poems for the renaissance

            An ancient understanding

By Rosa Ivy


Love is an endless drop into the blackness of mystery

We keep grabbing onto definitions trying to hold something vastly expansive and all too consuming

We label, categorize but even the Sufi poets with profound and deep meditation aren’t close to the definition because it’s all encompassing

The word hate manifests itself out of love in the polarization when human decides to exist separate from soul in a hero’s journey to get back to soul

Soul is the closest thought we can gather that mimics love and yet our closeness with soul isn’t clear and sincere because of our mental disturbance

Traumas of fragmented people with broken consciousness and malnourished behaviors are obstructions to the flow of universal energy

In our interesting times, we are guided to unblock those memories, ancestral stuff and collective junk and rebuild our inner temple from the destruction of our conscious choice to break down Babylon

Nature for the human is the brightest red rose bursting through the cracks in cement

Our jungle of cement might replace our jungles that are lungs to the planet if we don’t make space for nature in our inner landscape to flourish

Babylon decides for us technology as the evolutionary necessity

Gaia decides for us spiritual maturity as the absolute evolutionary necessity

They are one and the same but when they co-exist as rivals, opponents, there is major mistakes in human development

Love is the only way the two connect and co-exist as one source of energy

Nature based technology is like the breath working with the brain and the brain working with arms and legs

We already have a perfect technology

The human body is a tool like pyramids are tools for channeling extraordinary energy of the Earth

Timelines converge and alchemize with love

Past patterns revolutionize through love

Stubborn thought forms reinvent themselves because of love

There is a ongoing Renaissance in gratitude for love

The absence of love stiffens, tightens and holds us angry, raging at the blackness we must continue to free fall into

Anger spreads into victimization, resentment, bitterness and hate

It’s a feeling of being unsafe that makes us question if we are loved

So many people feel unsafe because most of us are displaced, forced to remove our creative reality in order to survive in a Babylon world

It’s the meditation we yearn for most and yet we’re scared to stop grabbing onto something as we fall into the blackness of mystery

On the other side of the mystery’s journey is an opening into elsewhere

That elsewhere could be more of the same of what we think we are or a field of wild herbs showing us how to take a seed of something so soulful and grow it

Only things of love truly blossom

The seeds of hate do grow and manifest proudly into our world but they aren’t honest to Gaia

14 generations of a powerful hatred is strong with deep, long and thick roots but no matter how long it prevails it must change through nature and change through nature is a direct link to love

Consciousness evolves because love is between death and life, that majestic unknown that goes beyond hate and love

It’s just compassion and eternal grace in the unfolding of our karmic imprints destined to improve, refine, cleanse, decompose and recycle back into a majestic and masterful mystery like how sacred geometry just is a consistent harmony when when we humans aren’t


How to Trust yourself

By Rosa Ivy


Silence in the spaces in-between train us to caliber to nature

In a world of constant disturbance, interference and pressure, our brain waves calibrate arrhythmically to the symphony of creative alchemy within our bodies

Getting back to the silence is honoring the sacred passage through a thought as we delegate and get honest with ourselves

Which thoughts are just distorted realities and which thoughts are nature’s refinement

Responsibility for our everything is a composer learning how to write and rewrite music notes for a wide range of instruments

We take on our parents, grandparents and how we’re raised but that’s just a train ride that brought us here

Sometimes we stay with the ones who carried us here and sometimes we don’t

We’ll know our evolutionary mates and Renaissance partners by the exuberant challenge that develops our authentic reality

This is tribe and we are born with a determination and eagerness to gather them to us out of the brokenness of our fragmented consciousness

Trust is earned and to earn trust in ourself is to fearlessly love ourselves in the shadow of our mistakes and negativity turning us against ourselves and in the sun of our garden

We become the warrior in the shadow of our fears, phobias, traumas and perversions or the victim

Warrior in the garden is the harmony we pursue in the vigorous training earth provides

Earth is a school and the lessons are everywhere showing us the frameworks to our own mind

Intuition is what we receive when we start to reclaim our self worth and self esteem

It’s like taking an algebra test

We fail, fail again, fail another time and discover what works for us and what doesn’t work for us in the process of progress

Belittlement, discouragement and worldly distorted realities dumping into your identity wants us to be overly critical

In the decision to mimic nature we find our breakthrough

We find that polarities and duality that keeps us at odds doesn’t have to be our fragmented self

We simply need to learn how to be a composer and write lower versions of ourselves and higher versions of ourselves into a dynamic symphony that may sound like a friction but it’s melodically excellent


Je te laisserai des mot by Patrick Watson Inspired poem by Rosa Ivy


There is a part of us that wants to love deeper, to open our heart fuller and experience the total release of our fears but we’re birds in a cage and don’t realize it

We’re comfortable hiding our love away from world

We conform our uniqueness to be loved by the world and a numbness takes over

Authentic, sincere, gentle and free presents itself as a warrior training

For some reason, the indigenous part of us is the most belittled, discouraged and fragmented because our need to control everything

In the morning I listen to all types of birds call to the wild

Studies have shown that vibration and frequency that of birds that of you and I can increase growth in plants and support good health in physicality

It’s our spirituality that we’re desensitized to like an orca born in captivity doesn’t know echolocation, how to form pod or hunt but genetics tells orca that there is more

We search for that more, something on the other side of our self made mental confinement where doctrine and belief makes us think we’re surviving but our unique love, indigenous heart is left unrealized

We settle into a world already made up for us and lose our imagination and sense of pure wonder

It is the kindred sense of things like when Jim Carey leaps into the sidewalk with wide smile, crazy eyes and funky movements that reminds us of something

Each wolf has their own sound

The different howling sounds join together in a symphony of signature pitches

What is our unique signature in our wild expressions?

What does our personal Renaissance look like when we devote ourselves to it?

Fear is a doorway beyond fear with a journey like the scarecrow, tin man and lion

We face many charlatans and much uncertainty but learn it’s better to face fear then let fear take away the play of learning something new

We find love is an act of learning our way through shadows to receive the sun through the shifting of rain

Water being our closeness to Pacha Mama, an indigenous root that weaves through all like consciousness knows darkness of deep space connecting planets to distant planets



By Rosa Ivy


We search for love and don’t find it

We ask ourselves, “Is something wrong with me? Why can’t I connect with someone on a deeper level?”

It’s easier to be reserved and stay close to our independence afraid to lose ourselves in the all consuming connection of another

It’s like being in deep ocean

It’s terrifying and freeing at the same time

There are creatures all around us that we can’t see and some are harmful to us and others friendly

You feel something swipe our body

Is it a dolphin or shark?

In deep ocean it’s never clear

Fears are like that

When we emerge with someone it takes great maturity and inner strength

It’s like lavender agreeing to grow with cucumbers

They are so different and yet find themselves wanting to collaborate

We know the connection is good when we feel nourished like how moss and clover seem to work good together

It’s mutually beneficial allowing a greater radiance

We think we know our potential and excel greatly on our own then we meet a special person and suddenly our creative fire turns blue like a star in the beginning of its birth when it’s brightest and hottest

Renaissance partner amplifies our inner light and takes us to deeper depths, depths we could not go alone

It’s like swimming the deep ocean

It’s easier when you have a dear friend

It’s makes it more exciting to discuss your feelings and share unique experience of deep ocean

Surfing is always a group effort and profound friendship because as smart as our brain is it needs perspective different from our own to truly see the gorgeous reality of life

Sometimes we become too negative and need a positive perspective

Sometimes we’re too this or that and need a friction to keep us neutral, balanced in identity of self and innovation sparked from unique conversation

Finding a Renaissance partner is first discovering the extraordinary beauty of our own creative potential and pursing that wholeheartedly, fearlessly

Then, we attract not just people who mirror our parents, childhood memories and society programming but people who go beyond this lifetime of shaping

That meet us at the place where we are our past and yet so much more

We are the uniqueness of spiritual innovation that alters our physicality for the better making us a Renaissance of unique choices and decisions that support our mind stream, the only thing we take with us when it’s all said and done

Renaissance partner teaches us as we teach them how valuable and worthy we are to be our authentic self without shame and fear

We face each other with courage and radical honesty that is just and kind

We honor the diversity and friction for their is no creation without explosive moments of power and love coming together in a Big Bang

We yearn for the deep ocean and yet we first must learn how to swim

We need to be a good swimmer or we’ll cling to the shallows out of comfort

Until we’re comfortable enough we’ll keep practicing romance, connection and attraction with ourselves and another until the day comes when we have the chance to know Renaissance of a profound love that takes us beyond our human identity and shows us our spiritual heart in the strength of relating to someone’s soul, which is the deepest depths

The soul takes us right to the Pacific Ocean where volcanos of deep earth created the first minerals to the first celestial contact with planet earth


It’s risky to want to shine

By Rosa Ivy


We are asked to take certain risks for growth

It’s risky opening up as a red rose does to the elements

There is a chance of ruin but persistence of nature keeps the red rose continuous

Sometimes we hold back our uniqueness because we’re afraid to be seen

It’s interesting how the female peacock is all brown and the male is luminous color

She is hidden for protection

He is bright for attraction

Phases of us go through self preservation and self illumination

The drama of chaos keeps us on our toes

Distraction and focus are the pathways

Distraction leads us to confusion

Focus takes us to intention, introspection and determination

We wonder if we’re go enough constantly in distraction

We wonder if we’re sincere to our truest desires when we’re focused

We ping pong from distraction and focus because life is a thrill and it’s wildly playful and critical

We find our center in our grounded and sensible need for discernment

Life is much more vibrant, exciting and joyous when we’re discerning

We aren’t meant to take on the world

There will always be friction, polarity to keep us evolving in endless darkness and expansive light

It’s the in between the dark and light where we are

Earth has darkness all around and a pint of light with a gravitational pull keeping earth from destructively spinning out into endless dark

The black hole in the center of our galaxy is very destructive, sucking in energy and spitting it out elsewhere in the universe and yet it’s massive gravity keeps the galaxy in tact

It’s risky having a black hole in the center of our galaxy constantly consuming and destroying planets and yet it is our remedy

Writing our story is a fearless expression in a world where sometimes criticism seems to override playfulness

We can get lost in the dump yard of critics trying to distract us from our perfectly imperfect innovation

We’re all like the scarecrow, tin man and lion searching for something missing

Either we want intelligence through education for achievement, a heart for compassion, healing and true love or courage to face the troubling adversities with strength

We take the yellow brick road for the thrill of change and possible growth

Though charlatans disguised as professors shock our innocence into maturity, we understand discernment is the weaving of intellect, heart and power

Stamina on the yellow brick road is the greatest challenge

Do we have the resilience, commitment and dedication to keep going?

Or does the black hole of life keep us away from our playful heart?


“To exist is to survive unfair choices,” Brit Marling

Risks bring a tilt to our orbit that shakes our ground and repositions us

Its uncomfortable and brings things down like a recking ball

But if we’re confident enough we’ll find an ecstatic vision within the unknown parts of us guiding us into new adventures like when scarecrow met tin man met lion

It’s a sweet friendship that matters

The black hole isn’t as bad as it appears when we’re connected to something bigger than that, cosmic cruising friends


Where is the heart beyond a physical organ

By Rosa Ivy


How do we know if our heart speaks rhythms or rhymes?

I think its language is rhythms

Before rhymes to intellectualize, there is just pulsation, vibration and a intuitive sense

We feel our way through change like how wild animals can sense a tsunami coming and will leave the area all at once without communicating to each other

They just feel the rhythm of earth and gain insight

Our heart sends electromagnetic pulses throughout our body and yet many of us can’t tap in

On a biological level, our body knows traumas interference, emotional stress disturbance and toxic patterns wiring our heart arrhythmic

Biology tells us to change but we can’t sense it’s rhythm of communication

In a blues room, a musician glances at another letting them know a change is coming

A musician can sense the rhythm is about to change and everyone just shifts with the change in synch without verbal communication

We wrestle with our heart a lot because our ego’s need for control

We assume safety is how much we can control the outcome when really it’s subtlety that gives us the most safety because we’re able to feel what’s needed and shift towards it like how trees change reposition themselves to get more sunlight

A forest isn’t desperately chasing the sun or aggressively attacking the sun

The forest simply knows it will reach the sun if it keeps nourishing itself

Trees know protection in the ability to charge themselves with chemicals that convert into energy that sting off the dysfunctions trying to ruin their creation

Rhythm is the foundation to our rhyme and openness that allows new sounds to reach us from the unknown parts of our beautiful brain

Telepathy is a rhythm and it’s the first language we learn

A mother can sense her baby crying even when her baby is far away

There is an invisible thread that connects us all like keys to a piano appear separate when we just play one key over and over and then we learn to play many at once and feel the conversation between them

It’s subtlety of the rhythmic heart that is a forgotten language to some and yet to composers of art, music and movement recognize it as a core language to refining rhythms into different compositions

That’s how Ray Charles could just play the piano blind

He knew it by heart because that’s how much he devoted himself to it

His sense of rhythms didn’t need eyes or even ears

As long as he had a heart he could follow its rhythm into an ecstatic expression

We ignore the rhythmic heart because we think rhymes will give us excellence

Rhymes try to conceptualize rhythms

When I think about Dr. Seuss’ creative impact there is an encouraging flow that teaches me how to read the rhythms of my own electromagnetic heart continuously moving like a blues room appears to go on and on in the subtle sense of connecting vibratory fields


Maturing Love

By Rosa Ivy


Sometimes it’s better to wait than settle

In our longing for intimacy, we mesh with others for a sense of depth

What we really want is to emerge but our life isn’t ready

Something holds us to the isolation, loneliness for growth, comfort and healing

Introspection, self discovery and manifestation of our dreams becomes our intimacy

We reach an age when meshing just doesn’t satisfy our desire for intimacy

We get clear about our worth in the alone time, inner exploration

Our thoughts flow in a clarity reality because we begin to trust the process

Sometimes it’s difficult to connect heart to heart in a televised world where emojis replace  self expression and attention spans are too anxious to enjoy the silence of holding hands walking the beach

Our head gets so loud and our heart’s rhythm gets consumed by the bombarding criticism of our constant consumption of stuff to fill in the emptiness of our thoughts

We think emptiness is a void that must be filled with things, stuff and people when really it’s a space where new creative ideas enter

We’ll never receive the intuitive direction without that space of emptiness

Does love at first sight exist?

