they are new thought forms, new identities, new ways of being, new expressions, new intentions, new intersections, new realizations, new sensations, new presentations

We present ourselves to the universe with wonder and curiosity

“What shall I do now?”

“Who shall I become now?”

In the panorama show of our finite

We get to see what we came here to be and what we actually did

No right or wrong

Just improvisation and a wise teacher

Showing us how to be creatively wilder, freer and more in tune with the universal harmony

Portals are all around


Never closing

The veil only appears thick and dense

When our sensory awareness is heavy with the clutter from our fragmented hearts and minds

We take out the unnecessary and get to the evolutionary necessity and begin our personal Renaissance like a star beginning to spiral light through darkness to reinvent its potential to hold planets with realities

Everything is a play, an art studio, a jazz room waiting for someone brave enough to get up and play the piano

No one truly knows what they’re doing

It’s improve

You just follow the subtle guide within your heart showing you an arch of people before you daring to do what you’re about to do

Sand turns to Pearls

By Rosa Ivy

There are low vibrational timelines and high vibrational timelines

We can allow low energy thoughts to take over and saturate us with worldly junk clumped together from our generational unresolved traumas

Or we can challenge those common thoughts by reparenting our mind

Growing up I had no father

He died tragically when I was six

At a very young age, I told myself God will be my father and I began to have sensations of a good father moving through me, altering my perception, giving me a mysterious inner strength

During acts of reparent are repairing then repatterning then remembering the time before this physical life then realigning then reinventing then rehabitualizing until Renaissance starts   to revive the creative energy lost in a clutter of generational traumas

You can sense it’d presence

You can feel it’s higher frequency harmonizing your brain with soul essence

It’s the strength of the soul essence that allows us to break and turn our pieces into a mandala like Tibetan monks who spend a long time creating a mandala out of tiny pieces of sand and then when complete they allow the wind to send it into the river

The river sends those pieces to the ocean where they become shells with pearls

The soul essence is a fearless act of growing like a tree in the redwoods

Growing despite the pests violating you, forest fires burning you, drought depriving you and sickness betraying you

Trees are strong because they know their roots

They know their connection to something deeper then soil

They know their purpose and fearlessly keep reaching for it

Keep reaching towards the sun and figure out what you’re made of

Don’t just settle for the trauma version of reality

Build new boughs around the broken ones like a tree

Shine like Rose Quartz in the Light

By Rosa Ivy

Diamond in the rough is like a lake untouched by the world

There are crystals beneath the soil, deep in the mountain where the lake watches over the hills peering into the ocean

The water is so clean, clear and radiant

We all want to know that exceptional sense of ease but we are warriors and we are stained by the traumas of our past

Those staines can be like dirty pipes dumping into the Mississippi

And yet we strive for wonder of the wildflowers and strawberries

I used to hide from my Cherokee heritage, afraid to be seen, afraid to shine because anything beautiful like the west coast ocean is taken over by a world wanting to hold onto beauty

I want to grow beauty like the rose

The rose will fade in color

The rose might lose its peddles to the wind and/or animals, insects

It doesn’t surrender its positive glow to the process of evolution

It continues regardless of what is happening to it

Indigenous women have taught me that the inner child is closest to the essence and yet the a bird in a cage in our world

Forced to rely on the conditions to survive

There is no play, only the imagination of play

There is no direct sunlight to energize the crystals in the brain

There is just confinement

In what way are we confined to the conditions of our upbringing, what have we been told we are and the beliefs that solidify the mind?

Being mixed blood I grew up as a theologist

Excavating wonder like an archeologist

Listening to Robert Bly like a lullaby

And following stories of C.S Lewis like a playground

Creativity must be isolated, left alone to strengthen its grit before a orange tree becomes an orchard

The world suggests we compete, compare and contrast

There is excellence in pressure

But when the force isn’t met with rest

The heat cannot proper turn coal into diamond

We’re all looking for a California

I sought California to meet the indigenous stories of the continent of MU in the Pacific Ocean

There is greatness in the process of purpose to turn something into something different

Sometimes that different isn’t always what we want or works out well

We’re manifesting scientists

And when our roots know the heart of earth

We are not just determination and willpower

We are chance meetings, synchronicity, serendipity

A kind of intuitive excellence that takes us further than the ego could ever go

The Great Mystery

By Rosa Ivy

The mind wants extraordinary talks

And long walks with nature to process the great mystery

Potential is glorious ambition, to unlock and unblock wilder expressions is why there are blueberries, blackberries and strawberries in a continuation of evolutionary progress towards new color and dynamic wonder

Destiny is an authentic transmission coming directly from the soul

Fate is the world and all the conditions, limitations and restrictions that appear to dominate our mind

It’s easy to flow in the momentum of fate because epigenetically we are wired to act and behave in certain ways

And yet

Potential beneath the surface of our fate nudges us to take certain risks for evolution of self, past self that of our ancestors and future self that of blackberries inventing strawberries

Renaissance is uncomfortable like when the discovery of other planets in this solar system

People become nervous, unstable and doubtful because they lack trust in the process of progress

Everything starts from a intuitive knowing even the black hole theory by Steven Hawkins was just a curious ponder that became a pursuit of greater potential

Potential is grand and small

Like looking at a bee and learning that bees support oxygen

Such a tiny creature with such a purposeful mission

Creative potential is a hollow bone taking in the universal showers like soil takes in rain

My Cherokee elder would pray to be hollow bone during every sweat lodge to remind himself to let the inspiration flow and to not judge just observe

The mind is curious like a child and should remain curious about potential

Discernment comes from warrior training on the heart

When the heart breaks, is crushed and betrayed the heart learns how to repair, regenerate and recover

It’s the process in progress we become masterful at discernment

Never allow worldly conditions, limitations and restrictions discourage intuitive feeling

For there would be no knowledge about the bees supporting oxygen without an intuitive feeling brought into potential to fulfill