Malala as a Mandala

Malala as a mandala is a masterful mantra with the most brilliant, bright and exuberant tantra inside a gorgeous mountainous view yantra. Within Green Tara’s thangka are marigold, indigo and ocean blue sangha. Dendera’s saga is a blood red Durga. I heard of white buffalo woman and her herd singing in the glinting night stomp like billions of prairie fairies majestically roaming as acres of wild blue berries. Welcome to the surge where all purge their pain like mountain into sand and sand into pearls inside my steady hands. Quan Yin spoke in the lavender wind, oh, the places we have been-disconnected in cognitive dissilience waiting for the enchantress, illuminating like Isis who liberates all crisis. We hold the grin like man made of tin without a heart searching far for his soul’s star. There he sits at the hearth with the maiden, mother, sage and crone within the womb of Earth. Come to the new paradigm. Did you see the flower of life sign? We are shifting through dull to radiant timelines. We arrive to reprogram our Babylonian mind back into Gobekli Tepe Machu Picchu meeting Japan’s sea temple sublime humankind. Don’t stand down or cast the frown for destruction is our resurrection. Babylonian patriarchal dark age fades as we dissolve into smoking sage. All must purify and maximize their golden archline casting memories of ancient times like creatrix underneath, beneath matrix awaiting the soulful archeologist to uncover the missing code. Inside a yoga nidra when all heavy thoughts unload is a structure so unknown yet it gets everyone into consciousness flow, genius grove where cohesion is our perfect seasons teaching us the raven of the visionary haven like the hummingbird tasting the essence of source inside the Earth. Adi Shakti are the words of Kali. Turkish sufi belongs to the whirling dance of Mary Magdalene. Oh so dazzling her prayers and gospels summon Homo Sapien 2.0 like info Awakening in our genetics as the energetics to our essence demand our excellence beyond fear stuck in our held back tears.