It does if we’re attentive enough to our own heart and follow its expansion without hesitation but many times the ego won’t allow such magic to happen

Ego criticizes the mystical feeling and tells us that nobody can be trusted because everybody is a conditional love

That inner voice can consume our thoughts replacing discernment with judgment

The ego wants to nitpick what the heart feels, compartmentalize it thinking an intuitive feeling isn’t enough to trust the urge to move forward

In the waiting for the right kinds of connections, we develop a joy for inner strength and confidence in our self worth

We fail immensely and experience much disappointment but it’s a kind of heartfelt maturing that doesn’t lock us away for decades from our playful heart

It’s a kind of heartfelt maturing that brings us closer to what we truly want and need and what’s important for us to learn

We get closer to our true self in the loneliness that reaches for intimacy in friends that nurture our worth and inspire our creative choices

Eventually, there is divine timing, a passionate knowing that we’ve felt many times and since we’ve honored it many times, give us the growth we need to truly love ourselves and receive the love to our heartfelt maturity

Heartfelt maturity comes from trusting the process fearlessly through all failures, heartbreaks and learn every lesson as if earth is a school taking us somewhere so magical it needs a mature heart to get to



By Rosa Ivy


Self expression is a wild unknown adventure

It’s risky and uncertain demanding of us to trust the magic of growth, expansion and play

We’re hesitation, reserved and fearful to express our gorgeous artistry because the inner critic disguised as practicality assumes to be loved is to be accepted by the world but the world is too ecstatic to cling to the stoic, the unmoved and unevovled

It thrives off of the luminous heart movement of our spritely intellect

Sometimes we forget to breathe deeply and allow brain waves to sharpen our view

The choppy and restless intellect enters our heart turning our heartbeat arrhythmic by our own unprocessed fears

If we don’t check those fears, they turn our breath even shallower and our brain waves become a neurotic nuance that seems functional until our physicality becomes fatigued by those dead energy thoughts stuck in the anti-flow

We can’t control how and when our lives will shift it’s flow or begin a new ebb

We just allow the creative intimacy take over our potential

Many people don’t express their organic wonder because we’re told the childlike amazement must end for our dignified reality to begin but only the flexibility and swiftness of imaginative intellect of childlike wonder can invent a reality for the adult that is more than stoic, stagnant and unevolved disguised as perfect progress/satisfying control

Self expression is an absence of control when the ego feels safe in the personal power of our self worth

We aren’t looking for approval

We’re looking for creative progress and luminous perspective

The goal is becoming the most beautiful artistry the human body and mind has experienced thus far

To take the worldly whoa and shame, pain and confusion and catapult it into a joyous understanding

A blues room was a way for African Americans to not only escape the terrors of racism but to create their own sacred space to take off the ego of worldly beliefs and enter a realm of human connectivity where creativity is beyond color, gender and race

There is just universal rhythms we know deeply in the womb of the mother and when we die and must follow subtle light and dynamic rhythms on our way out of this physical version of ourselves

Blues is a place for sharing, caring and inclusion where instruments become amplifiers of the heart and the heart gets to evolve outside the cage of worldly beliefs

It’s like a bird being given a moment outside of the cage to fly and returns because it’s all it knows and it isn’t confident enough yet to leave and never return

Blues is a sublime creative expression training the captured spiritual identity now decided by the world how to evolve its self and fly without the need to return to the cage but soaring is a lineage, a group effort

It takes genetics of the eagle that instills in a baby eagle the knowledge of flight

When your expression has been conditioned to doubt and fear it’s easier to just flow with the comforts of what is common

Only the wild unknown knows possibilities beyond the ingrained, well established genetic structure of our potential

It’s the soulful enthusiasm to be something more that evolves our expression and encourages creative adventure

Such an inner movement of intellect gets the heart back on track with a rhythmic universe and evokes an artistry of childlike brain chemistry


Pressure to Evolve

By Rosa Ivy


Happiness is sensational, a kind of thrill that sensitizes the maverick potential gleaming inside the cave of our majestic mystery

We start off in Plato’s cave with shadows on the walls and a mindless projection and assumption given to us by the puppet masters we cannot see but know very well for they potentiate us into the world through their lens

Then, we start to feel something more than mental disarray

Some of us cling to the concepts and conventions instilled in us by previous ages of human existence transferred from parent to kid

Others of us notice the dullness of our distorted realities and adventure further into the cave beyond our comforts for some kind of sensation to jump start the electromagnetic heart

We discover crystal caverns and within them we encounter gems and jewels, diamonds and gold

We realize a gleam to darkness and return back to Plato’s cave to gather some fire for an intuitive deep exploration somewhere else

The fire of our determination, sense of divine protection and alchemical breath leads us through tunnels, avenues until we find the surface with gorgeous sunlight and ocean waves at distances shaping cliff with rolling green hills

Dullness of our senses comes from the shutdown of emotion, trauma lodged in our breath and suffering fragmenting our thoughts into a mess of confusion

Enthusiasm gives us a drive for sensational clarity that harmonizes our body, breath and aligns our potential with a creative choice

It’s a creative choice that first encounters the science and enchantment of heat, pressure turning coal into diamond

It’s a creative choice that realizes the mind can manifest its self in the image of what’s around us and/or what’s within us

Therefore, we aren’t bound to the concepts and conventions put into us

We are renovating them for the thrill of happiness



By Rosa Ivy


Green of determination keeps us innovative and adaptable

Striving for excellence is imbedded in our creative stature

Nature is exciting and challenging

It demands strength and requires gentleness

If we’re too tough nothing moves

We need thick skin like the bison in a blizzard but if our coat is too heavy we’re a sheep that can barely walk weighted by it’s dense coat

We need gentleness like a Raven soaring

There is lightness and steadiness that is slow, gradual and airy

We are searching for many things within ourselves like balance, stability, worth, enthusiasm, courage and unconditional love

We go out into the world to amplify our native talents through friendships of maverick destiny

Everything is a leap of faith and the more in tune we are with ourselves the more sincere our giving is

Great impact comes from great trust in the alchemical process of our growing beauty

The more we try to control the more weighted, dense and distracted we become

Renaissance of the world is captured in the deepening of breath in a awe striking moment of seeing our reality as a product of our mind and aligning our mind with the clear reality that originates from our heart

There is just nature and harmony of the universe training it

Polarity of suffering seeps in and we sometimes allow it’s heavy density saturate our potential but green of determination keeps us resilient long enough for deep breathing to return and reset the mind back on track with its zero point of neutrality of “just keep going”


Phoenix Heart

By Rosa Ivy


We wait patiently for what’s brilliant and spend our time following the urge to be wildly creative

Being a dreamer is a rebellious act of doing something that isn’t typical or common

We search for love and forget about cultivating our truest dreams trying to fit into the world

Instead of aligning with our own creative potential, we settle for the idea that what we want precisely doesn’t exist and that we must compromise

“Nobody will truly understand me so I’ll dumb myself down”

Some of us can’t shake the idea that creative perfection is real in love and intellect

It isn’t perfect in the sense of flawless and accurate always

It’s a kind of crazy art studio with years of abstract and bizarre thinking with colorfully deep and closest to nature simple gestures of mixed media that matures the longing to belong

Everything has a frequency and like frequency

That’s why certain souls naturally flock to each other

The goal is to discover that organic frequency within the body and mind, the essence that goes beyond beliefs, conditioning from parents and society’s mark on our self concept

Some people attract a partner who is somewhat or not at all in synch with their unique configuration of energy because we aren’t allowing the imagination to teach us the potential of our playful nature

We shutdown, block and sabotage because of judgment and fear that our inner frequency beneath the surface can’t get us what we want

That inner frequency is the key to attracting the partner to our essence and not just ego

Lessons upon lessons force us to grow and see our fears and imbalances

The journey is perfectly imperfect with storms that bring deep tears and droughts that keep emotions bottled up

We never know if we’re doing right by someone ignoring our own heart’s playful nature

It’s that playful nature in us that cultivates a frequency for a kind of love that gets us to evolve to be enthusiastically ambitious towards sharing our phoenix heart


It’s only hard when the mind becomes hard

By Rosa Ivy


How do you believe in yourself when no one does

In a world where Instagram follows determine a person’s value, it’s easy to down play one’s own creativity comparing themselves to another

J K Rowling, an amazing visionary and creative thinker. birthed Wizarding World of Harry Potter during a phase of immense personal struggle, financial difficulty and depression that comes when weight of adversity seems too heavy

Over a dozen publishing companies rejected her manuscript for the Philosopher’s Stone (book 1) because her work didn’t fit into the current times

There are many stories of something beautiful being birthed in thick mud of struggle, stress and difficulties

Pressure turns coal into diamond

Alchemy is a fierce pressure and those who have endured its Phoenix flame have a unique brain

Something happens to the brain when it’s consistently practiced determination, resilience and dedication to creative excellence

Creativity begins to emerge from the mud like a diamond

Those things worth a lot usually underwent an intense character development process that is extremely exhausting and yet totally liberating

The journey of the scarecrow, tin man and lion is fairy like in its enchantment and yet not for the faint of heart

It takes devotion to creative brilliance that kept the scarecrow, tin man and lion from not giving up and settling for the old way of existing that is comfortable and not exuberantly extraordinary

What makes the yellow brick road worth while isn’t meeting the Oz but finding like minded people who awaken greater potential

In truth, it was the scarecrow that gave tin man heart, tin man that gave scarecrow brains and Dorthy that gave lion courage

The yellow brick road was simply a divine intervention, a visionary quest, that brought them all together

The creative achievement would have never been met without leaps of faith, confidence and devotion to one’s own artistry

Pressure is the universe trying to make something profoundly radiant with bright, luminous and exuberant colors like when being in an awe striking cave of crystals, diamond and gold and realizing alchemy is a Phoenix


Always Young

By Rosa Ivy


Life is full of maverick movements

Some can’t ride the bucking unknown

The task appears too daunting, life shattering and ecstatically overwhelming

Intimacy is raw and vulnerable

We embark upon movements of retrograde, reinvention and restoration to keep the youthful spark from dwindling into a past tense

There is something magical about youth

We are constantly learning new things like how to read, write, math, science, music

We’re outgrowing our shoes, cloths and sense of fashion continuous, weekly, daily

We’re not so afraid of heights of depths

The idea of climbing a tree or scuba diving doesn’t seem that bad

Exuberantly fearless, we aren’t quite stunned by heartbreak and betrayal

The beast of disappointment, rejection and abandonment knocks our heart out of its rhythmic alignment and forces us to be hyper practical

We start to take on a fixed model and cling to belief systems to keep us safe

Our spiritual identity gets lost in the chatter of worldly ideologies and social norms

We begin to doubt our spiritual calling, magical gifts and settle for the comforts of fitting into the world

Something about youth has no mold, cast for us to lay on top of ourselves and let it shape us into the common connection

When I was young I used to go out into the woods and pretend I was Pocahontas with my friend Lele

She pretended she was princess Ka’iulani

We spent hours in the woods doing nothing and yet our imagination brought something to life

The woods are a lot more alive in youth when practicality and spirituality aren’t too separate things and religion is the divider

It is instinct, intuition and sense of wonder that made the woods a vibrant sensory experience

What the adult needs to keep creativity creatively exuberant is youth not of chronology but of essence

Youth is biology not chronology and we get to maintain youth through our passionate connection with our brain and body

That youthful glandular secretion, rich blood, innovative brain organization and sensitivity isn’t meant to decrease with age

Its meant to evolve and experience different eras of its honey

Like in the beginning, middle and end of honey making bee hive

It’s sweet, sweeter, sweetest in all the phases of its process of progress

The bitterness isn’t meant to harm us but detoxify us, cleanse and purify the stuff in our genetics, brain given to us from society and pave way for something original to emerge

Follow the skipping, twirling and soaring motion of our walking and discover a spiritual identity that is more creative than any worldly construct could offer and yet the spirit of the world knows well our potential if only we’d trust the youthful stance on a constant need to evolve, change, reinvent and realign with our human essence

Humans aren’t robots

Humans are sensitive sensory system for the exuberant creative alchemical feeling to inspire thoughts into beautiful expressions


Never Stop Trying. Be Resilient. see yourself as the bison in the blizzard. Adapt. Try once more.

By Rosa Ivy


Try and try again

There is something enchanting that occurs when passion and higher intelligence evolve creativity through a ruthless devotion to the practice of self improvement

In the billion dollar health and wellness industry, it’s clear that people want depth, a kind of spiritual identity that is closer to creative alchemy then dogmatic regurgitation

A shift in the planetary alignment, moves human design out of Pisces into Aquarius

The approximate 26,000 years planetary procession with equinoxes and solstices evolving our intelligence deeper, longer, further through destruction and reinvention, we are challenged by the necessity of the times

We all yearn to feel safe and comfortable

And yet in these times of inner reset where we’re all guided to reparent, restructure and reimagine ourselves from a perspective of the soul outside the confinement of prejudice disguised as diplomatic order

We need courage to voyage the inner landscape of our being to excavate something unique and beautiful buried under our traumas and insecurities

There is an innovative, creative and potentiated power waiting to take root in the frameworks of our shifting human design if only we allow the intuitive component to our cohesion be more than a mirror of the current state of the world or past states but something within the zero point range where our lows and highs neutralize and unveil a subtle light of inspiration that has the potential to root and grow into a brilliant stream of consciousness that of Mr. Rogers, Dr. Seuss, J K Rowling, Nicolas Sparks, Carl Yung, Steven Hawkins, Allan Watts, Nikola Tesla, Guru Jagat, Maya Angelo…

That soul’s spark is there

It just needs us to try and try again


Growing Younger

By Rosa Ivy


Growth is spontaneous and thrilling

It demands our full attention and participation

It’s playful, uncertain and wildly intuitive

There is something youthful, exuberant and fun loving about growing in dreamy and artistic ways

We come to earth for the adventure of creative innovation to challenge our brain to be more colorful, brilliant and luminous like northern lights, mandalas and funky dance moves

We can cling to our nervousness and insecurities for far too long and mis-take the opportunity for growth stagnating ourselves

We can’t stop the river, rain or ocean from transforming its shape

We can try and exhaust ourselves

There is only zero point

Plus ten and minus ten are equal in the zero point scale

Life is a triangle with three points of magnetism-sleeping, dreaming and waking

We are shifting constantly through them like a ping pong and then we center ourselves and discover the yoga Nidra where sleeping, dreaming and waking emerge in this extraordinary creative flow of joyful effort

We can take on the stuff of the world

We can take on the stuff of our childhood

We can take on the essence of our soul

We’re a portal like a spider web weaving our physical and spiritual patterns into something

Let’s make that something awe strikingly beautiful

Let’s course through that center, zero point and creatively refine and redefine our potential until our potential is so fantastically fun loving our heart and brain emerge in this artistic therapy that gives us a powerful, radiant, strong and clear vibration


Creative Vision

By Rosa Ivy


Sometimes we get clouded by toxicity of the world

It’s gravity pulls us in and deletes our life force

That’s why building a strong vibration of self love keeps our inner gravity stronger than the dysfunctional patterns going on around us

In a world where attention is the new currency

People are trying to gain an audience rather than striving to gain a spiritual identity

We become neurotic and mentally fragmented when we value cheap and quick ways of obtaining virtual success over stabilizing our self worth and knowledge of self

Concerts with millions of cellphone screens recording all at once hoping to capture the perfect moment steals the moment

Creativity doesn’t exist in virtual

We won’t find our worth there

It is in the spiritual identity that gives us quality of experience over quantity of virtual likes

“The strongest vibration wins,” Guru Jagat

The more attention we give to our inner landscape of our being the more amplified our authentic vibration becomes

We are comprised of many different vibrations

It’s the cohesion within friction that prevents dysfunction from breaking our mind’s connectivity

Our inner landscape is a neutralizing effort that harmonizes the array of stuff in us from the world, from our childhood and form the great beyond

It’s the heart center that gives us a vibration within the electromagnetic bio-photon emission that is unique, one of a kind and special to our configuration of light, sound and energy

Like mitochondria given to us from our mother

It transforms chemicals into light

And like gamma waves Tibetan monks spend decades developing

There is a vibration that is just ours, not connected to our parents or what’s going on in this world

It’s energy may mimic our parents and the world at first until we go inside the inner landscape and connect our heart’s light, sound, energy expansion and deep contraction to our creative vision

Then, everything beginnings to calibrate to our creative vision but it takes strength to hold that creative vision long enough for the change to happen


Lovier Brain

By Rosa Ivy


Loving ourselves is a deep dive into fearless living

First, we must learn the mind to discover what is us and what is regurgitated recitation

The science of meditation teaches us that majority of our thoughts are recycled and that our neurological patterns create the framework for identity of self

Carl Yung teaches us that the hero’s journey is a visionary quest and everything, everyone is an opportunity to reinvent the archetypes in a personal renaissance where the philosopher’s stone is our breath, intention and movement towards creative progress

There is something magical about a neurological photo of a new brain pattern being created in an act of learning a new skill, talent, perspective

Those tentacles of connectivity in the brain detach and reattach creating a new web of design

We are forever young in the constant flexibility of our rooting and expanding presence

I imagine I’m a redwood tree

My trunk is thick, high towards the sky and deeply buried

My scars show in the burn marks from wildfires that nearly killed me

I survived that and the blizzard and the drought and the flood and the pests and the ivy and the disease

Parts of me die and parts of me live on

Because I’m like a seed

There is plenty specks of light for me to remember how to weave my essence back into wholeness



By Rosa Ivy


Her love is gentle like the cracking of a bird’s wings as it stretches for the first time

Her voice calls to him through the moon waning and waxing as lily pads expand and contract going inward

She doesn’t ask for much instead gives all her nectar to the hummingbird without complaining or detesting

Her joys hum sorrows calmly to sleep like a child buries their head in the stomach of their mother

She watches the deer and they let her recognizing her essence as moss laying on the ground like a blanket to comfort the Earth

The passing of elk turn their stare at her as she dances in a field of sweet grass allowing the rain to soak her

Buffalo amaze her turtle heart as they roll the Earth in movements of processions

Her eyes take in the brown of dying leaves before snow breaks their brittle shriveling ending into specks of light

She lays on snow and melts white into liquid like sugar cubs dissolving in steam of warm tea

If she was a hearth, she’d be in the house of a painter and great story telling mapping the journey of soul through lifetimes of life forms

Her shallows know oysters, colorful, bright, tiny fish, green covering rocks, crabs and clams with luminous light gleaming like the inner world of crystals

Her depths are intense with maverick beasts and mystical things waiting to be discovered in the darkness of conscious living

There is breathing like ravens soaring and sight of eagles rotating the darkness into sunrise and she is the space between

When bright yellow turns to orange

When pitch black turns to dazzling indigo

When vibrant green turns to pinkish blue


How to Open the Heart

By Rosa Ivy


Yogic science says the liver is closer to the function of the spiritual heart for its purification and detoxification abilities

The physical heart is about endurance and stamina

Whatever our spiritual heart does for us is majestic

I suppose the physical heart keeps the youthful energy pumping through us so no matter how painful and difficult emotions and experiences can be our playful nature surging through our process of purification persists

The spiritual heart is a compass, an inner guide unveiling our creative exuberance in our wild expressions of the divine

Our spiritual heart gives us a tool to our maverick mastery

It’s a talent, gift, skill, mindset, a way our mind works that allows us to develop our personal Renaissance

Yearning for belonging, our intimacy for sincere sensibility encourages us to release the unnecessary materialism in the people, places and things we accumulate and circulate with the artistic flows that keep us constantly transforming our youth brighter, more dynamic and innovative

Our greatest Destiny in the virtues of our spiritual heart is to embrace a kind of love that asks of us to embody our soul in the abstract jazz of our symphonic compositions of maverick breakthroughs

In the break down of our spiritual heart from immense adversity, difficulty and pain of transformation a part of us falls into depression and anxiety for the exposure to life is too raw

We build our discernment and sometimes allow our ego to drive us forward when we lose trust in our spiritual heart’s ability to navigate us

Ego is fierce and protective and yet it isn’t where we find our blueprint

Our human design we’re meant to create comes from our spiritual heart

There is innocence, sensitivity, joy, personal freedom and personal power in the process of purification and detoxification our spiritual heart offers to the wild unknown adventure of our daunting assignments to take whatever this world is and turn it into a maverick majestic mastery for the Renaissance of our love’s resilience to reimagine, reparent, revive, recover, rehabilitate, restructure, rebirth ourselves continuously in the water of our blood like a womb, a nest we rest in to receive our lovely love lavishing us with nourishment of stars shifting our skies wiser in the breathing of our lungs supporting our lover’s detox and heart’s devotion to live maverick


By Rosa Ivy

As a child our heart is open and wild

We explore nature with untamed play

We are eager to learn, discover ourselves and change

Something happens in the adult that turns off that bold honesty as we replace play with criticism and become our worst critic

Everything then gets filtered through society judgment

We become less heartfelt, intuitive and authentically bold and more upright, uptight and worried

Intimacy of Pacha Mama is wild horses knowing how to survive and eager to rediscover the land over and over

How many times do you look at yourself and find a new wonder that you didn’t see before?

We consume much of the world and yet don’t really know the world

We eat the berry but don’t know it’s tree and the land that nourishes the seed

Intimacy is learning to play the piano with the intention of learning how to create beautiful sounds

Intimacy is amplifying the beauty, awe striking wonder and fantastical joy of the other through our steady attention and endearing giving

Intimacy is subtle, sensitive and sensual

We unveil our mystical light in the gentle yet fierce directness of intimacy that shows us how deep and vibrant our colorful essence is

People run from intimacy with themselves because as an adult we train the mind to undermine the subtle, sensitive and sensual for “fear disguised as practicality” [Jim Carrey]

We assume it’s practical to live at the surface of our lives for material gain

But the real achievement comes from a depth of expression that connects us to the soul of humankind

We become imposters running from intimacy with ourselves, lack steadiness and have personal problems that agitate all personal relationships

We’re afraid to love ourselves as a child loves the grass because love to the adult is conditional and we need a sense of control always to feel safe

Safety becomes how much control we have

In reality, safety is how creatively innovative, intuitive and changeable we are

Intimacy cannot be fully expressed when control, judgment and criticism constantly undermine play

Play is the root of intimacy

Play is the stem and the peddles of intimacy

Play drops us into a Pacha Mama brain state of generosity, prosperity, inner strength, unconditional love and wild creativity at the same time which allows a spontaneous breakthrough to happen in the wilderness of our relaxing imagination

It’s that wilderness of connectivity with all things that generates a gorgeous appreciation for change and challenges that evoke personal growth

Play is flexibility, agility and adaptability that keeps the spine of the mind youthful in the late age

Play is a brain that honors the heartfelt intuitive nature and allows subtle, sensitive and sensual feelings to guide the course

This is the course towards creative excellence in the sharing of our steady enchantment

It’s deep breathing, eye gazing, sensual touch, sweet laugh, playful words and goofy stride that allows our stature to be an ecstatic pleasure that brings more radiant life together

John Mayer?

By Rosa Ivy

John is close to the Earth following the river towards new territories to expand his heart

Curiosity, positivity and passion keep him steadily progressing towards the light

Dark thoughts dissolve in the pure wonder of his imagination exploring the creative brilliance that weaves us together

He knows a gentle harmony that of deer and elk living simply with the present moment

Individuality, creativity and kindness hold him stable in his mind and teach him artistic ways of recognizing the true self, the self that is before this life and after this life

He does not stray from his center but takes his center everywhere with him as a reminder to stay in synch with intuitive space of innocence, experience and fun loving change

His light is luminous because his soul is close to his mind and his mind adores the heart keeping him visionary and loved by many

His talents are his generous offering, a wish for people to discover their harmony with themselves and express their wildly ambitious dream to live naturally

In a world of hustle, the softness of his peace and fierceness of his determination to grow teaches us that creative intelligence is the key to unlocking better realities

He’s never been in love before because his old soul and natural form do not settle for just status quo

The American dream of a white fenced house, a dog and a baby seems delightful but he yearns for more

In a world of karmic connections, ties and attachments based on conditional love, he’s searching for unconditional love within himself and devotes himself to authentic, heartfelt loving to be like-vibration to something greater than worldly ties, attachments and conditions but something like hummingbirds adore flowers, sweet grass nurture Buffalo, rosters safeguard chicken, jaguars watch over forest and dolphins mate for life as a tribe of spiritual connectivity that goes beyond bird in a cage where we pretend to know the natural form of our creative excellence and yet we’re too afraid to truly be our wild unknown self for karmic conditions keep us unable to fly out the open door

He’s developing an adventure of the eagle in love where land is vast and open and sky is stormy, clear, snowy and wet where all the emotions, thoughts and sensations can be experienced within a kindred bond that brings artistic renaissance to a world deeply longing for courage to fly out the open door and decondition to recondition itself back to when the self is close to the Earth

We can be living on earth and be so tied to the world, we forget our wholeness constantly fulfilling conditions to fit in

Jaguars are vastly different from rosters

They do not distort themselves to be liked by the other

John knows a precious understand that sincere love comes from the natural side of the world when spiritual heart and crafty mind join together as a team and not rivals

The honesty with his own heart keeps him endlessly creative and that gives him mental clarity even in the darkest of times

There is always a wonder to explore and a brilliance to discover and a clearer vision of love

Personal Freedom

By Rosa Ivy

Spiritual love is playful, generous and open like summer solstice is always open to the changes of the universe

Winter solstice integrates the revelations of the changes of Earth and equinoxes implement the changes

We are all told, “Earth isn’t for the faint of heart”

Earth is a warrior training

And yet the goal isn’t war

The goal is personal freedom

The archetypes of humankind are a hero’s journey

We are given a shadow, an ego and choice

Our choice is our tool for self discovery and character development

Our ego is a container that holds the world’s stuff and the goal is organizing all that stuff in way that benefits us

Our shadow is the vessel that holds 14 generations of trauma, unconscious fears, perversions and self hate and a subconscious wasteland of unresolved fantasies

Humankind is destined to walk the path of fear to overcome fear in the pursuit of pure joy and fearless creative living where love and healing manifest in our personal strength and ability to transform pain into purpose and worries and anxieties into intuitive breakthroughs

The Warrior in us is a teacher of maverick Destiny, spiritual love and timeless realities where the junky stuff of humankind that cause us to hate ourselves, each other and disconnect from our nature instinct-we are one with the universe, self is in other and we are capable of greatness-revolutionizes in our choice to use our choices to creatively redefine ourselves consistently until the soul is amplified gorgeously offering the most positive reality regardless of the negative, dense and toxic obstructions trying to highjack our individuality

This is a blues room in the days of my grandfather

It is a space to be the most positive version of ourselves in a community of teamwork that allows all the stresses and negativity surrounding the black blues people to be deflected, transmuted and digested, transformed into works of sublime beauty like a rose bush growing through and around the pesticide trying to keep it small

Reality that is and isn’t ours to interact with

By Rosa Ivy

It takes great courage to amplify the reality we truly want

First, we must discover our authentic code buried under 14 generations of programming

Shame holds us back, keeps us afraid of ourselves

Shame keeps humanity scratching at trauma of oneself and others, nitpicking, projecting our control issues onto others and assuming someone is something based on conditioned behaviors installed by our society

It is foolish to assume someone is anything because the eternal soul within this vessel is too complex and vast for anyone to know

Instead of amplifying our strengthens and talents, we are conditioned to focus on weakness and allow the negative mind to become a belittling force

Belittlement’s shame invites judgment that is ridged and hateful, blocking the flow of transformation and human progress through human compassion keeping us stuck in a thought instead of meditating through that thought

We’re used to hate and yet we know that we need to move past belief systems that keep us prejudice disguised as righteous

The Native American person knows very well what it’s like to be trained to throw away one’s own culture, language and spiritual identity to survive in a world desperate for freedom (that’s why majority came to Americas from Europe) and yet is willing to undermined, tarnish and ridicule an artistry different from its own

Therefore, religious intolerance and tyrannical behavior from Europeans trying to escape this way of life only transferred itself to American people

We can never escape our problems

We can travel from Spain to North America to escape control and it follows

Native American people were forced to carry the weight of European baggage and some weights are too heavy and destroy us

It takes great courage, intuition and a fierce spiritual identity to overcome the separation paradigm that keeps us hyper focused on diversity being a problem instead of a majestic movement of God teaching us self in other within the creative expansion of light organizing itself differently to experience itself differently

It’s the lack of positive programming that damages our natural oneness with the universe and keeps us separate from our essence

We chose to be here

Of course, we have karma generationally and personally that we must work out

We are creatively genius

Reality is a product of our mind

And don’t take on the world

You are a spiritual being having a physical experience


Transform your worldly identity into a spiritual identity

Then, the world isn’t so heavy

You become a gravity of your own design

Capable of relating to the universe in such unique ways

That uniqueness underneath that transference of stuff from the world is your best adventure

Be positive and redesign your own human mind to be the reality you truly want and don’t stop, rest inside its wind horse of maverick mystery encouraging excellence

The Ultimate Goal of Life

By Rosa Ivy

The goal is to be as creative as possible in a single lifetime

We have many lifetimes to work out our fantasies, traumas, fears, perversions and distorted realities

We have many karmic ties to people, places and things we must work through in a journey of learning what authentically connects us to the universe and what is illusionary

Shame holds us back, keeps us low vibrational

It’s that kind of shame that discourages us from being creative and intuitive

Craftmanship of mind is the only thing that we take with us on our walk of life

We spend lifetimes developing a quality of mind that is genius in the ability to forgive, love and soar

Problems, challenges and adversities are like algebra questions we must answer

It’s hard to answer those questions when our attention cannot focus on what we need to learn because we’re too distracted by our fear of excellence

All the world’s problems are searching for a unique perspective that manifests from a quality of mind that has a fine tuned craftmanship

The greater challenge is isolation, feeling a lack of belonging and purpose

That feeling of being unloved and uncared for stirs doubt into our thoughts

Overtime doubt saturates, completely soaks our innocence and natural connection to greatness with a paralyzing fear

Some people freeze and depression spreads taking over our imagination and shrinking our expansive heart

Our devotion to human excellence and creative progress dwindles to a weak stride towards our brilliant goal

The mind can either weigh us down or lift us up

It does both and it’s the heart center that equalizes and harmonizes our movements to be like a rose growing into darkness of soil full of nutrients and levitating up towards light of consciousness

We gain nutrients from the act of transmuting negative and toxic things of the world into nourishment like how Pacha Mama takes rotting flesh of a dead deer and then makes nutritional mushrooms that support good health to the ecosystem

Mother Earth is a school and the walk with her is long

It’s devotion to our craftmanship that keeps us continuous in our rebirthing vitality

We must let go

We must end cycles

We must begin cycles

We must completely recondition our mind

Over and over and it’s the enthusiasm of creative progress that keeps us eager to keep walking like running a mile then realizing you just ran two

You never ran two miles before

You never thought you could

But somehow in the thrill of doing something that brings you closer to your heart Mother Earth finds a way for you to breakthrough

Heart Waves

By Rosa Ivy

Does love at first sight exist?

It’s interesting how some people experience love at first sight in youth

Why is that?

Is it because we’re more sensitive in youth and therefore, able to pick up on subtle energy exchange

Our heartfelt feelings are raw, unfiltered and amplified in youth

Then, we delude with the world and our senses become more alert to our worries, anxieties and concerns and yet we try to suppress these sensations to not overwhelm ourselves with emotion

We think emotion as an adult isn’t practical

It interferes with our survival

Emotion is the access point to the sensory attraction and magnetism that helps us navigate a complex existence

We are 3 dimensional, 4 dimensional and 5 dimensional and only our 6th sense which is a combination of all tactile senses working together in a heightened state of perception can access higher thought which is beyond a physical form and yet deeply imbedded in this physical expression of ourselves

This is where we discover creative ideas that belong to a future not yet paved out

Da Vince knew of the submarine long before the time science and technology would allow such creative idea to exist in our paradigm

There is an extraordinary wonder about heart intelligence

It’s magnetism, gravity and methods of manifesting is beyond our pragmatic understanding

We try to capture its coding of the universe through sacred geometry and the mathematics within it that reveal organization to vast shapes, patterns and ways of being

We call that space where logic and intuition emerge “higher function” because we can look at something and find no solution and then after thoughtful exploration find a solution

Attracting a love at first sight is a gravity

“Gravity can cross through dimensions. It’s the key,” [Interstellar]

There is a field of energy we all create

It’s how like things attract like things

And polarizing things create friction for expansion

Our heart is different from our brain

I believe it receives the signals from the brain and transmits them out into our blood, emotions and beyond our body like sending a message to the universe of something we wish to experience and that experience come to us

The heart is a strong electromagnetic field that is the first thing created in utero stage and the last thing that signifies death

The heart is a gateway to those other spaces in time that exist simultaneously as we are here and not here

It’s pulsation like morse code has a rhythm that downloads our unique consciousness into this body

That sequence of vibrant energy has a sound like each planet in our solar system has a unique frequency

The heart brings things together and aligns our brain with a higher function

When we disconnect from our heart or create dense layers around our heart, it’s higher sensory perception cannot feel the creativity all around

Sometimes we connect to our future through ego alone

Ego is a great helper but not the space where we access our creative vision for our unique life

It’s the youthfulness of our attention and attraction to our heart that allows us to feel our way through relationships and know what is pulling us towards our soul and what is an educational experience to train the mind

We are either training the mind to be conditional and set or creatively evolutionary

The mind does both

We are always instilling something in us like a talent for playing the piano and reinventing through breaking down our previous patterns to discover something new

Love at first sight is a spontaneous moment when the heart aligns with someone precisely in this awe striking expansion of oneself

The Typewriter Speaks

By Rosa Ivy

Typewriters might be a pain for those with dyslexia but overall it is glorious to those with a patient heart

The heart is an interesting expression

On a biological level it’s like a Buffalo giving us a marvelous endurance

On a spiritual level its ability to process life’s intensities is an ocean able to handle all storms

Typewriters slow down everything placing the mind in a thoughtful imagination

Sometimes our mind is too fast and stampedes our heart

It’s like a jammed type writer we keep trying to force to work

Communication between the head and the heart joins together in the simplest joy like writing a single sentence on the type writer and recognizing how each word is sincerely selected to describe a single feeling

We wait before acting upon our heart’s impulse because we are trained to pay more attention to our thoughts

Thoughts are more connected to our ego then feelings

We cling to our ego like a child grips to its blanket

We all want comfort and safety especially in a world that is friendly and not at the same time

Ego never gives us satisfaction

We cycle back to our heart because those natural impulses coming from deep within the waters of our intuition encourage fantastic creativity that goes beyond ego which gives us ultimate soulful journey worth while

Ego cannot even understand the ecstatic creativity of our heart

We train our thoughts to be more inclusive to feelings generating from the heart chakra

Those original feelings unaltered by ego and thoughts projecting out into body and that come from a need for spiritual growth

Our thoughts begin to filter through those feelings to be evaluated and processed

Most thoughts come from the world around but there are those other thoughts that come from a meditative awareness that happens in the simplest moment of joy like admiring an elk grazing in the meadow

Training the mind to be more affectionate to the heart’s need for spiritual growth and a soulful journey worth while puts our heart as the teacher and the mind as the student

For a lot of people the ego is the teacher

Once that adjustment is made there’s a blossoming consciousness that begins to weave itself into our mind placing our mind a dream catcher of sublime creativity that connects us to something worldly yet soulfully unique to a universe of unique configurations of sound, light and energy

Discovery of the Other is Discovering the Self

By Rosa Ivy

What is a love bond

Loving someone is loving ourselves

The path towards loving ourselves is embracing our fantastical creativity

Creativity builds confidence, independence, high self worth and personal values such as patience, determination and resilience

The higher the creativity the deeper the love is

The greatest thing we can give to a love bond is encouragement to be more creative

Creativity is prosperity and that gives us a sense of personal excellence

We come to this physical existence on planet Earth to be educated on creative energy, it’s science, it’s spirituality, it’s service to humanity, it’s intelligence, it’s polarizing forces and be challenged by those karmic cycles that disempower creativity

My mom always loved dancing and when she was nine years old was told by a ballet teacher that she could never be a “good” dancer because she doesn’t have the “ballerina body”

Of course, a nine year old would feel displaced and give up on that study

There are many things in the world that discourage creativity, circumstances, traumas, limitations and restrictions

Creativity doesn’t need anything

It generates from within

When that part of ourselves, inner child, is allowed to grow through our creative development our love becomes devotional, endearing and authentic towards ourselves

We begin to see our value in this world and use our imagination to create a strong vision for our progress and purpose

Connecting with a lover is honoring their spiritual identity

We never truly know our spiritual identity until we uncover our creative self

Creativity allows two different people to emerge in this blues room where trumpet joins piano in a fun loving collaboration where friction manifest new found innovation

Creativity makes us whole because it allows us to change, adapt, reinvent, heal, let go and have a spiritual sense of self that isn’t religious or worldly but soulful, intuitive and studious to the wonder’s of nature

Our lover will never be set, fixed and same but a continuous movement of self discovery when we invite creative expression to inspire intimacy

Intimacy is understanding, sharing and inclusivity

We all yearn for it but are reserved to it because judgment rules over us and it’s not the kind like an art teacher that criticizes our work for progress

Worldly judgment can be belittlement

So many people have locked their creativity away because facing belittlement seems too daunting, exhausting and treacherous to face

It’s easier to hide away

So we hide from authentic connections

We get used to holding back in love, taking things personally and projecting our stuff onto the other

When we fully claim our creative brilliance and fully take action towards its growth and expansion, we create a momentum of authentic relating to ourselves that inspires our relationships to be brilliant, soulful and endearing, a kind of love most people want but are too afraid to embrace just like they are afraid to embrace their creative potential

The world is a school

We just have to show up, participate and see everything as a lesson, assignment and test

Even the death of a loved one, trauma and lack have a lesson, assignment and test we are encouraged to learn

What else is there to do on planet Earth?

But, learn all there is

If the world is suffering according to Buddha

Then, our mind must be the remedy because our mind, yes, made the world of suffering and also made the spaces inside and beyond the world that are totally joyous and free

Carry Me Away

By Rosa Ivy

Love is simple and yet we complicate our feelings because it’s human natural to overthink especially in a world that encouraged separation for such a long time and now we are reimagining the world with each long inhale and deep exhale

We aren’t our parents, grandparents and society

We are our spiritual heart that chose to experience the world for personal growth, creative sharing, endearing friendship and authentic love

We are ambitious and devoted to the journey of human excellence and yet our fears, anxieties and unprocessed traumas can saturate our mind with unruly negativity

That’s why God gives us alchemy

We can transform our pain into purpose at any moment

Neurology proves that the brain can be reimagined, reset, recalibrated, reorganized

Of course, it’s not easy

It’s like learning German in your mid forties when your brain is more fixed, set in its ways

The youthfulness of the brain comes from our elemental soul, that part of us that’s highly imaginative, dreamy, artistic, intuitive, sensitive and always learning something new

My esoteric teacher, Guru Jagat had our class learn opera for a Christmas performance at her studio

We had a couple of practices and then we performed

Our voices were wild

But our spirit was ever so lovely

We came together and we just let the beauty of enthusiasm carry us away

We’ll never fully understand our alchemical heart until we just let it carry us away

That takes mighty trust, a lot of faith and ambitious enthusiasm

The brain is designed to be reinvented continuously

It’s the alchemical heart that sparks the change, death, rebirth and creative insight that allows our mind to be more like our elemental soul, which is gorgeous in the way Alan Watts sees pure reality

What a woman teaches a man

By Rosa Ivy

Men have been trained by the patriarchy to be emotionless and obsessed with power

Babylon was rough for both men and women

It’s world domination separated us for a long time

Now we get a chance to recognize diversity through a different lens

The matriarch is wisdom of the heart

Without an alchemical heart our mind has no method of changing

Change is a sign of good health

The absence of change implies disconnect

Overtime disconnect causes dysfunction and then decay

Our brain is more colorful than the chakras that make up our electromagnetic heart

Babylon didn’t teach us the wonders of a woman’s wisdom

Babylon felt threatened, intimidated, overwhelmed and even overpowered by a woman’s heart

A graceful woman teaches a man the orgasmic bliss of aligning spiritual identity with physical embodiment

That connection is creative brilliance, brightness and genius potential

A mother brings a soul to Earth and supports that soul by building its human body, step by step, day after day with the intention of helping that soul connect its infinite creative brilliance to its physicality

A woman’s womb is a cosmic portal

Indigenous people know that and yet people of Babylon undermine, separate women from the cosmos like separating the heart from the mind

Matters of heart keep the mind focused on life purpose and filter out the junk that doesn’t belong in the mind

A woman’s graceful energy is like a cocoon and her partner and children live inside it’s warmth, protection and creative brightness

Men like the caterpillar blossom into butterflies through the cosmic portal

Women are the greatest challenge to men

Men get a chance to know the fullness of their creative potential through that cosmic portal, which is elemental, nourishing, energetic, vivid and radiant

The matriarch encourages men to find harmony between the heart and mind which unlocks a kind of love that is fierce, fearless, graceful and authentic to the desire to be creatively outstanding in the way a man knows that he’s connected to the heart of the Earth

Special Connections

By Rosa Ivy

There are special connections we have in life. I call them kindred activations because the thought and feeling of them energizes our heart with adventure, joy and truth. They strengthen our confidence and help us stay focused on our life purpose. There are many discouraging connections, people who lower our self worth and keep us small, limited and unexpressed. We yearn for maverick and majestic awakening of our heart and soul. Life isn’t truly lived without being wholehearted. A lot of times we feel broken because of those painful connections that burn, sting us mature. In our immaturity, we get tough life lessons to show us what isn’t true for us and what is real for us. It’s different and seems ruthless even cruel for the universe to shatter our heart just to throw us into the unknown but there is a rhyme and reason. There is purpose to the blizzard even though it’s dangerous and aggressive. We need strength so we can have nerve. Life can’t be fulfilled without nerve. Those heart breaking connections give us a kind of strength that allows us to be wholehearted in those other connections that belong to our voyaging soul.

Matters of Heart

By Rosa Ivy

Our imagination is a key to unlocking possibilities beyond the finite space of our conditioned mind
C. S. Lewis knew how to access that point of light where this physical space and that spiritual space come together in a creative choice
There are many destructive choices and we learn to not sabotage ourselves but this polarized planet will always test us
We cannot escape the duality of ourselves in a game of chess
What we can do is learn all the ways to love ourselves
That journey takes us directly to matters of the heart
We don’t have much training on living from the heart in a world where intellect is recognized as being separate from the heart
They are one and the same
Without heart our intellect lacks perspective, compassion and universal understanding
Without intellect our heart has no method of sharing, healing, repairing and protecting itself
I think the separation happened when men decided to see themselves separate, above women and women began to belittle themselves and each other into unrealized creative potential
This act of exclusion catapulted the world into disarray
Men began to cultivate an intellect that lacks universal connection and women became too afraid to share their universal heart
Some say this age of Aquarius is feminine
Some disagree
Femininity is the emergence of heart intelligence
I think about Steven Hawkins
He was a great mathematician and scientist
But his bright ideas came from a place beyond intellect
There was an intuitive, feeling based approach that lead him through black holes
There are some things our finite brain cannot understand that’s when the heart comes in
The heart teaches us about death and what lies behind this physical experience
The heart teaches us about connection, telepathy and empathy and all things are connected as the Buddha says “Reality is a product of our mind”
Sometimes I lay in a forest and imagine what the trees are saying to each other
I imagine I have roots like a tree picking up on that network of subtle information everywhere connecting like how our brain connects our liver to our spleen to our heart to our cells to our bones to our arms to our finger tips to our eyes
It’s difficult for us humans to join heart with mind because there is fear
We fear the world will reject, abandon and throw us away as it has done before in the past
But we are not the past
We are the now
And we can choose to either continue the momentum of what was or use our outstanding strength and creatively pull ourselves into a new genetic configuration of light and vibration

Beautiful Human

By Rosa Ivy

There are great wonders waiting to be discovered in the silence of simplicity
There is something untrained, unfamiliar and slightly uncomfortable with a simplistic silence in a western world that is addicted to productivity
Like Confucius once said “If we know the Dao in the morning, we can die contently in the evening”
These precious moments of intimacy, creativity and self discovery join our heart and mind in this glorious perspective where success is happening now in the deepening of inhale and profound exhale
We chase the world because we don’t feel accomplished, whole or powerful
We assume the world will give us personal excellence but it’s not the world that gives us that it’s what we give to it that makes us feel brilliant
Sounds cliche but taking from the world will only fill us up
It’s flow of our unique connection to the world discovered in curiosity, creativity and intuition that gives us a trail blazing enthusiasm that is so in love with the world and yet not entangled with it

Self Esteem

By Rosa Ivy

Growth and expansion can be very challenging
In a western world that trains us to hold onto stuff
Personal growth asks of us to do the opposite, to let stuff go
Evolving into our most authentic, endearing and creative self is a long process of reparenting, reprogramming and repatterning our mind and that voyage is daunting, exhausting and time consuming
We must be challenged in great uncomfortable ways for something unique and original to emerge out of the breakdown of what no longer serves us
It takes strength to be resilient, persistent and graceful
The world around us and inside our head can be a crisis with no safety at times
We find our safety in trusting our intuition and acting upon its evolutionary necessity
“Fear disguised as practicality” [Jim Carrey] will persuade us to surrender our imagination to ego’s control and give up on dream weaving and just fit into the grooves of what’s familiar, common and already established like giving into a negative mindset because it’s all we know
The renaissance is everywhere but some people cannot sense it because their reality is Iocked, fixed, patterned in a way where change is controlled
It’s the creative excellence we desire but creativity is adaptability, synchronicity and curiosity
Change very much follows the motion of creativity in the way it encourages us to be flexible, understanding and prolific problem solvers
We know patriarchy very well and choosing head over heart for survival
We don’t know too well head and heart in-synch like a intuitive feeling that leads to uncommon and seeming magical breakthroughs
In the matriarchal sense of self, we are big dreamers and soulful individuals with a drive for harmony and prosperity in the development of our craftmanship
We go the distance for sensations of soul journey completion in the success of breakthrough
Our breakthroughs begin mentally and then start to show up in our relating to others
We find safety in the momentum of knowing how to surf reality in the cycles, seasons and dynamic progressions that are designed to educate us
When we see reality as a school and recognize the many lessons, assignments and tests then we start to play instead of force
Sometimes there is a need for force like forcing ourselves to show up and participate when our negative mind is procrastinating, stagnating and blocking the flow of growth because of fear
Other times it’s a play especially when we develop a confidence, self esteem and self worth from our devotion to loving ourselves thoroughly
We yearn to obtain that state of being because it allows us to be creatively outstanding


By Rosa Ivy

There are certain connections in our lives that are most rememberable
We aren’t sure why but the feeling of that person, place or thing gives us strength
The thought of them makes us smile and even laugh
Not every connection allows us to be our most authentic selves
Some connections only identify with our worldly personality which many times is influenced by our ego
We spend our lives searching for belonging
We find it in our creative exuberance
All we want is closeness with our heart and soulful achievement that manifests in our works of art such as the way we think, how we relate to others and our a personality that comes from a deeper place than ego
Loving someone profoundly is the greatest accomplishment because it requires us to love ourselves fully
Intimacy isn’t whole without the embracing of our dynamic, expansive and colorful complete self
We feel like imposters to Earth when we undermine our heart’s intelligence to fit into a world that pretends to know everything and yet feels fragmented in the “fear disguised as practicality” [Jim Carrey]
Did you know each and every pod of orcas have their own unique dialect?
If they ever get separated they can recognize the call of their unique soul’s share
It’s similar to wolves and how they memorize each other’s unique howl and synchronize each other’s howls to be harmonic with each other
There is this precious beluga who was once captive in Sweden and then got rescued and now lives in coastlines of Norway
Hvaldimir is his name and he loves socializing with people and he’s learning to find his independence by adventuring further into wild territories on his own
He doesn’t have a pod but some researchers who have been with him since the beginning can sense he’s searching for something, a mate? a pod? We don’t know
I wake up and see his beautiful face on Instagram and think how similar we are
Humans are afraid of the wild unknown like Hvaldimir is fearful to swim arctic north
Many of us feel like a bird in a cage
We hold back, play it small and block our feelings because we’re afraid that the world won’t like us
Just like Hvaldimir was afraid if he didn’t perform well in captivity that he would no longer be loved
Hvaldimir is learning a new kind of love from his helpers and human companions who love him regardless
They just want him to find his natural way and be happy and healthy
There is something endearing about wanting someone to be happy and healthy even if that means we have to our our ego aside and allow growth within ourselves to occur
Hvaldimir doesn’t know the strength, confidence and powerful feeling of love a pod provides
We don’t fully know our greatness without powerful heartfelt sharing of ourselves with the right kind of people who hold space for us to be extraordinary in the witty, chaotic and wild process and enthusiastic unfolding
I pray one day I’ll wake up early morning and see Hvaldimir has found a pod who generously brings him in and teaches him the way of the wild heart 

Elemental Soul

By Rosa Ivy

The sun shines for everyone
The sun does not discriminate
The sun only knows giving
Just like a mother gives unconditionally to the child inside her womb
Separation exists so that we can know the fullness of each and every color to the universe
But the ego of man can build a world off of illusion
An apple tree does not compete or compare itself with a lemon tree
They exist to showcase how creative the universe is
In our malnourished behavior, we are unnatural, disconnected, fixed in our cognitive dissonance
Separation without meditation is consciousness broken and sensory awareness disabled
We navigate the world then only from and ego interpretation and find ourselves misunderstanding ourselves and others
That’s why we’re drawn to the ocean because the ocean returns us back to that primal breath when we were in the womb of our mother and felt no separation

Participate Wholeheartedly
By Rosa Ivy

“Creativity wins”
That’s what Guru Jagat said consistently
In a world that pressures us to just get a job, get a partner and have a life
Do we ever ask ourselves, what is my creative fulfillment?
We all know people who settled into a job and relationship out of fear
It takes nerve to put ourselves out there in a creative way, face much rejection and work on the craftsmanship for years with no tangible results
Something exceptional happens to the brain under intense creative pressure when survival mode and higher imagination collide
There is this anxiety and determination
We got to pay the bills and manage growing our creative skills at the same time
Our brain becomes multifaceted and multi-dimensional which makes us super expansive overtime
To work a job to care for our physical necessities and then come home and work on our creativity and do that for years is why we have the saying “coal pressed into diamond”
It’s the reason why a lot of creative thinkers have the heart of a warrior
There’s grit, courage and fearlessness in challenging the status quo in a voyage of self discovery and human excellence
Nikola Tesla had the mind of a gentle soul and a heart of a warrior
He took the world’s stuff, junk and miscellaneous and placed it inside the hearth of his heart and turned adversities into alchemical feelings like when grief suddenly turns to joy when we let go and set free what is already destined free
The great test is our willfulness to keep going
It’s easy to assume creative fulfillment isn’t working out because too much time has gone by or hard work isn’t paying off
What else is there to do but keep practicing and practicing?
We compete with the previous version of ourselves, challenging our creative potential by encouraging ourselves to go further, to create more wonder and joy by intensifying our participation as the student of human progress
If it’s true, “our world is a product of our mind,” Buddha
Then, we better give all we got to the reparenting, repatterning, reconditioning, repairing, rehabilitating, resolving and renaissancing our mind
“Wow wee, don’t you realize that sitting around here in this room with our ordinary faces and clothes and personalities; we are sitting smack in the middle of the beatific vision and that this is infinity and eternity previously…Confucius once said a man who understands the Dao in the morning can die contently in the evening…If you have ever lived one complete moment you can be ready to die,” Alan Watts
There is nothing else better to do then keep learning
We love learning
We just pretend we don’t because we’re afraid
I was afraid to read out loud because I am dyslexic and stutter
My spelling isn’t good and I read very slow and sometimes have trouble processing what I read
I was terrified people would laugh at me
Some kids did and some didn’t
I hated reading until one day I made reading something soothing
I treated reading as something as magical as unicorns and mermaids
Since that day my mind smiles when I stutter or spell words wrong because I know that I’m learning something new and that excites me

Blossoming Love
By Rosa Ivy

Love is a generous thing
It encourages growth and honors the mystery
We are always creatively reinventing ourselves
Sometimes that process isn’t comfortable or fair
“To thrive is to survive unfair choices,” Brit Marling from The OA
There will always be an antagonizing force to distract us from our own intuition
Anger never resolves anger
It’s much easier to become resentful for suffering
It feels more natural but sometimes we have to push against our natural instinct to receive expansion
Carl Yung who founded analytical psychology sought to understand the journey of self and the archetypes, phases and cycles of human progress that are common to this human experience and those of other origin
Instinct is a genetic coding
Intuitive is a soul alchemy
We’re bound to follow in the genetic algorithm
We only get another sequence of thought patterns until we search the other origin for something creatively indifferent to the common set frameworks
Love is that in-between when what we are starts to ponder about the Renaissance which implies reinvention of self
A endearing romantic love is fantastic because it provides just enough friction in the awakening of emotions and empowering of thoughts to get us moving towards our authenticity upgrading
The karmic partners that loop us through internal chaos teach us self worth that give us a golden ticket to the Willy Wonka factory of re-imagining our potential
We will all get a re-imagining sharp sting as we’re forced out of illusionary love and into the adventure of creatively ambitious love
Creatively outstanding love is a intuitive voyage through individuality and endearing friendship where radiant and colorful self emerges with another for the adventure of challenging creative potential further into fantastical and artistic breakthroughs
The ecstatic movement of different perspectives, thought forms and creative progress amplify a fiercer and bolder wholeness
We’re all searching for that feeling of belonging and begin to find that embodiment in loving ourselves enough to work through karmic loops with people and voyage further into romantic love that blossoms and blooms our potential

What the World Teaches Us
By Rosa Ivy

We all know survival mode and the constant worry that things won’t work out
All we have is our talents and abilities
Everything else is left to the mystery
We can try to control but that only makes survival mode aggressive and harsh
There is a fantastical joy within every aspect of our lives waiting to be discovered like how a child finds a caterpillar at the bus stop and instead of complaining about the late bus and wild rain, the child is totally entranced by the odd little creature just chilling on the sidewalk in the rain
When I was young, I used to think Mr. Rogers would be my husband
When you’re a kid and you love someone, you think every person you love will be your husband
I’ll never forget the way Mr. Rogers always sang “Good Neighbor” every episode as if reminding us that we’re not alone and that friendship is the greatest wonder of all
In times when I felt so sad and confused, I’d sing one of his many songs and I’d feel better
Jim Carrey has always said “his purpose is to bring joy to people’s lives”
When I listen to Nina Simone I get it
It’s like a blues room for my black ancestors
In a world with so much intense emotion and critical thought that is sometimes neurotic and insensitive, we remind ourselves of our empathy, compassion and generosity in the spaces we create just for simple joy
I grandpa was named Sangman after his blues days in Shenandoah valley where my ancestors’ spirit roam
It’s so magical being named Sangman because you love to sing or being called Robin because you remind your mother of the bird
These simple joys go unnoticed in a hustle and grind culture that is too quick to judge and too consumed with miscellaneous thoughts that have nothing to do with our creative self discovery
We move towards our creative self discovery when we begin to breathe deeply and wake up with a morning routine that ignites our passions and gives focus and growth to our lives
“There will always be a crisis,” Yogi Bhajan
All we can do is learn to be a better surfer and deal with the fall in a more enthusiastic way
I used to dream of tsunamis almost every night
I drowned in every possible way
Eventually, I learned to surrender
Maybe, that was the lesson of the dream
Instead of trying to force Mother Earth to be what I demand it to be
I just found acceptance to change
We can’t always predict when we’ll be called to be a warrior, a new mother, a teacher, a healer, a good friend, a survivor, all we can do is practice surfing so that when different waves come we’ll be capable of moving our mind and body in ways necessary to our progress
It’s like Mathew McConaughey said in “Interstellar” movie after the larger ship nearly got destroyed due to someone’s arrogance and stupidity
“What are you doing?”
“I’m docking.”
“That’s impossible.”
“No. It’s necessary.”
Sometimes waves seem impossible to surf like the wave of grief or rage but we do it because human beings enjoy progress
Sometimes we will get knocked out and feel swallowed up by the wave
In that moment, all we have is the simplest joy to encourage possibilities unknown and seeming unlikely to be more than likely
The 5th dimension in “Interstellar” movie was seen as something impossible, unlikely and out of reach until someone, Mathew McConaughey’s character, decided to push himself beyond his limits step by step, day by day until a great enough change within caused a positive movement forward


By Rosa Ivy

The world is a school and we are tested, tried and trained
All roads lead to authentic living but the journey isn’t easy
We are encouraged to evolve, let go and transform
First, we are the scorpion
We know poison of this world in the form of negative beliefs about ourselves installed by unawakened people, rough circumstances and disharmonious environments that discourage and disempower
We know the eagle flying high above the crows and ponder about what such altitude would feel like
Would our lungs collapse, explode?
Maybe, the intensity of a wider view might be too overwhelming to a basic nervous system
We train ourselves to be the eagle
The way an eagle grabs a poisonous snake without hesitating, we wish to be less fearful and more supreme in our integrity, self worth and knowing that we are destined to revolutionize ourselves into great works of art like Frida Kaho and Princess Kaʻiulani
We thrive off of adventure, risk and creative exaltation
We enjoy pressure of personal and collective growth and yet we pretend that we don’t when we’re unawakened, lost in the cave of distorted realities
Eventually, we realize everything is an extension of something within us that wants to be learned
Such as overcoming the poison that kept us projecting negative assumptions onto others
The genius goal is to become the Phoenix and turn all our pain into visionary purpose
It’s a warrior training not for the combat or aggression but for the ability to take the weight of this world and alchemize it like coal into diamond
Whatever we’re given from people, circumstances and environments some positive, some not, we all have an inner Phoenix capable of reparenting, reprogramming, reinventing, rehabilitating, repatterning, restructuring the stuff of this world in our brain into our most extraordinary version of ourselves

Spend time outside
Watch the birds
Watch other things of nature
And remember your infinite
Maybe, then you’ll be less fearful and more like the eagle in the moment when it grabs the poisonous snake without hesitation and total confidence
Jazz and Love

By Rosa Ivy

Romantic love is like jazz
Everything is intuitive
Each person has their own rhythm
It’s like trumpet player jamming with cellist
Instruments uniquely their own come together for the adventure of creative challenge
No two heart rhythms are the same
I memorize the heart rhythm of those I love so I know how to find them in the great beyond
I call it soul’s signature and we each have our brightly colored mandala crafted by our heart energy
There is friction to growth and expansion
It’s uncomfortable and ecstatic
We get to share our wonders, ideas, dreams and fears with the other
We get to evolve, refine and understand ourselves better through the friendship that is the other
We get to play, inspire and awaken with the support of the other
Intimacy, vulnerability and closeness is ever present through social media
But constant mental chatter that social media promotes doesn’t allow the spaciousness of authentic bonding to breathe
Sensuality is sensitivity
All our senses cannot fully blossom when mental chatter takes over the entire sensory system
Intuition is highly intellectual and yet doesn’t come from mental chatter
It comes from that space when the mind rests in the heart
Yoga Nidra is a guide to that serene yet strong place within
Romantic love is the laughter shared by jazz players as they rediscover their unique sound individually and collectively
Romantic love is clash sounds as jazz players join together in an innovative strive for new nuance
There is silence and nervousness as jazz players breathe confidence into their creativity
There is peace from being well received by jazz group
There is sincere friendship being mentored by jazz group
There is a grand sense of purpose improving the art of visioning, day dreaming and producing from jazz group
Giving our extraordinary intelligence to the other and have the other nurture and respect our growing progress is divine orchestra
The silliness, seriousness, deep dive and soul searching of jazz playing through an endless night of timeless evolving feelings is a grounded bliss
To belong and be accepted for our ecstatic intellectual heart is a kind of joy that welcomes change, self discovery, creative brilliance and soul nuance

End of Babylon

By Rosa Ivy

Why do we hold back?
We play it small because deep down we’re afraid to be seen
In the times of Babylon, which are still now
We glorified great conquerors who won at all costs
Creativity was seen as a threat to Babylon because it gave individuality, inner strength and fierce vision
Creativity offers freedom, self reliance and powerful confidence
Innovation, interdependence and healthy relationships doesn’t fit into the Babylon world
Exclusivity, competition and control became the new normal when Babylon began to expand its reach
The beliefs, ideologies and social norms of Babylon dominated and spread everywhere
And yet separation did not entirely disconnect us from our heart
People found different ways to overcome violating, dysfunctional and unethical habits of Babylon’s world
Some found safety in Jesus
Some found sanctuary in Buddhist teachings
Some found healing in indigenous songs and dances
Some found harmony in astrology and cosmology
Some found joy in jazz and blues
Some found purpose in learning the Dao
Some found peace in Shintoism
Some found wisdom in Confucius
Some found morality in Moses
Some found faith in Quan Yin
Some found insight in White Buffalo Woman
Some found intelligence in reciting Hindu mantra
Babylon could not break the human spirit
Though, it tried to have us destroy each other over our differences
We never took it that far
We nearly went over the edge and watched a lot of sheep ahead of us fall off the cliff to their death but many us stopped right as our heels were about to leave the edge
It was nature, that universal being within everything that keeps us in harmony with the higher intelligence that is Mother Earth
We have a lot of anger and rage built up from many generations
That rage comes out as self destruct, belittlement, dysfunctional criticism, blame, grief, self hate, hate towards others, fear and discouragement
Mother Earth has began a new cycle for humankind and its giving us a chance to come out of the dark age of our Babylonian identity and refashion ourselves into something else
But we must be brave and come out of hiding for the adventure of reparent, rediscover, repair, redeem, repattern, rebirth to happen

Changing Momentum

By Rosa Ivy

Life is about taking chances
We all know that
It’s inevitable
We’ll be thrusted into creative progress
Either willingly or forcefully
Holding on keeps the imagination in a cement jungle
Letting go allows the imagination to be the prairie-things come and things go-passing by
Freedom and control have been the framework for this paradigm since long ago
We adore freedom and cling to control
In a world of so much diversity and game of thrones trying to be gods, we mistake differences for difficulties
Fear collides with difficulties and we lose touch with reality
We stumble through ideas of separation that always cause depression
We want to blame the game of thrones for degrading our universal senses and forcing us to fight for someone else’s control
Instead of learning nature, we aim for finding our place in the game of thrones until we realize having everything doesn’t guarantee freedom
Then, we fall into depression to contemplate separation to cycle through difficulties to see differences as an untold secret
Reality is where the heart is

Why do people pretend to be someone they are not?

By Rosa Ivy

Neurotic behavior comes from a malnourished living where the mental and spiritual development is being compromised by self aggression
There is trauma lodged inside our brain from many generations of fear-fear to be seen as different, fear of being abandoned, fear of exile, fear of emotional lose
Fears of the Babylon world with Alexander the Great as our role model has made us competitive and egocentric in our pursuits of control, exclusivity and personal power/gain
Desperate for attention, affection and admiration comes from a lack of self approval, self acceptance and self care
We neglect our soul’s unique blueprint because we assume our original talents and skills can’t possibly fit into the collective matrix with a powerful momentum
Self abandonment and childhood rage makes us victims to the collective matrix instead of co-creators
We blame the collective matrix for our misfortune, difficulties and karmic placement in the world
We waste a lot of energy numbing the pain, avoiding and distracting ourselves from reality, which is the world is a product of our mind
We’re tired and want someone to do the work for us and get pissy when we don’t get our needs met
Yogic science and technology of ancient and present times teach us mind mechanics and how self responsibility is the epicenter to all virtues
In world where Alexander the Great teaches us to take at any means necessary, lack of self responsibility makes us unclean and careless
To co-create with the collective matrix we must care a whole lot about our personal growth and development at the level of spiritual identity
Gimmicks, Wizard of Oz charlatans and imposters simply want the radiance, genius and creativity but do not have devotion to personal healing to find it within themselves

Babylon is collapsing under the weight of Mother’s Earth human upgrade
Like coal crushed into diamond, we are getting an opportunity to reinvent ourselves at the genetic level
It’s challenging to face the hangover from the Babylon world but splash some cold water on your face and get devoted like Nikola Tesla
Allow yourself to be triggered by your need to spiritually awaken and move out of cognitive dissonance and spiritual incongruence
The world around is a crisis but do not give into destruction
Destroy your patterns, programs, habits and behaviors that do not serve your highest timeline but do not destroy yourself
Go back to the seed of your original self and grow from the point of a universal being

Feel Bigger

By Rosa Ivy

Feelings are currents and winds guiding our seeds
Rejecting feelings is controlling nature and nature cannot be controlled though we try
We can block the rivers but the wild unknown always finds a way to bring back the water somehow
There is creative brilliance waiting to be accessed but we shy away from its mystic beauty because we’re afraid of success
We assume most people are afraid of failure but fear of success is fear of embodying our most authentic heart
There isn’t a honest success without authentic heart driving our course
We dumb ourselves down to not trigger others or be triggered
When someone has big feelings like Jim Carrey we are mesmerized and yet uncomfortable by such altitude of grandness
It’s triggering to evolve but necessary so we can face our past, do the proper math and advance our future into greater artistic expressions
What else is there do on Earth?
The mind is a trickster when it’s left unchecked by the heart and yet we’re conditioned to undermine the heart’s intelligence
We all have some learning challenge
For me it’s dyslexia, maybe you are too hard on yourself or carry a pattern from a parent that is belittling
The greatest adventure is figuring out your learning style
I enjoy visual learning, maybe you enjoy morning walks on the beach or taking long breaths before you start work
They’re is always a way to overcome the difficulty of progress
It’s the stagnancy from neglecting our soul’s song that makes us heavy and stark
It’s a lifetime of constant study for the heart to fully bloom in the grandest way
If we allow our currents and winds to move instead of control them we become a brilliant surfer, sailer and discover a life force within that raises us beyond our parents, society doctrines and generational stuff
Only then do we encounter the universal self, the version of us that is a great composer to the instruments of life


By Rosa Ivy

Why do we say falling in love?
Is it like sky diving, cliff diving?
Is it like bungee jumping, surfing?
There is an intense, heart accelerating, soul deepening majestic grandness meeting someone who awakens a greater fire for life within us
All we want is to be creatively outstanding
It’s a journey worth while and most fulfilling
Falling in love is like a surfer on top of the wave ready to jump onto the wave
He doesn’t know if he’ll catch his balance quick enough
Many times we get whipped out in love but never do we stop trying to get back onto the wave
There is something brilliant about perfecting our communication, self expression and creative brilliance in love
Every past relationship is a mirror and a test, showing us how we are dishonest to our authentic exuberance and how we can be more authentic
Sometimes we want love so badly we dumb ourselves down or settle for a half expressed love because we don’t entirely trust the process of attracting our life partner
Sometimes we have to wait longer than expected
Sometimes we have to let go of a lot of people, beliefs about ourself and habits, behaviors we picked up from the world around us
Sometimes we have to enter triggered relationships that sadden us and near break us so we can discover our alchemical wings of a firebird and develop a higher worth and self esteem
Love at first sight is an even grander intensity
It’s rare and belongs only to sincere hearts, those who grow like wildflowers do, unrestricted, untamed and unimpaired by the ego of distorted realities, false assumptions and worldly illusions
To be in-synch with someone is to expand the heart big enough for its compliment to find its unique vibratory field but if we shrink our expansive heart we’ll never have a strong or clear enough heart vibration to attract what is our compliment
So instead we go for the appearance and not the depth because it’s easier
We assume it’s too difficult and takes too long to vibrate from the authentic heart and receive a compliment because that means we have to grow like a red rose in the cracks of heavy cement
Those who found their life partner know it’s a worthy pursuit because finding an amplifier to our creative brilliance is a kind of joy only the dazzling renaissance of mighty hearts know


By Rosa Ivy

The doctor never mentioned that I couldn’t have children after having a large ovarian tumor removed but I felt something strange inside my womb
I felt sexual trauma not just my own but the worlds and I didn’t want to be an empath anymore but I kept hearing the Lorax in my head “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot nothing will get better; it will not”
I thought to myself, maybe just maybe my womb is connected to all women and by healing my womb I could heal other women
It’s like the trees
One tree can connect to the entire forest at speed of thought
It’s a magnificent science that’s been around since the beginning of Earth
We just needed to evolve to understand it’s wisdom
Roots of a single tree can feel and sense it’s neighboring trees and even spend nutrients to trees in need through its roots
Wow wee maybe that’s why people do ayahuasca
They want to understand that mystical reality seeming to go beyond our tactile senses
I trained my mind to see everyone as my child
I know it’s peculiar and Buddhist but I realized empathy isn’t meant to pain me but connect me to possibilities of grander creative impact
I was told by a close friend who became super catholic that everything I am is demonic and that my desire to learn my Native American heritage was a sin
That memory was like poison injected into my heart but it didn’t kill me
It gave me a fiercer passion to go deeper into the quest of finding my universal self
Grace isn’t just gentle and kind
It is also fierce, brazen and determined
It’s like the heart
The heart adapts it’s heartbeat to best serve the present moment and can endure, preserver and has a lot of resilience
The heart is kind always nourishing the body and helping the body recover from weakness by cycling out poison and cycling in purity

Enchanting Humans

By Rosa Ivy

Where do the old souls go?
Does the Earth summon them down from the ethers?
Old souls are elementals, a sixth sense that invites transformation, healing and creative brightness into reality
Old souls hold space for wish fulfillment and human upgrade encouraging breakthrough and inner strength
Guardians of the night, they do not fear the nightmares but embrace them for the shadow part of humankind is brokenness needing mending
Standing in grace, there is deep sadness like tsunamis of death and mid wives to liberty
Holding the torch, the flame of heart intelligence is ambitious, consistent and enchanting magnetizing kinds of realities that should be into position
Old souls know blues in the darkest of times when chaos and madness has stolen the heart of man
That blues sings on the hearts of its children’s children as a reminder that light never dies or fades
It just needs to be given to
When it disappears it’s because our eyes are covered in heavy sleep
Whip the heavy density from your eyes and see reality not for its pain but for its infinity and that means nothing is set in stone
Everything can be different
Everything can progress
The negative mind can only rule for a short while
The positive mind is the genius and the neutral mind is the space where old souls meet
Old souls hear the Lorax say “Unless someone cares a whole awful lot nothing will get better; it will not” and responds by saying “I’ll be that someone who cares a whole awful lot”

The Beauty of John

By Rosa Ivy

His mind is a fantastical kind so mysterious, colorful and constantly rebirthing itself
There is play and thrill discovering the timeless wonders resurfacing from a depth only old souls know
His mind is a jazz room where his heart is the guitar, his brain is the piano, his hands are the cello and his words are the trumpet
There is grandness in gentleness that is nervous to let go, grow and laugh more courageously
He isn’t rigid, fixed or bound to his ego
Though there are parts of him that are solid, stable but he’s the nectar in a hummingbirds mouth nourishing the tiny creature keeping that tiny creature bright, luminous and healthy
His heart is secure and his mind honors the sweet innovations of the heart
There is profound emotions wanting to come out but he’s an introvert to these wild unknowns
If he embraces the water flowing him towards newer realities, can he find balance in water that has no center
Like a chameleon, he can change colors to blend more theatrically with others around him but his root resonance remains the same
His soul’s song is elemental belonging to the “hum” of Alpacas mothers to the child in their body, “swish” of ducks landing in water and “clicks” of a bunch of different insects in the middle of the night
There is a bird sanctuary within his expression that preserves the integrity of every special sound
His intelligence is an archive for the renaissance filing and reorganizing elements into finer alchemy
It takes a special person to understand his gorgeous mystery because he’s peculiar like a trumpet playing alongside a cellist
These two sounds can be so different like light and dark and yet work so well together with the right harmonic intelligence
He’s slow and steady like a best friend
It takes him time to warm up like warming soup
If you rush and panic the oven by trying to warm it up too fast, the soup boils and doesn’t compose itself properly
His work ethic is like a woodpecker
That bird goes at it all day and all night, if he could be nocturnal
The sound is fun-loving and silly because a woodpecker’s determination is genius
There isn’t a poem long enough to convey the maverick mystery of John but this is a good start


By Rosa Ivy

Polarity is a friction that evokes evolution
I imagine it to be like molten rock
Lava erupts and water cools
There are precious minerals in molten rock that support abundant life on planet Earth
It is the separation between logic and imagination that keeps us limited and uninspired
It’s the communion of spirit and science that takes our journey through many black holes into advancements of our being
Science of spirituality is everywhere, in the structure of trees, in the construction of a bee hive and order of rose pedals
Why do some say the future is femme?
What does that mean?
Why is femininity so important to the reparenting, repatterning rebirthing of the world?
Women represent the cosmic portal
They are gatekeepers to creative potential beyond our current understanding
Women hold a non-linear intelligence that neutralizes and stabilizes
Women have been locked away while man sought to claim his royalty
But there is no royalty without integrity and there is no integrity without alchemy
Alchemy helps us take in the world and like the kidneys clean our blood, clear the distortions
The oceans are blood and oxygen and nourishment
Man became stone and blood became toxic
We’re so used to it, we normalize it but deep down we know humans and nature are designed to thrive
If it does not thrive maybe because it’s not in its authentic design and somehow that authentic design has gotten whacky, off kilter
The future is more than femme
It is a realignment between man and woman
The future needs the femme because it needs the visionary, that intellect that goes beyond what we know and what has been
It’s artistic, evolutionary and innovative
It’s sophisticated and imaginative, dreamy
It gives us vision and in a world where vision can be easily distracted, holding the vision is exceptional, brilliant, life changing

The Mind

 By Rosa Ivy

We come to Earth to be artists
Everything we do is a part of the art process
It’s the distractions, disruptions and disconnections that make us unaware and unevolved
Samsara awaits our choice to open up and show us something grander, breathtaking
Fear throws us off course when we allow it to soak in our mind for too long
Dysfunction and decay is a sign of dead things
There is always a part of us that needs to be recycled, repurposed, refashioned into something else
Habits meeting new habits
Behaviors turning into new behaviors
Is a momentary break, a glitch in the neurological configuration
It’s the reaching for something that relinks the broken connections into a different configuration
It’s like decomposition in the breaking down of elements and using those basic level nutrients to reimagine the organism in future of its transcendence
The brain is a visionary and yet we treat it like it’s just an organ used for survival
There is uniqueness imprinted on the brain that comes from our nervous system and the human design made of karma and energetic patterns that go beyond this life that take a basic brain and sequence it to be a reflection of all the places we’ve been and all the creative spaces we are preparing to go
The mind is seen as energetic and physical
It conducts matter and yet isn’t bound to matter
It has a function and yet it’s lacking confinement
It’s captured in our brain and yet it’s also felt in our soul
It teaches us about our soul and yet it’s beyond that
It is a bridge between finite and infinite and allows us to reorganize our brain in way that seems miraculous
Our brain has limits
It can only handle so much stress before it degrades
But our mind seems limitless
It weaves through our brain and other organs and pulls into awareness information that seems interstellar, beyond terrestrial reach
We’ll never know the vastness of a mind
It’s beauty and infinite
It goes on and on
All we know is that it’s the key to regenerating the brain
The mind carries frequencies, light and movement that take our brain into the mystery of gamma waves that evoke the visionary, the healer and the restoration that allows us to crush out decay and push in renewal
An Empress

By Rosa Ivy

The empress is a matriarch
She’s the muse for her enchanting beauty and mystical heart
She’s the bridge connecting nature to the world
Her essence is a river for the river carries the ocean and her fragrance is rosemary for rosemary cures many illnesses
She’s the warrior in the garden
She protects and preserves what is sacred and virtuous
Her path isn’t easy in a world that has given into Babylonian distortions
The heart of woman has been oppressed by the noisy Roman head of man
Her assignment is to repair the broken connection between ego and heart
Ego and heart aren’t meant to be enemies
They are a team manifesting together a higher discernment, intelligence and creativity
The Roman man took it too far with his royalist power
It made him severely imbalanced and saturated his thoughts with perversion, paranoia and self aggression
The empress is a special kind of healing
She comes from native lands and speaks of natural things
Her medicine is her phoenix alchemy
Her ability of transforming pain into purpose and holding a visionary brightness is her deep breathing
She used to hide away for fear of being exiled by a league of men ready to demonize her
She’s been displaced, torn away from her tribe and told to shut up
She’s endured the grey clouds of ash and sharp glass cloaking her radiance
She’s dumbed herself down to be acceptable in a society that recognizes women as illogical
She survives because there isn’t life on Earth without oceans, rivers to nurture rosemary and all the land creatures
Her womb is a cosmic portal reminding us that before their was physical existence there was just a seed, a soulful presence


By Rosa Ivy

The world demands self responsibility
There is no other way
Victimization is much easier
It takes off the pressure of having to take accountability for the lifetime we’ve chosen and the challenges that come with it
Victimization makes us weak and cowardly, always blaming someone, something for our struggle and yet dwelling only drains our energy, lowering our vibration and saturating our thoughts with disarray
I think about my Cherokee ancestors being forced away to lands unwanted
I think about my last name being that of a slave owner who had a large plantation in Virginia that other ancestors of mine worked for generations
The anger in me is an anger we all have
I’ve learned to turn my anger into creative fuel
The pressure of the mountain can turn coal into diamond
I want to be an alchemist
This is the path that brings expansion, healing and personal renaissance
I don’t have to be the past
I am cosmic
I am the calm storm that changes the landscape
karmas of what has been play out their stories through me now and I get to rewrite them
I get to reimagine my momentum of the future
I get to repair my cellular makeup
I get to restructure my genetic sequence
Though my actions
Actions are powerful and they need a lot of discipline
Pacha Mama is a library and I get to read what works and what doesn’t work
I get to rediscover and reinvent my story
It’s the phoenix that lives inside the extraordinary heart that keeps going fearlessly into the direction of Pacha Mama’s visionary story of love, courage and freedom

The Best Kind of Love

By Rosa Ivy

Orgasmic, breathtaking and soul reaching
We yearn for a special love, a unique connection that amplifies our natural beauty
Beautiful, heartfelt and caring
We wish for love to be honest, reliable and enduring and yet it takes time for we must discover ourselves first before we attract someone authentic to our authentic embodiment
Charismatic, wild and evolutionary
We hope for a healing love that can calm our thoughts and balance our energy
Joyous, faithful and encouraging
We want to open our heart to the right person and wait patiently for that person
It’s thrilling and fills us with anxiety and fear
We fear being taken advantage of, misled, deceived
We’re anxious to dive into the unknown and expand our potential but we do it anyways because that’s what souls do
It’s hard when we become hard to bloom and receive the hummingbird
It’s painful to change when we get used to a set position and forget the magic of trusting our intuition
Life is intuition
Everything about life trains our intuition
We cannot fully do anything without intuition
Without intuition we lack confidence, sense of direction and individuality
Romantic love is meant to be visionary, character building and fierce
It’s designed to give us what we need for growth and fun
It’s meant to be playful, artistic and challenge us to be victorious in everything we do

Healthy Mind is Healing from the Past

By Rosa Ivy

Breaking through generational patterns, cycles and habits is an intense adventure
It’s like the Wild West, full of dangers, unexpected change and pressure
Pressure turns coal into diamond
Humans are pioneers
Humans are capable of greatness
Humans are resilient
I think about the story my grandmother told me when Martin Luther King Jr. was shot and announced that he was dead
Living in Washington, D.C., she said people went into the streets wailing
She said she could hear the cries, anxious and restless hearts of the people who saw Martin Luther King Jr. as a true king not one of those false kings who kills the previous king to be king
I remember when my elder Yona told me about his experience of segregation
He said there were white bathrooms and black bathrooms and being Native American people excepted him to pee on a tree so he did to use the restroom
I remember my great grandmother telling my mother who told me the story of how a white stranger knocked on her door and walked in to get milk from the fridge
My great grandmother wouldn’t dare stop them for no black woman wants to be seen or heard
My Cherokee ancestors went to the mountains to hide
My black ancestors went to the Underground Railroad to hide
I don’t want to think about the past but I know there is a challenge within the past that I’m choosing to breakthrough
I don’t have to carry low self worth of the past
I don’t have to hide my light like the past
Some karmas of the past relay through me and I have a choice
I can either allow the momentum to continue or completely rewrite the sequence
I’m choosing to reimagine, reparent, repattern and rediscover myself from the soul that brought humans out of darkness and continues to bring humans out of darkness

Mr. Rogers

By Rosa Ivy

Soul is a glorious motion
It’s within the body, creates a mind and yet doesn’t need a body or mind to exist
Native Americans speak of soil
Soil is considered alive but not sentient
And yet there is some kind of intelligence in the connection between sunshine, water and nutrients
Our micro experience of the macro is contained in the boundaries of this finite reality like our planets are contained within the boundaries of this solar system
Expansion brought down to the level of eye color and no two pair of eyes are the same
Staring into eyes is reading someone’s evolutionary astrology, their soul’s blueprint
Imagine advanced beings who can travel the universe
They’re navigation system has a record of every location they’ve been to
Eyes are a navigation system unveiling all the extraordinary places, spaces, realms and dimensions we’re traveled to
Eyes are beyond physical eyes
Eyes are our total sensory system within all nadis that energize our body and mind
Soul takes our intelligence to the next level
It add spherical dimension, spectrum and range
I think about Steven Hawking and his extraordinary way of accessing higher intelligence to progress his mathematics on simple yet vast equations
Soul takes the mind beyond boundaries
It unlocks views, perspectives and angles that aren’t typical or commonly found
Soul is elemental, harmonic and energetic
It connects all atoms together and regenerates our cells
It’s the spark, ignition, basic light, universal language within geometry of stars, planets, plants and species of animal
It brings non-physical into physical and physical into non-physical
It’s lyrical and creates sound
Whenever we feel limited, we go to the soul for expansion
Whenever we must change for the better, we go to the soul for a new pattern
Whenever we are stuck, we go to the soul for glorious motion that  gives us a chiropractic adjustment realigning us to the center of our existence which is elemental, harmonic and energetic

Roses Blooming

By Rosa Ivy

Women want to feel safe
Women must work extra hard to prove themselves worthy
But receptivity is all we want
It’s tiring to constantly show male society our worth, value and relevance
There is a part of society that disempowers nature of woman even attempts to degrade or control women’s purpose
In love, a woman wants to be seen and heard for your extraordinary beauty that is creative, kind and soulful
In a society that pressures us to value money over anything else, where does a woman’s wisdom fit in
A woman’s wisdom speaks of regeneration, rehabilitation and repair but that isn’t fast enough for a male world
A woman’s wisdom inspires closeness with nature and fellow humans and fierce self responsibility but there is no profit off of something renewable, free and within all human’s capability
Some men follow Alexander the Great’s model of take, consume and obtain at all costs
That model is what allowed American men to shoot down millions of Buffalo in order to bring Lakota people to their knees and surrender to the American man
It’s no different from the French Revolution and the reign of terror
Women aren’t meant to be like men and there is a divine reason for that
Nature is balance
Too much fire nothing grows
Too much water nothing grows
Women offer a unique perspective that is elemental and spiritual, not religious
This spirituality has long been torn out of humanity
It’s been seen as illogical, stupid and unhelpful
And yet it’s essence is what potentiates science and mathematics
Science of spirituality is like bio-mechanics in its understanding of how nature organizes herself into rhythms, cycles and patterns
There is a rhythm to the soul and its appearance in physical and non-physical plains of existence
Knowing nature’s rhythm is creating a world where humans can thrive

Primera Vez

By Rosa Ivy

When you realize your not wanted it’s hard to let go of the dream
It takes courage to rebirth our mind and trust the unknown
Giving love and not receiving the love we give can be heartbreak
We cannot force anybody to see our worth and value
We must let go and will let go of many people, places and things in life
We can spend all our energy trying to get someone to notice our beauty to wake up one day and realize to be seen is to be appreciated
We all yearn to be seen
Friendship is the treasure of all treasures
For its ability of soothing our journey and relaxing our thoughts
Friendship is deciding to have a good intention towards someone
It’s wanting to see them shine
What do we do when friendship is a season that no longer supports us?
What do we do when caring about someone isn’t enough?
Do we surrender or keep trying?
Do we just move on and ignore the dream?
What if the dream isn’t fulfilled?
There’s always a dream of forever friendships, forever lovers
When a dream transitions out does that mean the dream is satisfied and longing for a new dream?
What about unresolved or unrealized dreams?
How do you hold onto a butterfly that only wants to be free?
Letting go is a constant life lesson that is never completely learned
It comes whenever it wants and stays as long as it desires
It’s wild and sublime
It’s fierce and blunt
It’s slow and rapids
When reciprocity doesn’t reach us, someone decides to sleep on us, pain of change shifts us into new ideas
Sometimes the ideas we have are outdated

Mixed Blood

By Rosa Ivy

There’s something magical about being mixed blood. My Cherokee elder introduced me to this term “mixed blood.” Being Cherokee, black, Spanish and white gives me inclusivity to groups that once were at odds even at war. Inside me is the slave and the master. Inside me is the Spanish conqueror and Native American survivor. I’m not sure how my ancestors came together in this way. It seems unlikely even impossible. For a while, white women with a black baby were hunted. Native American people were traumatized by the Spanish. I like to think my being “mixed blood” is an eradication of discrimination and prejudice. Ever since I was little, I saw black people as myself. I saw Spanish people as myself. I saw Native American people as myself. I saw white people as myself. Is this the start to future generations without separation based on color, race and gender? What if we all felt equal parts of all people?

This is a photo of me and my little cousin. When I was younger I used to pretend he was my baby because when we went out people thought he was my child. He’s “mixed blood” too. He’s Asian, black and white. If I ever have a child, he/she could have any skin color from dark black to German white because I have the full spectrum. It’s fascinating to think each of us has genetics of the entire universe. It’s foolish to fight each other over who’s clearer to excellence and who’s not. It’s foolish to seek ownership over a world or have higher worth than another when everyone has the potential to growth into royals. Karma is fluid. It’s always changing. We can change it for the better or worse. “Our lives our not our own. We bound to each other womb to tomb and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.” (Cloud Atlas).

Devoted to Enthusiasm

By Rosa Ivy

Enthusiasm trains the brain to be courageous and intuitive
There is always a way through life’s difficulties
Creativity is a innovation, resolution and critical thinking process
It creates doors and windows where there are none
Fear of not succeeding keeps us enthusiastic
when we allow our breathing to be long and deep
The wild unknown journey develops our senses and awakens our nerves
It gives us character and makes us an individual
Uniqueness manifests in our emotional intelligence
Emotions are oceans
They carve out landscape and harmonize the planet
Water is how physical matter actualizes
Water in our body shares rhythmic motion with the oceans
Water molecules vibrate the cosmos deep inside the Earth where water is stored from ancient glaciers
We can alter our water molecule’s shape and frequency just like we can repattern our DNA
It’s enthusiasm that invites walking meditation to challenge the way we exist and anchor a better way, a way that brings us cosmic exuberance 


By Rosa Ivy

Believing in yourself is difficult especially when everything around you doesn’t reflect back to you breakthrough
To keep going, to stay resilient and consistent takes a toll on the body
The body needs ease
But in a world of constant stimulation and pull on our energy, how do we settle into ease?
How do we relax and receive when there is so much out there wanting to take from us and get us to buy, buy and buy
The brain has been trained at a young age to be a careless consumer
We’re taking without intuition or self awareness
We are impulsive consumers
We are unstable by all the things that pull on our energy
All we want is ease but how do you obtain it in hustle culture?
The mind is anxious
The heart is racing
It’s creativity that gives us purpose, strength and grand vision
Without it we’re stumbling through bombarding thought forms dumping into our psyche from the world
Creativity gives us intelligence, wide perspective and life force
In a world of drained people, trying to pull on energies outside them for comfort and ease, creativity fills us up with joy and nurtures our body and simplifies our thinking
Creativity is the highest obtainment and excellence
It raises us to be so much more than televised minds or video games’ mental clutter
It gives us mental sovereignty and visionary reality
It allows us to be disciplined and purposeful
It invites empowerment and breakthrough
It is the key to altering reality and cultivating ease

Rich Soul Vibe

By Rosa Ivy

Publishers used to select artists based on creativity
Now, they ask “show me your followers”
Some publishers won’t invest unless a potential candidate has a certain number of followers
Social media tells consumes to sponsor themselves
How do you sponsor yourself?
The whole point of having a sponsor back in day of high school athletics is to receive support for your talents
How do you grow when it’s excepted for an artist to figure everything out on their own?
That’s why I turn to jazz and blues
A blues room is supportive of all people at all levels
People come to share their talent of trumpet or drumming, etc. and receive feed back from more educated people
Now it seems simple kindness has to be bought and paid for
Find spaces of simple human collaboration like days of my Granddaddy Sangman who was a blues singer
He found his excellence because of the support of his community
If success is based on number of followers and that can be rigged so how do we know what is real and what is not?
Everyone wants to be seen and heard
Everyone wants more than working at McDonalds or Walmart
But there are certain teachings and trainings that need to be passed down to younger generations
If someone’s worth and value is there economic status or rich daddy status then we’re missing out on maverick beauty that comes from a resilient, mystical and devoted heart
It’s difficult not being privileged because while others obtain progress effortlessly, we have to try again and again and again with little to no breakthrough
Breakthrough can’t be based on money
When it is, breakthrough seems shallow, artificial even a facade
It’s like someone who cannot grow a red rose in their garden so instead they buy a plastic one at the store and put it in the soil
Some people can’t tell the difference
Those with a natural creative spirit can see the gimmick


By Rosa Ivy

Ravens are mysterious
They aren’t obvious or loud like crows
They are reserved and move elegantly
The Raven has mysticism that is wildly unknown and yet deeply felt
Ravens have a simple confidence
They don’t need outside attention and continuous approval to exist boldly
They are enchanting because they don’t try so hard
When a Raven dives from high altitude, there is  a breathtaking fearless act of trusting it’s sublime nature to open wings and catch air
It takes a patient and intuitive person to find a Raven
When I think of the Raven, I see starlight
We mimic starlight in our solar power and inner  nebulas
Parts of us die all the time and new parts arise out of what’s left of us
It takes great gestures of brazen pursuit to bring our existence into rhythmic symphony
Our body creates music
Every organ is like an instrument
The lungs are a harp, kidneys trumpet, liver sound bowl, stomach wind chimes, heart guitar, spleen violin
It’s the composer that takes the chaos of noise and organizes beastly wilderness into exquisite art that captures the rawness and potentiated soul of gorgeous existence
Competition, a need to be better can be a driving force for perfection or a degrading of the original self and manufacturing of egocentric self
Regardless, competition pushes us into friction like heat pressuring coal to expand into diamond
Alchemy is breath and its everywhere and yet we’re uneducated on its potential to develop an embodiment that is enchantingly beautiful

Healing Heart

By Rosa Ivy

As an adult, we no longer play
We associate play with childish behavior
We conform to the limited perspective instead
Limitation is obvious either that be economic circumstance or environments that don’t entirely make us feel free or capable of greatness
Play is necessity for its ability of providing a feeling of belonging and fun loving gestures of adventure, kindness and personal freedom
It’s easy to feel like a bird in a cage when we take things too seriously
Seriousness comes from survival pain when we’re forced to be resilient, determined and strong consistently over a long period of time
Inner strength is necessary for “to exist is to survive unfair choices,” [Brit Marling]
However, strength without play is inhaling the world and never exhaling out dense accumulation of worries, fears and anxieties
What we want most is tribe
That’s our greatest creative master piece
We yearn for intimacy that of fun loving friendship, authentic bonding and positive encouragement
Our personal growth increases tremendously when we have a tribe
Tribe gives us gorgeous belonging for its soulful acceptance, character development and positive mind training
However, tribe has been dismantled to be replaced by hierarchical social groups that are competitive, discouraging and installs fear
Pleasing the monarch and getting the top social class takes priority over community sharing, caring and inclusivity
We assume belonging is obtaining top position in success but then why do many top position people have the feeling of disconnect, fear of being authentic and anger from being too serious all the time
Finances can provide opportunity but personal growth and creative excellence is a community effort that goes beyond financial superiority
Finding belonging is recognizing self in other, vibrating the cosmos through every thought and feeling and repairing the brokenness within our tribe
We’re afraid to reconnect the tribe because we’ve been our worst self, the lower self and that has caused generations of hurt and karmic unresolved issues that keep us tough, ridged and egocentric
It’s a visionary purpose and outstanding creative ambition to work through our “stuff” and get back to the nature of belonging


By Rosa Ivy

I was born with a hole in my heart
My father had a larger hole in his heart
He had to take medication growing up to keep his heart strong
Doctors always checked up on my heart every year as a child
When I became a teenager, the doctor told me the hole in my heart disappeared
Why does heartbreak cause panic attacks?
Why is it extremely intense?
It’s painful like having an actual hole in the heart except theirs no medication to mend the wound because it’s emotional, psychological, spiritual and physical all at the same time
We can numb the pain, try to balance ourselves and focus on what is soothing but it doesn’t leave when we want it to leave
Grief is its own being passing through us
It’s like trying to control a hurricane
Loss is a natural disaster
It radically changes the landscape and forces us to be resilient
It pushes us towards community and reminds us that death and life are friends
Death has always been seen as an enemy for its brutality and harshness and yet it keeps us connected to what is spiritual, natural and infinite
Breaking is a part of letting go
It’s painful because it forces us to act from the soul
The soul is the only medicine that can fill in the holes and resolve brokenness that keeps us fragmented, disjointed and disconnected from our transformation
The soul is a master artist able to connect the infinite with the finite creating a bridge between separation and connection
Earth will always be a school and we’re all getting our doctorate degree
We’re all just at different levels and we make a lot of mistakes and sometimes become too numb to sense our soul
The world isn’t easy
It’s full of tests, challenges and sometimes isn’t fair but we chose to come here to be a master artist and figure out how to turn cement into a meadow
Chiseling is the breaking for what’s underneath to be discovered

Love at First Sight

By Rosa Ivy

Passion gives us power

We long for the visionary to show us how to use our power for healing

Creativity is the goal, final result, evolutionary breakthrough

We are born with amnesia

We must wake up from the collective dream, our parents and grandparents dream and find our soul’s jewel deep within the mountain of the collective psyche full of shadows, wailing, lust, danger and excess

Our precious jewel isn’t hard to find but isn’t easy

It’s a creative challenge and we are the evolutionary mind pursuing greatness

We encounter awakeners, people who comfort, encourage and enliven us

They become teachers, allies, guides and challengers

Their assignment in our life is to get us to our precious jewel so we remember our creative dream

They help us not slay the dragon but ride the dragon of our beastly power

At first glance, we recognize their soul because inside us amnesia starts to clear, bit by bit, piece by piece

We start to feel more integrated, aligned and one with our elemental self

We’re all looking for our heart, courage and higher brain like tin man longs for a heart, lion searches for courage and scarecrow demands a higher brain

Sometimes we feel fragmented by our childhood problems, traumas and worldly difficulties, crisis and pain

At times we feel hard and bitter like tin man without a heart

Sometimes we feel powerless and feeble like Lion without his courage

Other times we feel stupid and unworthy like scarecrow without his higher brain

Dorothy is the call the awakening, a very true friend that gets us up out of our funk and sparks the fire that gives us energy to go into the mountain and retrieve our precious jewel so we can become our authentic self and vibrate the cosmos here on Earth in a glorious creative success

We, thou, thee

I am set free from the matrix, from my fears, from illusions, from my pain

I am capable of greatness because I’m guided by kindred spirits that take me all the way

Maverick Medicine

By Rosa Ivy

Our heart yearns for adventure that creatively challenges us

We belong to the universe and all its destruction and recreation

Every moment cells are dying and new ones are being formed

We’re a constant shifting tide as we ride our wind horse forward

We’re cosmic dancers shifting from spirit world to elemental world

Lovers sing to us songs of positivity as maverick medicine so that when we descend into cave with little to no light we’re not afraid

Coming to a world such as ours is more than an incarnation, it’s an assignment and we choose to learn

Archetypes of this world are allies and yet ones we reject are the missing piece to solving fragmentation of fall to Earth and amnesia that makes us think we’re separate from the universe and all it’s tried and true knowledge

We stumble

We falter

We slip

We’re phoenix and wolf helping us understand way of wilderness

Way of wilderness is understanding soul

Civilized in our cement jungle, wilderness of unexpected change still cannot be escaped

Lovers song keeps playing in deep night hooting owl, marigold sunrise hum, midday falcon and sunset ache of boughs reminding us that intuition is a lantern guiding us through darkness of potential not yet reached but conceived inside us

When lack of reciprocity weighs heavy on a body needing nourishment

By Rosa

I must not be worthy

I think I’m fun loving and earthy

Then why am I rejected so much?

I know life can be tough

It’s full of villain and heroic stuff

Earth school can’t only be about the test

There has to be rest

Or everything is never ending, mentally pressurizing chess

I take visionary quest

I ponder on what I can do better

I marvel at eagle feathers

How can I soar when I’m weighed down?

I try to mimic hawk brown

But my necessities are not met

I don’t ask for corvette

I just want to receive what I earned

All the things I’ve learned

Don’t get me anywhere without helpful love from the universe

Constant delay, I grew nervous

If I must be a fighting spirit everyday of my life

Then strife must be my wife

I stay optimistic like postpartum husband’s patience

But where is return investment

I am beaconing renaissance

Universe, give me an assessment

If I keep pushing myself

There will be nothing left of myself

I’m trying to know thyself

I’m upgrading to be a better self

It’s only hard when my mind wants relief, to finally progress

And I’m left in limbo wanting to reset

Working for breakthrough

Working for victory

I turn to mantra

Everything is mystery

Everything is beautiful yantra

I must surrender and trust way through

I’ve been the Buffalo

Now I am a Raven

I’m going into heart’s haven

And remaining true to education on dedication

I release control and go at it with soul whole

Regardless of the breaking, I am whole

With a long sigh, I cleanse stress from my nesting eyes

When Life is Hard

By Rosa

I open my whole soul

I share my wonder

But he’s not espanol

He doesn’t get my thunder

I want to be seen by right eyes

but I need allies

All I’ve known are karmic ties

I’m evolving

I’m resolving

Hoping I’m falling for the right man

I pray he becomes my clan

Diamond in the rough, my body aches to dance

I stand at Palos Verdes bluff

I’m a pelican romance

When red takes pink and indigo steals blue

I dive into nighttime taboo

My old soul is too much of a mystic

For world of materialistic

My statistic is futuristic

I’m holistic and that makes me queer like not drinking beer when everyone drinks alcohol

And I’m not a plastic doll

I seek a soul not just somebody

I could have anybody

In a world of billions

My lover is eternal, one out of star’s a trillion

My thoughts stream consciousness on my journal

I pray for somebody to get my lush body full of wild things and Raven wings

I wait

I state

Where are you?

Beloved wake

It’s a heavy weight

Vibrating higher fate

Many have slept on me

Many have denied me

Many simply are intimidated by me

In a journey of disappointment, I keep close to enchantment

I try not to get discouraged when everything I give does not nourishes me in return

It’s tiring and I yearn

For breakthrough that allows my seeds to grow

What is a life without overflow and only plateau?

I will myself to be strong but I’m not Hong Kong

My body is fragile

Luckily my mind is agile

I belong to lover’s care

I am solitaire

I wear beautifully given a chance

But how can I prance when no man gives me the chance?

Do soulmates exist?

And why must I go through so much resist?

I persist

But my heart needs relief from evolution of soul asking so much of me and yet when I ask for something in return, I’m slept on

I beacon on

Goodbye F Boy

By Rosa

F boys are for the whoa

It’s always a no

I’ve got soul

I’m too bold for your sword

You hoard sexual energy

You’re a frienemy

Taking me down

Sinking in your mess

Wearing your frown

Thinking I’m less

When really I’m the best

Lover, hugger cuz I move you to grow

I move you to glow from your old soul

But you’d rather stay low

I can’t bare you

Though I like to

I got to keep rolling cuz you’re too controlling and it suffocates

I’d say meet me at 8

Like when we are teens

But you choose random sex over a true mate

Our tree leans

It’s ready to die

Farewell, what a sigh

We could have been true lover’s eyes

Instead we are grey skies

Rain washes away this pain

Mountain turns to sand

Swimming back to land

I hold pearls in my hand

Cuz I’m free

I should to be a bee with broken wings

That couldn’t sting

Now I wear this ring

Gold, so bold, my crown unfolds

Into a majesty where my tragedy turns to alchemy

I stand at this balcony

Looking out not for a savor but a trail blazer

I wish you well

I kiss and don’t tell

But your kiss has not spark

It’s stark

I want more

I leave you at the door

My heart, I restore

Guru Jagat

By Rosa Ivy

Grief is rapids we try to navigate but cannot control
White water rafting takes skill, life force and knowledge of the rapids
Navigating grief is learning how to white water raft
Sometimes we hit a rock and fall into speedy water
Sometimes we flip going over a waterfall and nearly drown
Sometimes we panic when water is dangerously chaotic
Rapids never last
They exist going down the mountain
Hitting the bottom is like when river mixes with the sea
It’s alchemical and drops us into a deeper deep where tectonic plates are chiropractors to Earth’s continental spine
Sometimes grief is a bird in a cage
We hold onto her because we don’t want to forget her
We want her beauty, bird’s song and elemental presence to stay with us forever
But all things must return to the wild because nothing is eternal
We set her free and sometimes on an early morning walk see her in the trees with her friends chirping, bathing in sunshine, making a nest for future generations to experience the elemental journey
Sometimes grief is a dam
We block the river because every time the river floods our house is destroyed
We don’t relocate our house because we’re afraid of change
We fear  our connection to loved ones that once lived in that house will disappear
Sometimes we dam the river because we prefer being dry and hard like dirt that hasn’t received water in months
It’s easier to navigate life’s demands when we’re strictly logical and mute our dynamic range of human complexity
Sometimes grief is a wise old man wandering around streets at night we never talk to
He’s peculiar, mysterious and uncommon like a Raven is to a crow
Many ignore him and those with a lionheart know his secret
He’s an angel
Grief can be experienced in silence and wailing
Grief teaches us there is no right or wrong emotion or thought
All emotions and thoughts must pass through our mental threshold to be filtered through the heart without judgment
We can try to control grief but it’s like orcas in captivity
Yeah they live longer but does anyone ask if they’re happy
Grief must be shared like dolphins must have a pod
Dolphin without a pod is dolphin without water
Grief is ceremonial, celebratory and tribal
It’s primal, transcendental and liberating
It reminds us that we’re a spiritual being having a physical experience
It reminds us that all loved ones must die
It reminds us that death isn’t the enemy or end
It gives us a chance to live fearless, creative and heartfelt
It gives us a glimpse into our soul and bows to us like a tiger in the wild
It encourages us to be Shakti and ride the wild Tiger of life and reach our destiny which is to experience awe striking majestic wonder of loving ourselves and others completely and witnessing ours and their soul’s journey completion in totality of creative brilliance

John Mayer

By Rosa Ivy

John is a sublime force of passion and personal evolution
His angelic mind is like an open field of rolling green with thousands of fireflies all with their own unique flickering light
His heart is an aurora where magnetic north pulls on the Earth like mountain presses coal into diamond
He’s an alchemist turning improvisations into maverick understanding
There is pain swallowing the world and we’re all afraid to be crushed by the weight and intensity of the cocoon
John is a cocoon, a formless being like wet clay playing with its infinite potential
He’s not rigid or set
His brain isn’t unmovable and dense
He’s uncommon like meteorite because his elemental dialogue comes from the butterfly
Being a part of humankind isn’t easy
It’s full of challenges, obstacles and character building tests that either break us or strengthen us
We never truly break
We’re like Albus Dumbeldore’s phoenix
We outgrow ourselves sometimes like a plant inside a pot
We must shed our heavy skin like snakes
Did you know fully grown snakes don’t shed skin because they’ve outgrown themselves?
They do it because their skin collects toxins and harsh bacteria
We all have a cleansing mechanism
It’s radiance within us that harmonizes us

John’s other origin transmission echoes songs and memories from womb of Earth before our fears had us aggressively controlling cocoon process of our archetypal integration
John gently reminds us that higher imagination is a way through, a guide, an ally, a teacher and a knowing that no matter how overpowering the universe can be, we are equally as creatively impactful
Our beautiful mind is a key to unlocking elemental truths that free us infinitely
Melodies and rhythms of heart go beyond us
They are weaved with frequencies of stars and orbiting planets
In our deepening breath, we can sense Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Sirius a and b, Pleiadies
We are sensitive beings that have desensitized ourselves because inside belly of the beast we feel unsafe and unloved

John is a nature spirit, a bright lantern unveiling sublime energy
Creativity is soft, giving and fearless
How can we be soft and fearless at same time?
Hardness is how we survive the aggression of the world and yet hardness is a bird in the cage
Nothing grows in hard soil
Soil must be loose, open and fluid like water
Water is beginning and end
We return to water when our bodies rest in soil and rain carries us back to the sea
Searching for love, we set our sails on visionary quest to reparent our mind and reinvent our beliefs
Constantly repatterning, reforming, rebirthing, we purify, clarify and liberate
John understands what I’m talking about because I know he thinks the same
In a world of every kind of vibration, I know I’ll find John at the vibration of a sublime heart
He’s always there rebirthing himself inside a cocoon of maverick destiny
His water flows like Niagara Falls
Most can’t understand his dynamic capacity because many limit themselves to a superficial mundane
While he’s weaving soulful feeling into his uncaged human
He’s an eagle who hasn’t forgotten how to make a nest and hunt for fish
Though world of pollution and toxins try to spoil us all, we’re bears helping tigers and elk saving otters
Inside the cocoon of our phoenix alchemy, eventually we’ll find our evolutionary metamorphosis

She made a career out of child support

She was a foxy sly escort

Looking for men who got wealth in the sport

Seduce them then take them to court

I’d rather turn blankets into forts

Take dreams and build a safe place, healing resort

I like to play

Hawaii sunshine rays

During Shenandoah green in rain day

I imagine Chesapeake Bay, Lorax would say

It’s better to run with the wolves then hide

Run with the wolves

I mark this land like elk hooves

Monsters are real but don’t give them your energy

Remember you’re in the 5D humanity documentary

Babylon turns man against woman for the thrill

Now women are trying to kill off the ill by climbing the golden hill

Hoping one day there be will to fulfill the healing with reawakened medicine skill

Man holds ego to his chest like it’s a golden crest

He’s starting to realize love makes him his best

But first he must pass difficult tests

We struggle not to be depressed

So we walk visionary quest

To reassess, digest & invest

In a woman’s ancient wonder under her breasts

A heart so fiery it’s like phenix to repair broken society


City of cement oh no

I want jungle flow where night time glows

I am sooo bored with televised eyes

Sticking to my phone like a poltergeist oh no

I’ll never see the moon because I’m stuck to the video game blues that ain’t no muse

It’s sad that I don’t have self control

Take me to jazz of grandpa pizazz

I need to learn to grow my own food too

I’ll take a journey to Peru to learn something about ancient crew

Who you? Alien no I swim in Mediterranean to remember Atlantis

But mostly everybody on tik tok

This is just a fantasy I bought

Tik tok

Sinking into the box

Where everyone’s a fox that goes boo

Who you?

I don’t have a who because I lost my clues


First, I fell in love with your kiss

It was swish like this

Lips on lips, abyss, my bliss

With you, your kiss I can’t resist

Tell me what you feel all the time

Kindred lovers swim through waters of Sublime

Endless, breathless, defenseless

I’ll be your shield, roses everywhere in your open field, we are healed

Touching your chest, you’re a beast, my high priest, wisdom inside your temper increased

I am falling

Nothing else to do but give into you

You give me breath back

As I ride your spine into dazzling black

When stars hum and I ain’t numb

I feel your sweat drenching my spirit like a spirit bath

You laugh, your beastly wrath

Singing in your heart, never too far even when a part

We got the intertwine, no fear, plenty of tears

Because we heal

Loving, kissing, heating up

Spark fly

As we lay eye to eye

Intense, Scorpio and the enchantress

Lifetimes of magic

We are a classic

I’ll be your Nefertiti

And you’ll beastly

Lemuria, euphoria

Faerie, prairie

I’m white Buffalo

And you’re still beastly

Feasting on my love gently, sweetly

Honey and the bee


I want to be a feminine

But sometimes I got to be a man

To survive

I want to thrive

Like a honey hive

I am alone on this throne

World so big and sometimes unfair

I am rare

I do care like a prayer

I am wishing, hoping, praying that we all will be our best selves

Like magical elves

We got something special, one of a kind

A different humankind, so fine and yet we walk a tight line

Fear and fearful

That’s why I shed those tears

So I’m never ever too fearful and become dreadful

I want to thrive

Like a honey hive

So I drive

Through Smokey mountains

Like drinking from pure crystal water fountains

I need to revive

I strive for the high five

Friends till the end

Supporting each other, everyone is my brother

Too much pain we go insane

Reaching for light, drowning in the night

To wake up with a headache

Because life is the maverick

We go to school to get some tools

So we’re not fools

Running around, hurting people hurt people

Give me a lesson, divine intention

Because I need some teaching, impeaching those negative thoughts trying to take out the deep feeling

I go to the night, drown to touch the bottom so I know what it’s like to be in total dark and shine like a star

I don’t know who you are or who you’re with but on this day, I imagine our paths are moving closer together. On this day, I look at my reflection in sunlit mirror and smile at my beautiful face for one day reflection of a handsome, gentle and soulful man will be standing beside me on a morning so bright it’s like shimmering waves of Pacific Ocean tanning my brown skin deeper gold and bathing me in timeless beauty. I anticipate your arrival like a baby Robin waits for mama bird to sail across open sky to reach her. I rest inside this nest of comfort and safety loving on myself, treating myself with creativity and embracing the wild things within my beating heart. I marvel at sound of your heartbeat as it quicks at sight of my Northern Lights. I search for your eyes in fireflies, knowing your elemental soul casts signs and synchronicities to help me feel your love. I long to breathe with you, inhale long, deep and exhale slowly as we fall into a meditation of like minds sharing individualized exuberance and fantastical wonder. I wish for you to be ecstatically happy, divinely healthy and under protection of the white wolf. I desire to be your endearing friend, wise companion, kindred spirit and home within the universe. On this day I see us walking golden beach of Pacific Ocean, known to be womb of this planet, hand in hand taking in gorgeous sunlight of creative brilliance. I see us skinny dipping in Malibu Alaskan cold waters coming more alive with every touch of each other. I listen closely to your sublime intelligence and support your abstract and pragmatic dreams to be evolutionary, wild and free. I honor your unique journey of becoming your most authentic self and cherish your breakthroughs. I soothe your difficulties and like a lullaby, relax your nervous giving you courage like Dorthy does for tinman, lion and scarecrow. My intentions are sincere because my passion for you is loving. I struggle with thought of having kids because my life has been ongoing, demanding strife. I am resilient but my human body can only take so many tests and challenging from the universe before body degenerates. I ask to be regenerated by your love, kindness and compassion so my body knows sweetness of repair and restoration. I will try to always be honest and fair. I will speak clear and true. I will grow like wildflowers with you and be your tallest and brightest sunflower. On days when I’m Washington State rain that goes on and on, might you hold me for an hour and show me what it’s like to be safe and loved by a caring and reliable man.

How we Burn Out


By Rosa Ivy


We are taught by society to compete

We feel the pressure of competition all around us

Saturated social media is a constant fight of narrative and algorithm

We must not waste to much energy fighting AI

For a very old rule has exhausted many people

“Keep people focused on what they cannot control”

This rule of mental fatigue that benefits some and breaks down many is designed to discourage creative progress

Everyone is born with the neurological configuration that is - my mind is a product of my world

Those who pursue art eventually figure out that - my reality is a product of my mind

In a world of creative community commerce, we are feverish to beat the system that wants us to be robotic, neurotic and superficial, synthetic and arrhythmic addictive to the machine and stupefied by the machine

To be an artist is to be a free thinker

In s world we’re AI proclaims to be smarter than human we can undermine our own brilliance

To be an artist is devotional work that sometimes requires a lot of focus, determination and growth

In some ways, to be an artist is to be a farmer

We’re learning how to grow beautiful things that nurture people and give people energy to live healthy and happy

There are endless poems about fruits, sunsets, mountains, meadows and wildlife that roam the land

If art is meant to be healing then how can it also be draining?

There is a battle

Our inner femininity, which is gentle, loving and intuitive has to manage a man’s made world, which can be demanding, harsh and powerful

We become warriors toward our art because art itself is seen as a rebellion because to be soft when all is hard is radical

But softness is not weakness nor is vulnerability weakness

We gotten used to being hard because to survivor Alexander the Great’s World is not for faint hearted

Softness is actually higher intelligence

To be able to be open, flexible and learners mind surrounded by dense, compressed and stressed storm of human fear, anxiety and distorted realities is regenerative art

We only burn ourselves out because we yearn for tribe so badly

Many times, we are alone with our art and that burdens us

We long for tribal sharing, caring and inclusivity and hope our art will return us back to that simple joy, everlasting joy

We strive and strive because we’re architects and builders, hoping one day we can realize a more heartfelt world not of robots and machinery but of people who know how to vibrate the cosmos

It’s a pressure we all agreed to take as we evolutionize this human mind and learn how to be artists of human happiness 


Creatures are more alike


By Rosa


For my mind, the definition of spirituality is this…

The study of nature

I grew up with the fear of my Native American culture

I assumed based on my German grandmother who was very catholic that this part of me is false

I spend a lot of time outside by myself talking with nature trying to understand why we are all unique and why the world sometimes wants us all to be the same 

I could spend hours talking with nature

It heals my soul and brings me balance

I thought about the Dao, Buddhism and other brilliance and realized I needed to take a journey to discover the fullness of humankind and not just pieces 

I couldn’t put together humankind with one ingredient 

I was hungry to make something rich with a lot of nourishment

I spoke with the beavers and asked them how they are and what they think about their world

I spoke with the robins and asked them how they are and what they think about their world

I asked the squirrels, raccoons, hawks, deer, elk, mice

Every creature had a different story to tell

Robin spoke about making a nest, singing to the sunrise, singing to his mate

Beaver spoke about playing in water, gathering perfect sticks and caring for her babies

Hawk spoke about hunting for food, soaring in high altitude and watching mountains in awe

These creatures had such different lives

A hawk would never know the water home of a beaver and a beaver would never know the heights of a hawk

Then one day…a hawk while perched on a low branch encountered a beaver on land

They stared at each other for short moments

In those moments they transferred each other’s story

That was the moment beaver knew awe striking brilliance of mountains

And hawk knew bliss of swimming through flowing water

That was also the moment I began to accept all parts of me because without these parts I wouldn’t have stories of eyes in the sky and eyes in the water and land

There is brilliance in seeing limits and new limits and being many things




By Rosa Ivy


Love is meant to expand our hearts and help us become our authentic selves

Love is a reflection of our self worth and self esteem and a portal to a greater embodiment

It’s a journey of self discovery and nature studies

There are ways about humans that need changing and healing

There are ways we relate to ourselves that needs modifying 

Love isn’t a harsh teacher (though at times it is tough)

It is a loyal and dedicated educator, trying to get us to evolve so that we can be the fullness of our creative destiny

People spend so many lifetimes after lifetimes barely scratching the surface of their amazing multidimensional existence

They simply don’t have the confidence, self responsibility or personal power to excavate below ego and survival

Love shows us like archeologists have shown us about civilizations of humankind

The deeper we go the more masterful we become within ourselves 

Love is our healing, wakeup call and authority

It gives us command over our victory and releases us of excess stuff that we absorb from this world

If we allow love, true love, unconditional love to guide us the human we are today will transform many times and experience a magic and bliss that we capture in the symbol of the griffin and phoenix

It’s a privilege to be on earth and our birth right to excel

All we must do is be courageous enough to love ourselves and embody the love frequency the cosmos is teaching us all the time




By Rosa Ivy


Sometimes it can be difficult to share our heart 

The world is known for being harsh to those sensitive and elemental

Humans sometimes disconnect from nature and stumble through major imbalances

And those imbalances stress the heart 

Sharing our wonder and magic is necessity for the survival of our endearing love

Though many times the world tells us this is no place for such authentic progress

We must fit into the world and not dare change it

But nature is growth, expansion and change

It is practical to take risks for growth, expansion and change within the self

For life is temporary and death coming

We think we have time because we’re young at heart but then that spark dims when we forget to love wildly true and playfully bold

I share my wonder and magic because I have no choice

Either I become a dweller of the earth bound recycled body or become the expander of the elemental soul 

It’s a difficult path - a hero’s journey

For sometimes we must go on a long quest that nearly breaks us down by it’s constant challenges

Some give up 

Some keep going

I keep going

I know that weed whacking through unknown jungles of worldly existence is exhausting but personal power is the greatest achievement

Personal power is worth more than diamond and gold because diamond and gold is fleeting

You have it then you don’t

Personal power is a flame of creation that doesn’t easily go out

It never goes out because as long as there is a conscious being there are cosmic rhythms moving elements into matter


ruhumun gülü


By Rosa Ivy


bana ağaçlar söyle (sing me trees)

doğa beni tut (hold me mature)


Sometimes love is so simple but we over complicate things because we are critical in our search for perfection

The more we disconnect from nature the more we assume perfection is narrow, straight and fits inside the confinement of our protective ego

Perfection gives us a sense of safety, stability and comfort

Perfection is another word for control

Nature is wide open, curved and fits inside the imagination of our infinite soul

Cities become filled up with noise and it sometimes takes over our inner soft knowing of who we are

I imagine Las Vegas to be a clone of all the other cities,

It shines but does it really shine

Moths are attracted to street light at night

It distracts them and never completely satisfies them

They are unable to see the stars and therefore get lost to street lights and forget to follow starlight 

I think about the Northern Star and the evening Star

These stars symbolize a journey towards freedom and personal power

Covered in city light pollution, we don’t know these wonders

Covered in ego, we don’t know the wonders of our playful being

In order to truly navigate the complexity of a man-made world we require a playful touch 

For wet clay can be changed

Harden clay cannot

In our seeking of perfection, we sometimes become hard and forget that nature’s perfectly imperfect is a constant willing to let die and give birth to a new flicker of light within the phoenix of our heart